Introduction To The Study of Politics and Political Science

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Brief Introduction to the study of Politics and
Political Science

What is Political Science?

 Is the study of the phenomena of the state and government

 Greek words, “polis” or “city” which today would mean a sovereign
state; and “scire” meaning “science.”
 A branch of social science, that deals with theory, organization,
government, and practice of the state (Rodee, 1980)
Brief Introduction to the study of Politics and
Political Science

What is Political Science?


Brief Introduction to the study of Politics and
Political Science

What is Political Science?

“Man by nature is a
political animal”

Brief Introduction to the study of Politics and
Political Science

What is Politics and Why do we have to study Politics?

 Black’s Law Dictionary defined politics as the art on practice of

administering public affairs.
 It is the process of making government policies.
 In its broadest sense, politics includes the decision enforcing
processes in any group that makes and enforces rules for its members.
 It is unavoidable.
Brief Introduction to the study of Politics and
Political Science

What is the Scope of PoliticalSubdivisions

Science? of Public Law
1. Constitutional Law
2. Administrative Law
3. International Law
1. Political Theory-
Deals with the entire
body of doctrines
2. Public Law- deals relating to the origin,
with: behavior, and purposes
a. Organization of the of the state.
3. Public
b. Limitations upon
Focuses on the
government authority
methods and Theories on the origin of the
c. Powers and duties of
techniques used in the State
the offices and officers
actual management of
d. Obligations of one Force Theory
state affairs by the
state to another. Evolutionary Theory
three branches of the
Divine Right Theory
government. Social Contract Theory
Brief Introduction to the study of Politics and
Political Science
1. Deductive Method-
2. Inductive Method-
drawing up of specific
conclusions from establishing general
premises presumed to truths upon the basis of
What are the Methods of Political Science? known facts.
be infallible.

3. Observational 4. Historical Method-

Method- observing the political phenomena are
working and political interpreted from the
systems and political knowledge and
processes. observation of the past.

5. Comparative Method-
allows the political
scientist to correlate
economic, geographical,
sociological data.
Brief Introduction to the study of Politics and
Political Science



Related to Philosophy
Science Psychology


Brief Introduction to the study of Politics and
Political Science

Goals in the Study of Political Science

 The prime objective of the study of Political Science is

education of citizens, equipping them to charge the obligations
of democratic citizenship.
 The study of political science is an essential part of liberal
 The study of political science seeks to gather knowledge and
understanding of government, how it operates, the conduct of
elections, who are his representatives.
Brief Introduction to the study of Politics and
Political Science

The Government

 Derived from the Latin word gubernaculum meaning a “rudder ”

and gubernare which means “to steer, direct or control.”

 An agency or instrumentality by which the will of the state is

formulated, expressed and realized.
Brief Introduction to the study of Politics and
Political Science

Functions of the Government The keeping of order and providing for the
protection of persons and property from violence
and robbery.
Fixing of legal relations between man and wife
Constituent Functions and between parents and children.
Regulation of the holding, transmission and
interchange of property and the determination of
its liabilities for debt or for crime.
Determination of contractual rights between
Definition and punishment of crimes.
Administration of justice and in civil cases
Determination of political duties, privileges and
relations of citizens
Dealing with the State with foreign powers; the
preservation of the State from external danger
of encroachment and the advancement of its
international interests.
Brief Introduction to the study of Politics and
Political Science

Functions of the Government

Ministrant Functions

Are those under taken by way of

advancing the general interest of
society, and are therefore optional,
such as public works, public education,
public charity, and safety regulations of
trade and commerce.
Brief Introduction to the study of Politics and
Political Science

Forms of Government

As to the number of persons exercising sovereign powers.

1. Monarchy- Supreme power or authority is in the hands of a
single person.

a. Absolute Monarchy- The ruler rules by divine right.

_ _ _N E _
b. Limited or Constitutional Monarchy- Rules in accordance
with the limits set by the Constitution.

_ _ _ T_ _ _ I _ _ _ O _
Brief Introduction to the study of Politics and
Political Science

Forms of Government

As to the number of persons exercising sovereign powers.

