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K. DHAYANANDHAN (712920103318)
P. GNANA DURAI (712920103320)
B. MADHAVARAJ (712920103331)
SP. NAVEEN KUMAR (712920103339)

Concrete, a fundamental material in construction, is celebrated for its versatility, durability, and
structural integrity. However, with the rising concerns over environmental sustainability and the
management of plastic waste, there is a growing interest in exploring innovative ways to recycle
and repurpose plastic materials. One such avenue is the integration of plastic waste into concrete
structures as a means to enhance its mechanical properties and mitigate environmental impacts.
The aim of this experimental study is to investigate the feasibility and effectiveness of using
plastic reinforcement to strengthen concrete. By incorporating recycled plastic materials into the
concrete mix, we seek to not only enhance its strength but also contribute towards the reduction of
plastic pollution. This research is motivated by the dual objectives of improving structural
performance while addressing environmental concerns.
• To investigate the feasibility and effectiveness of using plastic reinforcement to
enhance the strength and durability of concrete.
• To determine the impact of plastic reinforcement on the durability and long-term
performance of concrete structures.
• To explore the potential environmental benefits of integrating plastic waste into
concrete production, including the reduction of plastic pollution and resource
• Comparison of the performance of plastic-reinforced concrete with traditional
concrete mixes to assess the feasibility and efficacy of plastic reinforcement.
• Evaluation of the mechanical properties, including compressive strength, flexural
strength, and impact resistance, of plastic-reinforced concrete.
M-sand (manufactured sand) and plastic bottle particles can exhibit some similar properties, albeit with distinct differences:

1.Particle Size Distribution: Both M-sand and plastic bottle particles can be engineered to have a specific particle size
distribution. M-sand is typically produced by crushing hard rocks, resulting in particles with varied sizes similar to natural
sand. Plastic bottle particles can be shredded or ground to achieve a desired particle size distribution, which can sometimes
resemble fine aggregate.
2.Shape and Surface Texture: M-sand particles often have angular or irregular shapes, similar to natural sand, which provides
good interlocking and bonding in concrete mixes. Plastic bottle particles, depending on their processing method, may also
have irregular shapes but could exhibit smoother surfaces compared to M-sand due to the plastic's inherent characteristics.
3.Density and Weight: M-sand particles are generally denser and heavier than plastic bottle particles due to their mineral
composition. Plastic bottle particles, being lightweight, contribute less to the overall density and weight of concrete mixes,
potentially offering benefits in reducing the density of the concrete.
4.Material Properties: While both M-sand and plastic bottle particles contribute to the filler aspect in concrete mixes, their
material properties differ significantly. M-sand provides mechanical strength and stability due to its mineral composition,
while plastic bottle particles primarily function as filler material without significantly enhancing mechanical properties.
5.Durability and Environmental Impact: M-sand is known for its durability and resistance to weathering and degradation,
similar to natural sand. Plastic bottle particles, on the other hand, may pose challenges related to durability over time,
especially when exposed to environmental factors such as UV radiation and temperature variations.
Name Author Conclusion

It concludes that incorporating plastic waste as

Use of plastic waste as aggregate in cement mortar and
aggregate in cement mortar and concrete shows
concrete preparation Siddique, R., & Khatib, J.
promise in improving mechanical properties,
durability, and sustainability.

The study concludes that utilizing waste plastic in

Utilization of waste plastic in manufacturing of bricks along
Khan, M. I., Rizwan, S. A., & brick manufacturing, alongside quarry dust and M-
with quarry dust & M-sand.
Nanda, S. sand, is feasible and offers potential benefits in terms
of sustainability and resource conservation.

The study by Sathishkumar et al. concludes that

A study on mechanical properties of concrete by using Sathishkumar, T. P., Satheesh,
incorporating waste plastic in concrete enhances its
waste plastic. K., Sathishkumar, K., &
mechanical properties, indicating improvements in
(2018) Abhilash, E.
compressive strength and durability.
Name Author Conclusion

Utilization of recycled asphalt concrete with warm mix This research concludes that utilizing waste plastic
asphalt and cost-benefit analysis of waste plastic fiber fibers in asphalt concrete offers cost-effective and
Topçu, İ. B.
reinforced asphalt concrete. sustainable solutions, showing potential benefits in
(2010) terms of performance and environmental impact.

This investigation concludes that concrete containing

Investigation of the mechanical properties of concrete Akbarzadeh Bengar, H., polypropylene and polyethylene fibers exhibits
containing polypropylene and polyethylene fibers. Rajaie, H., Khodaii, A., & improved flexural and compressive strength, indicating
(2019) Khorramdel, S. the potential of plastic fibers as reinforcement

It suggests that incorporating waste plastic bottle strips

Study on strength and durability aspects of concrete using
Shrivastava, A., & Sharma, in concrete enhances its strength and durability, offering
waste plastic bottle strips.
A. a potential solution for sustainable construction
Name Author Conclusion

This research concludes that partial replacement of fine

Partial replacement of fine aggregates with plastic wastes in
Noumowe, A., & Yeboah, aggregates with plastic waste in concrete block
the production of concrete blocks.
D. production is feasible and can lead to improved
sustainability in construction practices.

