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Mark Angel Corpuz

Baby Rose Pioquinto

Justin Mark Jaramilla

Group 5
11 – St. Elizabeth
The Problem and Its

Depression is a leading cause of disability around the

world and contributes greatly to the global burden of disease. The
effects of depression can be long-lasting or recurrent and can
dramatically affect a person’s ability to function and live a
rewarding life, there are many causes of being depressed, the first
one is the family problem many Filipinos suffer from such a
situation until they can no longer bear their grudges’ so they end
up committing suicide, so whenever possible, let’s avoid such
situations because this may not be the answer to your problems .
Statement of the Problem

Specifically it sought to answer the following:

1.What is the profile of the respondents in terms of:

1.1Age; and

2.What are the discussion of selected grade 12 students from Father John Karash Memorial High
School of Dipaculao INC. S.Y. 2022-2023 towards depression in their :
2.1Academic performance;
2.2 Mental health;
2.3Interpersonal relationship; and
2.4 Intrapersonal relationship
Conceptual Framework

This study dealt about depression among selected grade 12 students of Father John Karash
Memorial High school.

Depression is one of the most commonly encountered chronic conditions in primary care,
yet it remains substantially under diagnosed and underrated. We sought to again a better
understanding of barriers of diagnosis and entering treatment for depression in primary case.

In this study, the researcher considered study about depression among selected grade 12
students of Father John Karash Memorial High School of Dipaculao INC, S.Y. 2022-2023
as dependent variable (DV) of the study and student’s profile as independent variable (IV).
Figure 1 shows the conceptual paradigm of the study.
Research Paradigm

1.What is the profile Descriptive Survey

of the respondents in The researchers are
Questionnaire looking forward that
terms of;
1.1Name; they are similar to each
Statistical Treatment since all the
1.2Age; and
1.3Gender of Data respondents are the
2.What are the selected grade 12
discussion of selected students of Father John
grade 12 students Karash Memorial High
from Father John School.
Karash Memorial
High School of
Dipaculao INC. S.Y.
2022-2023 towards
depression in their DEPRESSION
performance; GRADE 12
2.2Mental health; STUDENTS OF
2.3Interpersonal FATHER JOHN
relationship; KARASH
2.4 Intrapersonal SCHOOL OF
relationship DIPACULAO, INC.
S.Y. 2022-2023

Figure 1. Input-process-
output of the study.
Significance of the Study
TO THE STUDY: It is very important to study the depression because through studying it will help
those people who suffering depression to avoid killing them self.

TO THE PARENTS: It would benefits for the safety of their children, given time you’re children to
talk to her/his problem to avoid depression.

TO THE STUDENTS: That encountered the depression you don’t need to blame your self to what
happened to your life just focused on your dream and you need to be chill and don’t kill your self
because that is not the answer on your problem

TO THE COUNTRY: It would benefit to the country to listen to the possibilities about depression and
having a program and entitled ( How to avoid depression) .
Scope and Delimitation
The study involves 30 samples from selected
grade 12 students of Father John Karash Memorial High
School. The study focused on the profile of the
respondents such as age, gender and their perceptions
towards depression in term of Academic performance,
mental health, interpersonal relationship, intrapersonal
Review of Related Literature
According to Charles B.
Nemeroff (2020) Depression represent
the number one causes of disability
worldwide and often fatal. Inflammatory
processes have been implicated in the
pathophysiology of depression.
According to Kerri Smith, I De
Torres (2014). Depression is a major
human blight. Globally, it is responsible
for more years lost’to disability than any
other condition is largely because so
many people suffer from it.
Ronald C. Kessler Psychiatric
Clinic(2012). Depression is commonly
occurring, seriously impairing, and often
recurrent mental disorder.
Research Method
The researchers utilized the descriptive method
adopting the survey method in gathering data needed. According
to Marlene Noble (2010), the main purpose is responsible for
gathering the data needed by the research that data may or may
not have been in the initial study design some papers including
data that are relevant to the problem being investigate. The survey
is only one way to gather data and information to know the
research of the perceptions of selected grade 12 students of Father
John Karash Memorial High School towards depression.
Population of the Study
The respondents of the study were 30
selected grade 12 students of Father John Karash
Memorial High School. The age was drawn and
each was given a questionnaire to answer including
the name (optional), age, gender and section.

Sampling Procedure
Out of 127 grade 12 students of Father
John Karash Memorial High School. 30 were
randomly selected as sample.
Locale of the Study
The study was conducted at Father John
Karash Memorial High School including 30 grade 12
students during the year of 2022-2023

