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Narrative texts are forms of writing that tell a story or recount a series
of events. They can take various forms, such as novels, short stories,
folktales, myths, legends, fables, and anecdotes. The primary purpose
of narrative texts is to entertain, engage, or inform readers by
presenting characters, settings, and plotlines in a structured and
cohesive manner.
These texts typically include elements such as:
1 Characters: Individuals or entities that drive the story forward through their actions, thoughts, and interactions.
2 Setting: The time and place in which the story occurs, providing context and atmosphere to the narrative.
3 Plot: The sequence of events or actions that unfold throughout the story, often involving a conflict, climax, and resolution.
4 Theme: The central idea or message conveyed by the narrative, which may explore universal truths, human experiences, or
moral lessons.
5 Point of view: The perspective from which the story is told, whether through a first-person narrator, third-person omniscient
narrator, or other narrative voice.
Narrative texts appeal to our innate desire for storytelling and serve as a means of communication, cultural expression, and
artistic creativity across various cultures and literary traditions. They play a significant role in literature, oral tradition, film,
theater, and other forms of media, shaping our understanding of the world and our experiences within it.
it provided the reader with an overview of your essay. The hook gets
the reader's attention. Then, introduce an event by providing
background information about the character and setting.
it is where you tell the story. After introducing the character and
establishing the setting, you will narrate the events. You should time
order to explain the events.

it is where you bring the story to an end. it describes the outcome of
the event. You may put your comment here.
A. Recounts(Biographical Recounts and Personal Recounts)
B. Narratives(Short Stories, Novels, Fables, Legends, and Fairy Tales)
The plot of these narrative is: the exposition(sets the tone and theme),
rising, action, climax, falling action and resolution..
a. Simple Past Tense
We use simple past tense for actions that started and finished in the
_pattern_: Subjek+ Verb 2
b. Past Continuous Tense
We use past Continuous for background information, and we also use it
to talk about actions and states in progress or happening around a
particular time in the past
_pattern_: Subject+ was/were+ Verb-ing
- c. Past Perfect Tanse
We use past Perfect to describe an action that happened before another
past action. In this case, we use the past Perfect with the past simple
_pattern_: Subjek+ had+ Verb 3
d. Past Perfect Continuous Tense
We use past perfect Continuous to describe something that has been
happening over a long period of time.
_pattern_: Subject+ had+ been+ Verb-ing.

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