This study concludes that incorporating waste plastic in

Tayeh, B. A., Mashaan, N.
The effect of waste plastic on hot asphalt mixture properties. hot asphalt mixtures can improve properties such as
S., Ali, A. A., & Karim, M.
(2018) stability and resistance to rutting, offering potential
benefits for sustainable road construction.

The experimental investigation concludes that

Experimental investigation of strength and durability incorporating waste plastic aggregates in concrete
Bhat, A. H., Dattatreya, J.
parameters of concrete using waste plastic aggregates. enhances both strength and durability parameters,
K., & Hegde, S. S.
(2019) offering a sustainable solution for construction

Code books play a crucial role in concrete mix design by providing standardized guidelines,
specifications, and procedures to ensure the production of concrete that meets specific quality,
performance, and safety requirements.

Code of Practice for Plain and

IS 456 : 2000 Reinforced Concrete.
Guidelines for Concrete Mix Design
Proportioning. IS 10262 : 2009

Specification for Coarse and Fine

IS 383 : 2016 Aggregates from Natural Sources for

Literature Review 1

Material Selection and Testing 2

Mix Design 3

Sample Preparation 4

Testing 5

Comparative Analysis 6

Result & Conclusion 7


Casting & Testing on
Title confirmation and
Concrete Specimens.
Journal collection.

Report preparation &
Materials collection and Submission.

Mechanical Recycling: This involves shredding or grinding the plastic bottles into smaller pieces using mechanical equipment
such as shredders or granulators. These machines break down the plastic bottles into fine particles, which can then be used as
raw material for manufacturing various products or further processed into other forms of plastic.
Testing of Materials
Testing of materials before concreting is essential to ensure the quality and durability of
the final concrete structure. Here are some common tests conducted on materials before

• A g g r e g a t e Te s t i n g
• C e m e n t Te s t i n g
• Wa t e r Te s t i n g
• R e i n f o r c e m e n t Te s t i n g
• Concrete Mix Design
Tests for Cement
Testing of cement in concrete is of paramount importance as it directly influences the
quality, strength, and durability of the resulting structures.

• F i n e n e s s Te s t
• S e t t i n g Ti m e Te s t
• S o u n d n e s s Te s t
• C o m p r e s s i v e S t r e n g t h Te s t
• H e a t o f H y d r a t i o n Te s t
• S p e c i f i c G r a v i t y Te s t
Setting Time Test
Specific Gravity Test
Tests for Aggregate
Testing of Aggregate in concrete is of paramount importance as it directly influences the
quality, strength, and durability of the resulting structures.

• G r a d a t i o n Te s t
• S h a p e Te s t
• S p e c i f i c G r a v i t y a n d A b s o r p t i o n Te s t
• C r u s h i n g Va l u e T e s t
• I m p a c t Va l u e T e s t
• L o s A n g e l e s A b r a s i o n Te s t
• S o u n d n e s s Te s t
Shape Test
Absorption Test
Specific Gravity
Sieve Analysis
mix design
Optimization of Material Proportions: Mix design allows engineers to determine the optimal proportions of
cement, aggregates, water, and admixtures to achieve the desired concrete properties. This optimization ensures
that the concrete has the required strength, workability, and durability while minimizing material wastage.

Customization for Project Requirements: Different construction projects have unique requirements in terms of
strength, durability, workability, and environmental conditions. Mix design allows engineers to tailor the concrete
mix to meet the specific needs of each project, whether it's a high-rise building, a bridge, or a pavement.

Economic Considerations: Efficient mix design can lead to cost savings by optimizing the use of materials and
reducing over-design. By selecting the most suitable materials and proportions, engineers can achieve the desired
performance at the lowest possible cost, making the construction process more economical.
Steps involved in the preparation of
Mix Design
• Cement = 384 Kg/m3
• Water = 192 Kg/m3
• Target Strength • Fine aggregate = 670 Kg/m3
• w/c Ratio • Coarse aggregate = 1130 Kg/m3
• water content

• Water/cement ratio = 0.5
Cement Calculation
• C.A & F.A Proportion
• Mix Calculation Note : All required datas are taken from the code book
Preparation of Concrete Mix
The preparation of a concrete mix involves several steps to ensure the proper
proportioning and mixing of its constituent materials. Here are the key steps involved:

• Materials Selection: Choose the appropriate materials including cement, aggregates

(such as sand, gravel, or crushed stone), water, and admixtures based on project
specifications and requirements.