2. Aristocracy- The supreme power or authority is vested upon a
few privileged classes whose arises from the fact of their birth,
wealth or wisdom. It is known as oligarchy.
Brief Introduction to the study of Politics and
Political Science

Forms of Government

As to the number of persons exercising sovereign powers.

3. Democracy- The supreme power or authority is vested upon a
majority or mass of people.

a. Pure Democracy- People govern themselves directly and

not through representatives.
b. Indirect, Representative or Republican democracy- people
govern through chosen representatives.
Brief Introduction to the study of Politics and
Political Science

Forms of Government

According to the manner of instating officials and the nature of

official tenure.
1. Elective- where the representative are chosen by the popular
will of the people. It can be directly by the people or indirectly
through electoral collage.

2. Hereditary- where the transfer of honor and political title is

through inheritance.
Brief Introduction to the study of Politics and
Political Science

Forms of Government

According to concentration or distribution of governmental

1. Unitary- powers of the government is concentrated in one
supreme organ from which all governing authorities derive their
power and existence.

2. Federal Government - governmental powers are distributed

between the central and local government each being supreme
within its own sphere.
Brief Introduction to the study of Politics and
Political Science

Forms of Government

According to the relationship of the executive and legislative

branches of the government.
1. Presidential- The chief executive is the real executive and
constitutionally independent of the legislative.

2. Parliamentary- The real executive, the cabinet is legally

responsible to the legislature or one branch of it. While the
titular or nominal head occupies a position of irresponsibility.
Brief Introduction to the study of Politics and
Political Science

Forms of Government

According to its legality or constitutionality

1. De Jure Government - A government of right, it is a
government established according to the constitution of given
State. It is the true, legitimate, rightful and lawful government.
2. De Facto Government - A government which unlawfully gets
the possession and control of the rightful and legal government
and maintain itself there, by force, and arms against the will of
rightful legal government.
Brief Introduction to the study of Politics and
Political Science

The Historical Development of the Philippine Government

Pre-Spanish Spanish Revolutionary Japanese Third Philippine

Government Government Government Government Republic
Brief Introduction to the study of Politics and
Political Science

Spanish Government

 Spain’s title to the Philippines was based on the discovery of the

Philippines by Ferdinand Magellan in March 16, 1521.
 Consummated by the conquest of Miguel Lopez de Legaspi forty-
five years later.
 The Philippines was governed by the King of Spain through
Mexico from 1565 to 1821.
 When Mexico gained its independence, the Philippines was ruled
directly by Spain through the Council of Indies from 1821 to
 Later replace by the Ministerio de Utramar assisted by Consejo
de Filipinas.
Brief Introduction to the study of Politics and
Political Science

Spanish Government
Brief Introduction to the study of Politics and
Political Science
Spanish Government
Brief Introduction to the study of Politics and
Political Science

Revolutionary Government

During the Spanish period, several forms of de facto government

were established.
 The Katipunan . Was a secret society that precipitated the
Philippine revolution against Spain in August 26, 1986.
Organized by Andres Bonifacio.
Central Government
(Supreme Council) Judicial Council
Provincial Council
Town Council

 When Bonifacio died, another government was established by

Emilio Aguinaldo by virtue of the election in the Tejeros
Brief Introduction to the study of Politics and
Political Science

Revolutionary Government

During the Spanish period, several forms of de facto government

were established.
 The Biak-na-Bato Republic . On November 1, 1897, it was
established in Biak-na-Bato now San Miguel, Bulacan. It had
constitution that lasted for two years only. The republic
declared the separation of the Philippine from Spain. The
Republic lasted up to December 15, 1897, with the conclusion of
the Pact of Biak-na-Bato.
Brief Introduction to the study of Politics and
Political Science

Revolutionary Government

During the Spanish period, several forms of de facto government

were established.
 The Dictatorial Government . Following the outbreak of the
Spanish-American War on April 25, 1898, Gen. Aguinaldo
established the Dictatorial Government on May 24, 1898.
Notable achievement of this government were the proclamation
of Philippine Independence at Kawit, Cavite on June 12, 1898
and the reorganization of the Local Governments.
Brief Introduction to the study of Politics and
Political Science

