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Hello everyone!

Knowledge Construction/
Concept Learning
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01 04

02 05

03 06
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“Teaching is not about

filling up the pail: it is
about lighting a fire”
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• Teaching involves giving opportunities for
learners to explore and discover.

• Learners construct their own meaning.

Learners generate insight and are
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Two Views of Constructivism
Individual Constructivism
• This is also called cognitive constructivism.
• It emphasizes individual, internal
construction knowledge.
• It is largely based on Piaget's theory.
Proponents of this Type choose child-centered
and discovery learning.
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Two Views of Constructivism
Social Constructivism.
• This view emphasizes that "knowledge
exists in a social contest and is initially
shared with others instead of being
represented solely in the mind of an
• It is based on Vygotsky's theory.
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Characteristics of Constructivism
1. Learners construct understanding.

• learners as active thinkers who interpret

new information based on what they
already know.
• they construct knowledge in a way that
makes sense to them.
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Characteristics of Constructivism
2. New learning depends on current

• It is through the present views or scheme

that the learner has that new information
will be interpreted.
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Characteristics of Constructivism
3. Learning is facilitated by social interaction.
• Constructivists believe in creating
a"community of learners" within
• Learning communities help learners take
responsibility for their own learning.
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• Meaningful learning occurs within
authentic learning tasks.
• An authentic task is one that involves a
learning activity that involves
constructing knowledge and
understanding that is so to the knowledge
and understanding needed when applied
in the real world.
) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) Organizing Knowledge
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• A concept is a way of grouping of
categorizing objects, events in our mind.
• A concept of "teach"includes a group of
tasks as model, discuss ,illustrate, explain,
assist, etc.
) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) Concepts as Feature Lists
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• Learning a concept involves that characterize

positive instance of concepts. Included here are
defining features and correlational feature.
• . A difing feature is a characteristic present in
ALL instances
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• A correlational feature is one that is present

in many positive instances but not essential
for concept membership.
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Concepts as Prototypes.
• A prototype is an idea or a visual image of
a "typical" example.
• It is usually formed based on the positive
instances that leamers encounter most
) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) Concepts as Exemplars.
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• Exemplars represent a variety of examples. It allows
leamers to know that an example under a concept
may have variability,
• Example, a learner's concept of vegetable include a
wide variety of different examples like cauliffower,
kangkong, cabbage,stringbeans, squash, potatoes.
When he encounters a test type of vegetable like
"bitsuelas", he would search from the exemples he
knows and looks for one that is most similar,like
string beans.
) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) Schemas and scripts
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• A schema is an organized body of knowledge
about something.
• It is like a file of information you hold in your
mind about something,
• Like a schema of what a teacher is.
• A script is a schema that includes a series of
predictable events about a specitic activity
Applying Constructivism in Facilitating Learning
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• Aim to make leamers underntand a few key ideas in an in-
depth manner, rather than taking up so many topics
• Give varied examples.
• Provide opportunities for experimentation.
• Provide lots of epportanities for quality interaction
• Have lots of hands-on activities.
• Relate your topic to real life situations. Ambition
• Do not depend on the explanation method all the time.
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The End

Thank you!
It's nice to meet you all. I am looking forward
for a wonderful school year.

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