• Mix Design: Determine the proportions of each material in the concrete mix to
achieve the desired strength, durability, workability, and other properties. This is
typically done using standardized mix design methods or software.3

• Batching: Measure and proportion the required quantities of cement, aggregates, and
water according to the mix design. This can be done by weight or volume, depending
on the batching equipment used.
• Mixing: Thoroughly mix the materials in a concrete mixer until a uniform consistency
is achieved. The mixing time should be sufficient to ensure proper distribution of
cement and aggregates, typically around 2-3 minutes.

• Transportation: Once mixed, transport the concrete to the construction site using
appropriate equipment such as transit mixers or truck-mounted mixers. Care should be
taken to prevent segregation or loss of workability during transportation.

• Placement: Place the concrete into the desired forms or molds using techniques such
as pouring, pumping, or placing by hand. Ensure proper consolidation to eliminate
voids and achieve uniform distribution.
• Compaction: Compact the concrete using vibrating or tamping equipment to remove
entrapped air and achieve maximum density. Proper compaction is essential for
improving strength and durability.

• Finishing: After placement and compaction, finish the concrete surface as required for
the specific application. This may involve techniques such as smoothing, leveling, or
texturing to achieve the desired appearance and surface quality.

• Curing: Protect the freshly placed concrete from premature drying and maintain
adequate moisture for hydration to occur. Curing methods may include covering with
wet burlap, plastic sheets, or applying curing compounds.
• Compressive Strength Test :
This test measures the maximum load a concrete specimen can
bear before failure under compression. It is typically performed by
applying a compressive force to a cylindrical or cubical concrete
specimen until failure occurs.

• Splitting Tensile Strength Test :

This test assesses the tensile strength of concrete by applying a
diametral compressive force to a cylindrical concrete specimen. The test
measures the maximum tensile stress that the concrete can resist before
failure along a plane perpendicular to the applied force.
Testing of concrete specimens after curing for certain days.
Graphical representation of compressive strength of concrete

compressive strength in Kn/m²

% of Plastic Added
Graphical representation of Tensile strength of concrete

% of Plastic Added

Tensile strength in Kn/m²

Reason Behind the Strength

Pozzolanic Reduction of Crack Mitigation

Reaction Water/Cement Ratio
Some types of plastics, particularly Incorporating plastic particles Plastic particles dispersed within
those containing reactive groups into the concrete mixture can the concrete matrix can help
such as hydroxyl or carboxyl groups, potentially reduce the mitigate the formation and
can undergo a pozzolanic reaction water/cement ratio by displacing propagation of microcracks by
with calcium hydroxide (Ca(OH)₂)
some of the water normally acting as crack arrestors or by
generated during the hydration of
required for hydration. A lower redistributing stress
cement. This reaction produces
water/cement ratio typically concentrations. This can prevent
additional calcium silicate hydrate
(C-S-H) gel, which contributes to the results in higher strength and the development of larger cracks
strength and durability of the durability due to improved and enhance the overall strength
concrete. hydration and reduced porosity. of the concrete.
Advantages Disadvantages

> Reduced Environmental Impact > Cost Considerations

> Decreased Concrete Density > Potential Degradation

> Improved Workability > Environmental Concerns

> Thermal Insulation > Compatibility Issues

Projects in Tamilnadu
1. Plastic Road in Chennai: In various localities across Chennai, plastic waste has
been utilized in road construction projects. Roads in areas like Anna Nagar, T.
Nagar, and Mylapore have been constructed using bitumen mixed with shredded
plastic waste to enhance durability and reduce environmental impact.
2. Plastic-Modified Concrete in Coimbatore: Construction projects in localities like
Gandhipuram and RS Puram in Coimbatore have experimented with incorporating
shredded plastic waste into concrete mixes. This practice aims to reduce the weight
of concrete structures and improve insulation properties.
3. Bridge Construction in Madurai: Several bridges in and around Madurai have
utilized concrete mixes containing recycled plastic fibers or particles. Localities
such as Tallakulam and Anna Nagar have witnessed the construction of bridges
where plastic-modified concrete has been used to enhance durability and minimize
4. Waste Management Facility in Trichy: A waste management facility located in areas
like Thillai Nagar or Srirangam in Tiruchirappalli has utilized recycled plastic
materials in concrete structures such as retaining walls and storage bins. This
initiative helps in reducing plastic waste while enhancing the longevity of these

In conclusion, the experimental study on strengthening concrete

using plastic has provided valuable insights into a promising avenue for
sustainable construction practices. Through rigorous testing and analysis, it
has been demonstrated that incorporating plastic waste into concrete mixtures
can enhance the mechanical properties and durability of concrete structures.
By diverting plastic waste from landfills and incorporating it into
construction materials, we can mitigate the environmental impact of plastic
pollution and promote a circular economy approach.By harnessing the
potential of plastic waste to enhance the properties of concrete, we can pave
the way for more resilient and environmentally friendly infrastructure
solutions. However, further research and development are warranted to explore
the long-term performance and scalability of plastic-strengthened concrete in
real-world applications.

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