Presentation Work (PART A)

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Presented by KIVEN Paul

NSIIDZEYUF on the 23rd
of December 2020 during
an orientation seminar

 1.0 Introduction
 1.1 Definitions:
Traditional learning
Distant Learning
Digital Learning
Online Learning
 1.2 Differences between Digital, e-Learning and online learning
 1.3 Different methods of Digital/Online Learning and Teaching
 1.4 Online learning/Teaching platforms.

1.5 Online learning and teaching Tools and resources 2

learning and teaching over the years

has seen significant transition from the traditional
face-to-face class room interaction to a more adaptive
distant learning practice.
With work from home and learn from
home emerging as the new normal and businesses
cutting costs, we are looking at a rapid transitioning
from the conventional learning and teaching model to
low-contact online/e- learning.
COVID-19 isn’t a usual disruption. It is a pandemic
that will have long-term repercussions on institutions
and businesses if not dealt with cautiously and
strategically. Learning particularly must be handled in
a different fashion.
Digital/Online learning and Teaching is therefore the
way forward.
1.1 Definitions
Traditional learning. Distance learning” E-learning
Delivery setup Umbrella term for In simple language, is
involves classroom any learning that defined as learning
training, instructors takes place across that is enabled
regularly engage face distance and not in a electronically.
to face with learners, traditional classroom. (correspondence
indulge in classroom course, telecourse,
activities, discussions, CD-ROM course,
follow-ups; online learning,
Digital learning mobile device).

It is the innovative
use of digital tools
and technologies
during teaching and
learning, and is often
referred to as
Technology Enhanced
Learning (TEL).

Looking at the above definition, we can say that.

 Digital learning encompasses online learning and e-Learning

accompanied by technology.

 E-learning can both be online or off-line.

 While with online learning requires the use of the internet.


The different methods of digital/online learning can be classified based on:


For simplicity some scientist class them into two types:

 Computer Manage Learning(CML)
 Computer Assisted Instruction. (CAI)

 Computer Managed student has to learn, together
Learning (CML) with a number of ranking
Also known as Computer parameters which enables the
Managed Instruction (CMI), system to be individualized
according to the preferences
Computers are used to of each student.
manage and assess learning
As a result of two-way
communication between the
student and the computer, Educational institutions use
determinations can be made CML systems for storing and
as to whether the student retrieving information such as
achieved their learning goals lecture information, training
on a satisfactory level. materials, grades, curriculum
information, enrolment
information among others
They operate through
information databases
These databases contain bits
information which the 7
Computer Assisted The primary value of
Instruction (CAI) CAI is interactivity – it
Also sometimes referred to allows students to become
as computer-assisted active learners instead of
learning (CAL). passive learners,
Most schools nowadays,
It uses computers
together with traditional both online and traditional,
teaching. use different variations of
computer-assisted learning
to facilitate the
training methods use a development of skills and
combination of multimedia knowledge in their
such as students.
text, graphics, sound, and
in order to enhance

Other classifications
Synchronous Online Learning learning. They can set their own timeframes for learning,
Groups of students can participate in a learning activity and they are not required to learn at specific time
together at the same time, from any place in the world. intervals together with other students.

Real-time synchronous online learning often involves

online chats and videoconferencing, as these tools allow
training participants and instructors to ask and answer
questions instantly while being able to communicate
with the other participants.
It eliminates: Social Isolation, teacher-to-student
student-to-student relationships.
Asynchronous Online Learning

