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The learners should be able to:

a. define mean, median and mode

b. illustrates the measures of central tendency
(mean, median, and mode) of a statistical data
c. show appreciation to the value of mean,
median and mode in real life situation
Direction: Identify the word being
conveyed in the pictures using the

given hint.
Nine students from Grade 7 Bayabas obtained the
following scores in a math quiz:
10, 17, 12, 14, 15, 9, 13, 10, 11

Direction: Arranging the scores in increasing order

and answer the following questions:

a. What is the average of the scores obtained by

grade 7 Bayabas?
b. What score appears to be in the middle?
c. What is the most frequently occurring scores?

a. What is the average of the scores obtained by

grade 7 Bayabas?
a. What is the average of the scores obtained by

grade 7 Bayabas?


= 9 + 10 +10 +11 + 12 + 13 +14 +15 +17

= 111
Answer: 12.3
b. What score appears to be in the middle?

b. What score appears to be in the middle?


Answer: 12
c. What is the most frequently occurring scores?

c. What is the most frequently occurring scores?


Answer: 10
(Ungrouped Data)
Central Tendency
Central tendency is a statistical measure that represents the
center or middle of a set of data values. It gives us a single
value that is typical or representative of the entire dataset.
There are three main measures of central tendency: mean,
median, and mode.
• The mean (also known as the arithmetic
mean/average) is the most commonly used
measure of central position. It is the sum of
measures x divided by the number N of
measures in a variable. It is symbolized as
X̅ (read as “X- bar”).
To find the mean of an ungrouped data, use the formula:

where mean
Example 1
Ms. Hazel collects the data on the ages of her students
taking up the Educational Statistics, and her study yields
the following
38 35 28 36 35 33 40


= 35 mean
Example 2
A group of students in section Calathea obtained the following
scores in math quiz: 2,4,6,5,10,8,9,7,8. What is the mean score of the


= 6. 56 mean

Hence, the average score of students in math quiz is 6.56.

The MEDIAN is the middle value in a set of data. It is
symbolized as (𝑋̃ ) (read as “X – tilde”). To find a median,
arranged the scores either in increasing or decreasing order
and then find the middle score.
Example 1:
Find the median of the following set of numbers.
8, 14, 8, 45, 1, 31, 16, 40, 12, 30, 42, 30, 24

1 8 8 12 14 16 24 30 30 31 40 42 45

Example 2:
The following are the ages of students in a vocational
class: 32, 43, 39, 28, 42, 31.
Find the median age of the students.
28 31 32 39 42 43

Hence, the median age of the students is 35.5.

Example 3:
Find the median of the following set of scores:
5 12 10 4 6 7
4 5 6 7 10 12

Hence, the median age of the students is 35.5.

The mode is the measure or value which occurs most frequently in a set
of data. It is the value with the greatest frequency. It is symbolized as ( 𝑋̂
) (read as “X–hat”). To find the mode for a set of data select the measure
that appears most often in the set.
The data can be also classified according to the number of modes it has.
Types of Mode
1. No Mode – A data having equal frequency of observations
2. Unimodal – A data having one mode
3. Bimodal – A data having two modes
4. Multimodal – A data having more than two modes

Find the mode in the given sets of scores.

a. { 5, 3, 6, 4, 7, 5, 8, 9, 5}
b. { 23, 21, 16, 22, 19, 24}
c. {18, 20, 16, 18, 15, 19, 17, 20}

a. { 5, 3, 6, 4, 7, 5, 8, 9, 5}

a. { 5, 3, 6, 4, 7, 5, 8, 9, 5}

Mode : 5


b. { 23, 21, 16, 22, 19, 24}


b. { 23, 21, 16, 22, 19, 24}

Mode : No Mode

c. {18, 20, 16, 18, 15, 19, 17, 20}


c. {18, 20, 16, 18, 15, 19, 17, 20}

Modes: 18 & 20


1.Tisoy obtained the following grades in his five

subjects for the second grading period.
90, 86, 88, 87, 87

Compute the mean, median, and mode.

2. In a study comparing the income levels of two
neighborhoods, Neighborhood X has a mean income of
$60,000 and a median income of $55,000, while
Neighborhood Y has a mean income of $75,000 and a
median income of $60,000.
How would you interpret these measures in the
context of income disparity and the distribution of
Mean Median
86 88 87 87 90
= Mode
4 87

= 458
= 87.6
Group 1: REMAKE

Direction: Remake the song “Row,

Row, Row Your Boat” by rewriting
its lyrics with what you have learned
about the
Group 1: REMAKE

Direction: Remake the song “Row,

Row, Row Your Boat” by rewriting
its lyrics with what you have learned
about the
Group 2: ESSAY

Direction: Write a short essay

about the importance of measures
of central tendency in your life
Group 3: REVEAL ME
Direction: Read and analyze the statements. In the box, choose the
letter of your answer and put on the numbers inside the bulb to find
out the trivia.
This planet
__ __ __ __ __ __ __
spins the fastest, 3 6 4 5 2 7 1
completing one whole
rotation in just 10 hours.
Which planet is this?
I.I. Median
Median J. Measures
J. Measures of Central
of Central Tendency
E. No Mode E. No Mode R. Bimodal
P. Mean P. Mean T. Mode
R. Bimodal
U. Multimodal
T. Mode U. Multimodal
1. A data having two modes
2. I appear the most number of times in a given set.
3. I am typical and I am in three forms.
4. I am also referred to as an average.
5. I am the middle value in a set of data arranged in numerical
(ascending or decreasing) order.
6. I am the data having more than two modes
7. A data having no mode.
How do people use mean,
median & mode in everyday

Due to high heat index here in Masbate,
you have decided to buy a tumbler on shopee.
However, you don’t know what store has a good
quality of tumbler with an affordable price.
As a student who recently learned the
measures of central tendency how would you
apply the concept in buying tumbler online?
To wrap-up:

1. What are the three measures of

central tendency?
2. What is mean?
3. What is median?
4. What is mode?
You and your friends are comparing the number of
times you have been to the movies in the past year. The
following table illustrates how many times each person
went to the movie theatre in each month.
1. By comparing modes, which person went to the movies
the least per month?
2. By comparing medians, which person went to the
movies the most per month?
3. Rank the friends in order of most movies seen to least
movies seen by comparing their means.
B. Compare and contrast the mean, median, and mode as measures
of central tendency. Provide examples to illustrate situations where
each measure is most appropriate.
Let’s Do This At Home:
1. In your home, find the prices of 5 different
brands of sodas or iced tea in bottle. Find the
mean price for each bottle. Find also the median
and mode.

2. Is drinking sodas or iced tea in bottles healthy?

Research on their effects on our health. Discuss
your findings in class.
“Be a median in a world full of
extreme values”
-Nikki B. Lucero
Thank you!

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