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Sell Rate Sheet

Process for
Significant Terms :-
Sell Rate Sheet
Sell Rate Dump
Sell CNP Dump
ILD_INC_MIS reports
Sell Rate Sheet
Rate sheet received on Mail
"The business provides international destination rates, including those for calls to
India, to customers. We've established a standardized process in the form of a rate
sheet, where all the pertinent offer details are presented in a specific format. These
rate sheets include information such as the operator, destination, code, date, and the
rates used to calculate charges for all international incoming calls. We receive these
sell rate sheets from the business via email, sent from the address Our task is to gather these rate sheets from the emails and
consolidate them into a unified format."
Sell Rate Dump
Rate dump received on Intec server
"The business maintains a 'sell rate dump' consisting of all destinations offered in
the rate sheet. These destinations are configured in the billing system, where the
rates from the rate dump are used to calculate charges for customers. The rate dump
includes rates for all customers eligible for the offers listed in the rate sheet. It's
updated daily by the IT team to ensure accuracy and reflect any changes in rates."
Sell CNP Dump
CNP dump is received on daily basis on Intec server
"The destinations listed in the rate sheet are assigned unique destination dial codes,
which are then configured in the billing system and generated as CNP dumps.
These codes serve as identifiers for the destination of call detail records (CDRs),
allowing the appropriate rates to be applied in the billing system. If the codes are
not accurately configured or are missing, the system may apply incorrect rates
based on the best match available or classify calls as errors due to a lack of code-
destination association. The CNP dump is received daily on the Intec server to
ensure up-to-date information for billing accuracy."
ILD_INC_MIS reports
ILD_INC_MIS is received on Intec server
"The International Long Distance (ILD) incoming calls charged in the billing
system are summarized with specific columns in the ILD INC MIS report. This
report serves as the basis for billing team to generate invoices for customers. The
summary in the ILD MIS report is periodically revised based on re-rating
conducted in the billing system. As a result, the IT team prepares a combined daily
summary reflecting these changes, which is then shared in a particular format on
the IT server."
Process for Validation:-
Sell rate sheet Master vs Rate dump
Sell rate sheet Master vs CNP dump
INC MIS vs Rate dump and Rate sheet Master
Sell rate sheet Master vs Rate dump
1. Combine all rate sheets received into one format.
2. Prioritize the latest rate sheet if multiple are received for the same operator on the same day.
3. Mark previous rate sheets as expired when a new one is received for a customer, maintaining
validation remarks.
4. Refer to old rate dumps for missing rates or start date changes in new dumps.
5. Add "End Date" and "Validation Remarks" columns in Rate Sheet Master and Rate Dump.
6. Except for specific columns, values are derived from rate sheets.
7. Derive ENTITY REF ID from customer ID, placing it after the value with a (-).
8. Extract Mail ID, Mail Date Time, and Mail Subject from received business mails.
9. Create a common key in Rate Master and Rate Dump for matching purposes.
10. Ensure consistent date formats between Rate Master and Rate Dump.
11. Check for rate mismatches or missing cases and share exceptions.
12. Verify active rates using the RATE END DATE column in the rate dump.
Sell rate sheet Master vs CNP dump
1. Create a common key in both Rate Sheet Master and CNP dump: - Rate sheet:
ENTITY REF_ID + Complete Code + Product Name - CNP dump:

2. Ensure that the "PREFIX_START_DATE" in CNP dump is less than or equal to the "Valid from"
date in the Rate sheet.

3. Expire any codes missing in the new rate sheet, noting the issue date and maintaining previous
validation remarks.

4. Check destinations based on the above key. Share exceptions if any mismatches or missing cases
are found. Consider matched cases as OK remarks.

5. Verify active codes using the PREFIX END_DATE column in the CNP dump.
Sell rate sheet Master vs Rate dump
1. Retrieve only ILD incoming product from MIS-NOR&HUBI.

2. Ensure that the "PREFIX START DATE" in the CNP dump is less than or equal to the "Valid
from" date in the Rate sheet.

3. Expire any code missing in the new rate sheet, noting the issue date and maintaining previous
validation remarks.

4. Check destinations based on the above key. Share exceptions if any mismatches or missing cases
are found. Consider matched cases as OK remarks.

5. Verify active codes using the PREFIX END DATE column in the CNP dump.
Here are the challenges faced during manual validation:
 Lack of automation in collecting and consolidating rate sheets from emails.
 Manual consolidation process prone to errors and time-consuming.
 Inability to maintain historical data in the billing rate dump for later validation.
 Limited validation to only the latest rate sheets, potentially missing rate updates.
 Sample validation due to high rate sheet volume.
 Monthly validation due to lack of rate master.
 Manual validation takes 8 hours for 10-15 samples.
- Proposed Solution:
1. Develop email tool for rate sheet extraction.
2. Create consolidation software for integration.
3. Integrate validation module for comparison.
4. Implement database for historical data.
5. Ensure user-friendly automation.

- Benefits:
1. Boosted efficiency with automation.
2. Enhanced accuracy and reduced errors.
3. Accessible historical data for analysis.
4. Time-saving for employees.

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