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A blog about food choices

Cambridge Secondary 1 EFL

Punctuation – commas for parenthesis
1. Find the parenthetical phrase in the sentences below.
a. Shanghai, famous for its steamed crab, is one of the largest cities in China.

b. In 2013, the Red Café, based at Manchester United football ground, won tourist attraction
of the year.

c. Elephants, highly intelligent animals with a remarkable memory, eat 300 kilograms of
vegetation a day.

d. In 2012, chefs in Rome baked, using 4,000 kilograms of mozzarella cheese, the world’s
largest pizza, according to the World Record Academy.
2. Add parenthetical phrase to the sentences below.

a. It is important to eat at least five portions of fruit and vegetables every day.

b. Shopping is my favorite pastime.

c. Penang is in Malaysia.

d. Come to Crest Café for an amazing meal!

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