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Date: Friday- October 22nd.

Name:Know and take care of your body a
work of engineering, self-realization is your
life purpose. Motivational phrase
Final Product: Handbook of how to take
care of the functioning of the human body
that ensures your integral health.

WEEK 23rd
TOPIC: Do you have a favorite artist?

Oswaldo Guayasamin was an Ecuadorian painter and sculptor who

dedicated his life to art. He won a prize from the United Nations for
CULTURE his devotion to peace through his work. His art reflects the pain and
misery of mankind and speaks against violence in the 20th century.
Guayasamin died in 1999. In 2002, Guayasamin’s architectural
masterpiece The Chapel of Man was completed and opened to the
1.-Answer the questions

 After reading Oswaldo Guayasamin’s biography,discuss the following questions.

 1. Which of these paintings have you seen before?

 ________________________________________________________
 2. Do you like his artwork? Why or why not?
 ________________________________________________________
 3. Have you ever been to The Chapel of Man?
 ________________________________________________________
2.-Look for in internet more information about Guayasamín

 _________________________________________________

 _________________________________________________

 _________________________________________________

 _________________________________________________

 _________________________________________________
4.-Choose your favorite painting and explain why you like it and what it represents.

 _______________________________

 _______________________________

 _______________________________

 _______________________________

 ______________________________
Material to make your Handbook on how to take care of the functioning of
the human body

What do we mean when we say 'integral health?'

Everyone wants to be healthy, but what does that mean? The standard Western conceptualizations about
health rely on a disease model. In this model, the presence or absence of disease becomes the measure of an
individual's health. Yet, people often do not feel well even though they have not been diagnosed with a
particular ailment.
5 Principles of Integral Health
Physical health is about the biological health of the body.
Psychological health encompasses the way we think and the neuroscience of how the brain Works.
Emotional health is about having the ability and capacity to understand your emotional responses and how or
why they exist or repeat.
Social health In simple terms, social health means the ability to prevent and avoid loneliness, through positive
relationships, positive social experiences and a good support network.
Spiritual health. It considers the ability to see the bigger picture and our place within it, and to know the
meaning and purpose of life, of yourself and others.
Lic. Maria Quinto Silva

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