Mixed Emthod Research

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Mixed Method Research

MM Research Designs

Ayaz Muhammad Khan (PhD)

Director Division of Education
University of Education, Lahore Pakistan
Email: ayaz@ue.edu.pk

• Introduction to a ‘mixed methods way of thinking’
• Stances on mixing paradigms .
• Historical & philosophical roots of MMR.
• Designs of mixed method research
• Mixing methods on purpose
• Designing mixed methods studies
At the end of the lecture students will be able to:
• Notations to describe MM designs
1. Generate baseline understanding to used mixed methods design in
their proposal (Assigned).
2. Develop contextual understanding of the roots of the
contemporary interest in mixing methods.
3. Develop an understanding of various conceptual or theoretical
frameworks for mixing methods, and the key differences among
Pragmatism is a philosophical tradition that began
in the United States around 1870.Its origins are
often attributed to the philosophers William
James, John Dewey, and Charles Sanders Peirce.
Peirce later described it in his pragmatic maxim:
"Consider the practical effects of the objects of
your conception. Then, your conception of those
effects is the whole of your conception of the
object. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ap-66JFmbHY
Pragmatism considers
thought an instrument or tool
for prediction, problem
solving and action, and
rejects the idea that the
function of thought is to
describe, represent, or mirror
Pragmatic Paradigm

• Ontology: Reality is the practical effects of ideas.

• Epistemology: Any way of thinking/doing that leads to
pragmatic solutions is useful.
• Methodology: Mixed Methods, design-based research,
action research

Mixed Method (MM) Research
•Mixed method involves both a qualitative and quantitative
approach to research.
•Two forms of data are integrated in the design procedure,
data collection and analysis through merging the data,
connecting the data or embedding the data.
•These procedures are incorporated into a distinct MM design
that also includes the timing of the data collection, (concurrent
or sequential) as well as the emphasis (equal or unequal) for
each database (Creswell, 2014, pp 217).
Mixed Methods Research
• Mixed methods research is a research design with
philosophical assumptions as well as methods of inquiry.
• As a methodology, it involves philosophical assumptions
that guide the direction of the collection and analysis of
data and the mixture of qualitative and quantitative data in
a single study or series of studies.
•Its central premise is that the use of quantitative and
qualitative approaches in combination provides a better
understanding of research problems than either approach
alone. Creswell and Plano Clark (2007: 5)
Leech N, Onwuegbuzie A, (2008) A typology of mixed methods research designs, Quality and Quantity, 43(2), March, pp. 265-275.
 Can answer research questions that other methodologies cannot

 Provides better (stronger) inferences

 Provides theTashakkori,
(Teddlie & opportunity for presenting a greater diversity of divergent views
 Maximizing the strengths and reducing the limitations of single methods

 Research questions should determine method

 Increased validity

 Passport benefits

 Institutional and financial arguments (BERA, n.d.).

• Purpose of mixed methods research is not to replace
either qualitative or quantitative research, but rather to
extract the strengths and diminish the weaknesses in both
approaches within a single study. Researcher needs to
evaluate the most appropriate methodological approach
to answer the specific research question. A Researcher
must clearly elucidate the rationale for using a mixed
methods design, rather than a singularly qualitative or
quantitative approach (Andrew & Halcomb , 2006).
Purpose of MMR Greene, J. C., Caracelli, V. J., & Graham, W. F. (1989).
Toward a conceptual framework for mixed methods evaluation design. Educational Evaluation and Policy Analysis,

• Seek convergent results

Complementarity ‫;تکمیل‬
• Explore interconnected &/or distinct aspects of a phenomenon

• Examine similarities, contradictions & new perspectives

• Add breadth and scope to a project

• Use methods in ways to complement one another
interviews inform development of a survey)
Methodological dichotomy ‫اختالف‬
Qualitative (postpositivist)
Quantitative (Positivist) Subjective reality Meanings
Objective reality Human intentions
• Causal Detached Mixed Personally involved
Samples/populations Study cases
Actors in natural settings Verbal &
• Contrived Variables
Methods pictorial data Generalise case findings
• Numerical Statistical
• Impersonal
Research Problem
Epistemology Make
Mark’s Onion methodologic
al choice

