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Lecture 4



HRD in India


Associate Professor, FCM, Rama
University, Uttar Pradesh, Kanpur

 Introduction to HRM Meaning of Human Recourse

Management, Nature, scope & importance of HRM
 Evolution & development of HRM; HRM function &
 HRD in India; Difference between HRM & HRD;
 Difference between HRM &Personnel management;
 HRM & its environment- Internal & External.
 Challenges before HRM in present & changing
HRD IN India

HRM, being a part of management discipline,

has followed the pattern of development of
management because of the interrelationship
of the problems of both the fields.
HRM is still evolving to become an amalgam of
organizational behaviour, personnel
management, industrial relations and labour
Evolution of Human
Resource Management (with Phases)
The term “human resource management” is of
recent origin. In its modern connotation, it
came to be used mainly from the 1980s
During ancient times and for a long period in
the medieval era, production of goods was
done mainly by skilled artisans and
craftsmen. They themselves owned the tools
and instruments, produced articles and sold
these in the market.

As such, the question of employer-employee or

master-servant relationship did not arise in their
cases. They managed their affairs themselves and
with the help of the family members. However,
many effluent craftsmen also employed apprentices
and certain categories of hired labourers. There
existed a very close relationship between the
master craftsmen and the apprentices, and they
themselves took care of the problems facing the
apprentices and their family members.

 A sort of human approach was involved in their

relationship. After a prolonged period of training, many
apprentices established their own enterprises, and
many others remained attached with their master
craftsmen on lucrative terms. During the medieval
period, the skilled craftsmen also formed their guilds
primarily with a view to protecting the interests of their
respective trades.
 These guilds also determined the price of their
products, the wages of the journeymen and hired
labourers, and regulated the terms and conditions of
their employment. The ancient and a major part of the
medieval period also witnessed prevalence of certain
other distinct types of labourers. These comprised
slaves, serfs and indentured labourers.

 2. Managing Serfs
 3. Managing Indentured Labour:
Importance of Human Resource Management

1. Social Significances
(i) maintaining a balance between the jobs available and
the job seekers according to the qualification and needs,
(ii) Providing suitable and mist productive employment,
which might bring them psychological satisfaction;
(iii) making maximum utilization of the resource in an
effective manner and paying the employee a reasonable
compensation in proportion to the contribution made by
(iv) eliminating waste or improper use of human resource,
through conversation of their normal energy and health;
(v) by helping people make their own decisions, that are in
their interests.

2. Professional Significance
(i) maintaining the dignity of the employees as a
―human being‖;
(ii) providing maximum opportunities for personal
(iii) providing healthy relationship between
different work groups so that work is effectively
(iv) improving the employees‘ working skill and
(v) correcting the errors of wrong posting and
proper reallocation work.

3. Significance for Individual Enterprise

(i) creating right attitude among the employees
through effective motivation;
(ii) utilizing effectively the available resources and
(iii) securing willing co-operation of the employees
for achieving goals of the enterprise and fulfilling
their own social and other psychological needs of
recognition, love, affection, belongingness,
esteem and self actualization.

HRM is more relevant in today‘s context due to the

following compulsions:

1. Change Management
2. Competence
3. Commitment
4. Congruence of objectives
5. Motivation

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