Research Instrument
The use of questionnaire is set to guide to
survey information and opinion. A questionnaire was
prepared by the researchers to generate the needed
information from the respondents.
Statistical Treatment of Data
The gathered information where analyzed by the use of descriptive
method to present the data, which table used for an organization of data.
% = F/N X 100
% = Percentage
F = Frequency
N = Number of respondents
100 = Constant Value
% = 12/30 X 100
% = 30
The formula above was used to determine the percentage. The
frequency was divided by the number of respondents and multiplied the
answer to 100.
The following is the formula to get the Weighted Mean:
Step 1. Number of Respondents who answered multiplied to the Rate of the
Likert Scale.
Step 2. Add all the result of all the Rate of the Likert Scale.
Step 3. The result of the sum of Rate of the Likert Scale divided by the Total
Example computation:
Never Rarely Often Always
Academic Performance mes
(1) (2) (4) (5)
1. I read books. 3 5 3 6 13
Computation of the Weighted Mean:
Step 1. (Always) 13 x 5 = 65
(Often) 6 x 4 = 24
(Sometimes) 3 x 3 = 9
(Rarely) 5 x 2 = 10
(Never) 3 x 1 = 3
Step 2. Add the result of Step 1.
65 + 24 + 9 + 10 + 3 = 111
Step 3. The result of Step 2 will be divided by the Total Number of
Respondents (30 respondents).
111 /30 = 3.7 (Weighted Mean)
Then, repeat the same computation to all questions. Since the
Weighted Mean is 3.7, the result will fall under (Sometimes) in the
Likert Scale. Analyze the data and interpret it.
Table 1. Age of the Respondents
Age Frequency Percentage
17 11
18 3
19 15
20 1
Total 30 100%
Table 2. Gender of the Respondents
Female 18 60%
Male 12 40%
Total 30 100%
Table 3. Academic Performance
Statements Weighted Mean Description Rank

1.I can’t focused on my study 3.3 Neither Agree 2.5

whenever I have a problem.

2.I need some friends to help me4 3.3 Neither Agree 2.5
from my studying when I have a

3.Whenever I have a problem my 3.5 Agree 1

brain can’t get the lesson quickly.

4.I always want to go schoolwhen 3.3 Neither Agree 2.5

I have a problem because I have
friends that help me to overcome
that problem.

5.I always past my performance late 3.3 Neither Agree 5

whenever I have a problem.
Table 4. Mental Health
Statements Weighted Mean Description Rank

1.I lost interest in all things. 2.8 Neither Agree 5

2.Whenever I have a problem 3.1 Neither Agree 2

I always want to eat.

3.I have been feeling guilty for 2.9 Neither Agree 4

everything I do.

4.Whenever I have a problem I 3.0 Neither Agree 3

always want to go outside and play.

5.I have been very irritated and 3.3 Neither Agree 1

angry recently.
Table 5. Interpersonal
Statements Weighted Mean Description Rank

1.I don’t have enough time to 2.8 Neither Agree 5

communicate to others.

2.If I have a problem I am going 3.8 Agree 2

to place that I am comfortable.

3.I can’t hangout with my friends 3.3 Neither Agree 3

because I want to be alone.

4.I want to open my problem to 3.9 Agree 1

someone that can understand what
I feel.

5.I lost interest and pressure in life 2.9 Neither Agree 4

and to others.
Table 6. Intrapersonal

Statements Weighted Mean Description Rank

1.Whenever I have a problem 3.5 Agree 2.5

I awlays want to stay at home.

2.I want to watch funny video whenever 3.4 Neither Agree 5

I have a problem.

3.Whenever I have a problem 3.5 Agree 2.5

I want to be alone.

4.Whwnever I have a problem 3.5 Agree 2.5

I always want drink a coffe in my
room and take a rest.

5.I am talking to my self whenever 3.9 Agree 1

I have a problem.
This study wanted to find out A study about depression among selected grade 12
students of Father John Karash Memorial High School Dipaculao INC. S.Y. 2022-2023. Researchers
prepared questionnaire to the respondents that focused to the profile of the respondents such as age and
gender, and the questions for A study about depression among selected grade 12 students of Father
John Karash Memorial High School Dipaculao INC. S.Y. 2022-2023 to their Academic Performance,
Mental Health, Interpersonal and Intrapersonal communication. We gathered information through
social media with the use of simple random technique.

All the respondents are active and are studying at Father John Karash Memorial High School
during the survey. Data gathered by the researchers were gathered using questionnaires which
administered to 30 samples answered by 30 respondents that were randomly selected.

1.The Age of the Respondents has the majority with 50% or 19 years old,
while the least is 33.3% or 20 years old. This result shows that the 19 years
old is dominated among the 30 respondents.

2.The Gender of the Respondents has the majority with 60% or Female,
while the least is 40% or Male. This result shows that the Female is
dominated among the 30 respondents.
3. The respondents approve that A study about depression among selected
grade 12 students of Father John Karash Memorial High School. It prevents
them to doing suicidal and to learn how to overcome.

4.The respondents agree that A study about depression among selected grade
12 of Father John Karash Memorial High School in terms of Academic
Performance, the academic performance was very affected when you are not
feeling well because your brain can’t get the topic quickly.
5. The respondents agree that A study about depression among selected grade 12 students of
Father John Karash Memorial High School in terms of Mental Health is, too bad when your
mental health was being affected because there are possibility that you will think to do

6.The respondents above standards that A study about depression among of selected grade
12 students of Father John Karash Memorial High School in terms of Interpersonal, you will
be unhappy because through depression you will lost your interest in others life.

7.The respondents above standards that A study about depression among selected grade 12
students of Father John Karash Memorial High School in terms of Intrapersonal, your life
will be not interesting because with depression you will be lazy to do other things.

To all students, you don’t need to blame your self to what

happened in your life just focused on your dreams and you need to
be chill and don’t kill your self because that is not the answer on
your problem.

To all the parents, give some time to talks to your children and
talks about their problem just to avoid suicidal.

Avoid attending events that are unnecessary. If you feel yourself

that not okay just call your best friend and have some hangout and
talks about life and teach some advice on how to overcome
Thank you for listening!

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