Quantitative Mixed Qualitativ

Monometho Methods e
d Monomethod
Multimethod Multimethod
Basic typology

Source: Source: Saunders, N, Lewis & Thornhill, A(2012: 165) Research Methods for Business Students, 6th Edn, Pearson
History of mixed methods research
Creswell and Plano Clark (2007) Designing and Conducting
Mixed methods Research, Thousand Oakes, CA, Sage Publications

 Paradigmatic wars’- catalyst

 Short History-early 1980’s
 Rejects the ‘either or’ approach
 ‘Quiet’ revolution-resolve tensions
 Third methodological movement
Tashakkori & Teddlie (2003) Handbook of Mixed Methods in Social & Behavioural Sciences

 Last ten years research methods texts have begun to address Mixed
 Authorities emerging in the area
Third Methodological Movement

 Growing body of trans-disciplinary literature.

 Prominent research methodologists/authorities from across discipline fields are emerging and
guiding the commentary and the movements’ momentum.

 …‘today, we see cross-cultural international interest, interdisciplinary interest, publication

possibilities, and public and private funding opportunities for mixed methods research’
(Creswell and Plano Clark 2007: 18) .
MM Notations (Morse 1991)
 QUAN or quan refers to
 QUAL or qual quantitative refers
 Use of upper to qualitative
case refers to emphasis, primary
 Use of lower or dominant method
case refers to lower emphasis, priority
 MM or dominance
refers to mixed methods
 “→” data collected sequentially
 “+” data collected simultaneously
 “=“ converged data collection
 “( )” one method embedded in the
Converged and
Mixed Methods
Principal Method Principal Method
Quantitative Qualitative

Qualitative Quantitative
Complementary Method:
Preliminary Preliminary
qual QUAN quan QUAL
Method: Follow-up
Qualitative Follow- Quantitative
up Follow-up
 Morgan,D. (1998). Practical strategies for
QUAN qual QUAL quan combining qualitative and quantitative
methods:Applications tohealth research.
Qualitative Health Research, 8, (3),362-
R 5
Creswell et al
Creswell et al. (2003)
Stage of integration Implementation Priority / Status

Sequential designs Interpretation Usually QUAN, can be

*Sequential QUAN→qual QUAL or equal

*Sequential Interpretation Usually QUAL, can be

exploratory QUAL→quan QUAN or equal
*Sequential Interpretation QUAL→QUAN Either dominant or
transformative both equal

Concurrent designs Interpretation or QUAL+QUAN Equal

*Triangulation analysis
*Nested Analysis Qual within QUAN Either dominant
Quan within QUAL

*Transformative Usually, analysis, can QUAL+QUAN Either dominant or

be interpretation both equal

Creswell,J. W.,Plano Clark,V. L.,Guttman,M.,& Hanson,W. (2003). Advanced mixed methods researchdesigns. In A. Tashakkori &3C6. Teddlie (Eds.), Handbook of mixed methods in social &
behavioral research (pp. 209-240). Thousand Oaks,CA:Sage
Creswell & Plano Clark (2007)
Roslyn Cameron Copyright 2014 Designing & Conducting Mixed Methods
Research, Sage.
Mixed Method Typologies
Procedure Mixed Method Mixed Model

Concurrent Concurrent mixed Concurrent mixed

method model

Sequential mixed Sequential mixed

Sequential method model

Conversion mixed Conversion mixed

Conversion method model

ashakkori & Teddlie (2003)


1. Paradigmatic issues
2. Data integration attempts can be problematic - integration rules
3. Need for basic definitions and new set of language
4. Logistics-researcher has to be competent in both QUAN & QUAL and extensive
resources required &
5. Superficial claims to the use of mixed methods
6. Rigorously defend methodological choices
7. Explicitly document methodological congruence
• Text Book:
Research Design: Qualitative, Quantitative, and Mixed Methods Appro
Nov 27, 2017
• by John W. Creswell , J. David Creswell
• Greene, J.C. (2007). Mixed methods in social inquiry. San Francisco:
• Teddlie, C., and Tashakkori, A. (2010). Overview of contemporary
issues in mixed methods research. In A. Tashakkori and C. Teddlie
(eds.), Sage handbook of mixed methods in social and behavioral
research (2 ed., pp.1-41). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.

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