English 9 Quarter 3

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English 9 Quarter 3

Lesson 1: Fact or Subjective

 Fact: Statements that can be verified. Based on research, scientific studies,

 Subjective: Involves feelings, judgments, opinion or intuition.

Subjective Content may be prone to:

Bias: In favor or against a person; Considered to be “unfair”.
Prejudice: Pre conceived opinion which is not based on reason or actual
Lesson 2 : Viewing

 Viewing is defined as an active process of comprehending visual media.

 Stages of Viewing

 1. Pre-viewing – activating your background knowledge (schema)

Anticipating a message
Speculating >GUESSING
Asking questions
Setting a purpose
2. During - viewing

Seeking and checking

Making connections >UNDERSTANDING
Confirming predictions

After – viewing
Reflecting – Thinking
Analyzing - Calculating
Evaluating - Judging
Creating - Remake
Lesson 3 : Fact vs Opinion

 Fact – Based on observation or research; (Not Debatable)

 Opinion – Based on personal view or assumption; (Debatable)
Lesson 4 : Paragraph

 A paragraph is a group of sentences about one topic that contains a topic

sentence, supporting details, and a concluding sentence.
Main Idea – The main idea of the paragraph. The topic is about a person, thing,
place, etc.
Supporting Details – Supports the idea of the paragraph. Can be found at the
middle part.
Concluding sentence – Ending of the paragraph (Conclusion)
Lesson 5 : Active and Passive Listening

 Active Listening – a type of listening in which you give your whole attention—
Ex: Turn-taking, Conversation, Phone Calls.

Passive Listening – a type of listening in which you don’t give your whole
Ex: Listening to the news, broadcasts, and conferences.
Lesson 6 : Types of Fallacy

 Fallacy – a mistaken belief from an unsound argument.

 Types:
Faulty Logic: Persuasive techniques used to make imperfect statements and
Unsupported Facts: Statement that doesn’t have any concrete evidence.
Emotional Appeal: Method of persuasion appending to heart and brain.
Lesson 7 : Valid and Not Valid Sources

 Valid Sources are sources that have legit info. It contains the author and
background sources to support the statement
 Not Valid Sources are sources that have questionable credibility. Source that
has click baits.

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