Revolutionary Government

During the Spanish period, several forms of de facto government

were established.
 The Revolutionary Government. On June 23, 1898, Gen.
Aguinaldo replaced dictatorial government by revolutionary
government. The aim was to struggle for the independence of
the Philippines, until all nations including Spain will expressly
recognize it and to prepare the country for the establishment of
a real republic.
Brief Introduction to the study of Politics and
Political Science

Revolutionary Government

During the Spanish period, several forms of de facto government

were established.
 The First Republic. On September 15, 1898, a revolutionary
congress of Filipino representatives met in Malolos, Bulacan and
framed the so-called Malolos Constitution. The Constitution
established a free and independent Philippine Republic which
was inaugurated on January 23, 1899 with Gen. Aguinaldo as
Brief Introduction to the study of Politics and
Political Science

The American Government

There were three kinds of government implemented by the

 The Military Government. Started on April 14, 1898, the day
after the capture of Manila. The existence of war gave the
President of the United States the power to establish a military
government. Military governors exercised all powers of the
government. (Gen. Wesley Meritt, Gen. Elwell Otis, and Gen.
Arthur McArthur)
Brief Introduction to the study of Politics and
Political Science

The American Government

There were three kinds of government implemented by the

 The Civil Government. The Spooner Amendment ended the
military regime in the Philippines. On July 4, 1901 a civil
government was inaugurated headed by a Civil Governor. In
February 6, 1905, the title was changed to Governor-General,
who exercise legislative powers. With the passage of the Jones
Law in 1916, the Philippines was represented in the United
Brief Introduction to the study of Politics and
Political Science

The American Government

There were three kinds of government implemented by the

 The Commonwealth Government. It was stablished through
the Tydings-McDuffie Law. The Law provided for a transition
period of ten years during which the Philippine Commonwealth
would operate July 4, 1946, wherein the independence of the
Philippines would be proclaimed. The new government was
inaugurated on November 15, 1935 following the first national
election under 1935 Constitution with Manuel L. Quezon as
President. It was republican and the legislative power was
vested in unicameral congress.
Brief Introduction to the study of Politics and
Political Science

The Japanese Government

This government was established in Manila on January 3, 1942

after its occupation. A civil government known as Philippine
Executive Commission was established with Jorge B. Vargas as its
On October 14, 1943 the Japanese sponsored Republic of the
Philippines was inaugurated with Jose P. Laurel as President.
Brief Introduction to the study of Politics and
Political Science

The Third Republic

When the Philippines was finally liberated from the hands of the
Japanese, the Third Philippine Republic was inaugurated on July 4,
1946 with Manuel Roxas as president and Elpedio Quirino as Vice
Brief Introduction to the study of Politics and
Political Science

The Fourth Republic

Established after Ferdinand Marcos won the June 16, 1981

election. Marcos announced the beginning of the Fourth Republic
on June 30, during his inauguration speech.
Brief Introduction to the study of Politics and
Political Science

The Fifth Republic

In 1986, the EDSA Revolution successfully installed Corazon C. Aquino as the

new President of the Philippines—the 11th in the country’s history. President
Aquino served as the second and last President of the Fourth Republic at the
beginning of her term. A transitional, Freedom Constitution was put into effect
in the same year. When the 1987 Constitution was put into full force and effect,
the Fourth Republic was ended and the Fifth Republic inaugurated. Thus,
President Aquino became the first President of the Fifth Republic.
Brief Introduction to the study of Politics and
Political Science

The Fifth Republic

In 1986, the EDSA Revolution successfully installed Corazon C. Aquino as the

new President of the Philippines—the 11th in the country’s history. President
Aquino served as the second and last President of the Fourth Republic at the
beginning of her term. A transitional, Freedom Constitution was put into effect
in the same year. When the 1987 Constitution was put into full force and effect,
the Fourth Republic was ended and the Fifth Republic inaugurated. Thus,
President Aquino became the first President of the Fifth Republic.
Brief Introduction to the study of Politics and
Political Science

STATE FORM OF GOVERNMENT Historical Development
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