Groups of students study independently at different

times and locations from each other, without real-time
communication taking place. This learning method is
more student-centered than their synchronous
counterparts, as they give students more flexibility.
by students who do not have flexible 9
schedules, because it allows them to utilize self-pace
Fixed E-Learning which makes it possible becomes a very communication channel
to adapt and redesign limiting factor, as it between the parties
“Fixed” in this context
learning materials for does not allow two-way involved. From the
means that the content
each individual learner. communication messages sent and
used during the between teachers and
learning process does Taking a number of received, the teachers
students. Sending
not change from parameters such as and students can make
training materials to
original state and all the student performance, changes to their
students through
participating students goals, abilities, skills, teaching and learning
television and radio
receive the same and characteristics into programs are classic methods. For this
information as all the consideration, examples of linear e- reason, interactive e-
others. The materials learning learning is considerably
are predetermined by more popular than
the teachers and don’t Linear E-Learning linear, as it allows
Interactive Online
adapt to the student’s teachers and students to
linear communication Learning
preferences. communicate more
means that information Interactive e-learning freely with each other.
Adaptive E-Learning passes from sender to allows senders to
receiver without become receivers and
is a new and innovative
exception. In the case
type of e-learning, vise versa, effectively
of e-learning, this
NUCS enabling a two-way 10
Individual Online Learning Collaborative Online Learning
Refers to the number of students participating in Collaborative e-learning in which multiple students
achieving the learning goals, rather than the student- learn and achieve their learning objectives together as
centeredness of the material. (traditional classrooms) a group. Students have to work together and practice
When practicing individual learning, the students teamwork in order to achieve their common learning
study the learning materials on their own objectives.
(individually), and they are expected to meet their
learning goals on their own.
Not ideal for developing communicational skills and
teamwork abilities in students, as it largely focuses on
students learning independently, without This is done through the formation of effective
communication with other students. groups, where each individual student has to take into
account the strengths and weaknesses of each other
student. This boosts the communicational skills
teamworking abilities of the students. Collaborative
e-learning expands on the idea that knowledge is best
developed inside a group of individuals where they
can interact and learn from each other.

UDEMY Online Learning platform

Udemy is the biggest online learning platform
with millions of users. Udemy offers a wide range of courses for
students to select from offered by the best
tutors from all corners of the earth.
Udemy is a free online learning platform
though there are currently many paid courses
on the platform with certificates of completion.
There are a number of courses available on
this platform that helps international students
secure huge scholarships to study abroad.

Tutorroom is also a leading online learning
platform with free application for students all
over the world.
This platform is known for its quality virtual
classroom which possesses unique features
such as video and audio messaging, allows
uploading of PDF files and a learning
management system which will help you
schedule your classes and create student
Tutorroom supports educational
organizations to build visual classes online,
offer online courses and have students pay
for their programs online too.

It allows face to face conversations between tutors This is a very popular online learning platform that
and students. It contains an “ePortfolio partners with universities and organizations all
Management System” which can be used to over the world to bring a wide range of courses,
demonstrates student’s skills and career skills into one searchable database.
development. Coursera is one of the leading providers of massive
Can sustain institutions of about 1000 students to open online courses (MOOCs) thus they provide
offer their courses online through the platform with the best tutors to teach students in-demand skills
all students registered and participating. and courses for free.
There are free courses in Coursera platform for
student, however most of their courses are paid.
Those that are free may also require a certain fee if
you would want to obtain a certificate upon

Khan Academy consisting of teachers, discussion
It partners with lots of post- ALISON boards, quizzes, etc.
secondary schools and provides a Alison is among the best online
deep unique knowledge for learning platforms on the internet
learners on different subjects. as it offers school curriculum
Platform has a friendly user courses and you can require a
interface which means it is easy certification of completion.
to use even as a first-timer. If as a student you want to study If you are focused on learning a
a course online in Technology, course in Maths, Sciences and
Business or Health Alison could Engineering then edX could be
be worth checking out. the best place for you as it
gathers these exclusive courses
from different schools.
Certificates are also obtainable at
Joining this online learning
the end of every course on the
platform is free but you may
have to pay for some of the platform.
courses offered by the edX
educational institutes on the
platform edX could be the right platform
to use if you want a free 15
education online. It offers
complete online courses
STANFORD Online learning Platform
This is an online extension of Stanford
University and offers all the courses the
university offers. The platform offers
wide varieties of courses for learners
This online learning platform is mainly offered by the best tutors from Stanford.
for teaching students how to code.
Though Stanford University offer online
You will learn how to write codes for courses on the Coursera platform,
developing websites, web apps, mobile Stanford online is the online learning
apps, etc using HTML, JavaScript, platform that puts together all the courses
Python, CSS, PHP, Ruby and jQuery. offered by the university online for
international and even domestic students.

1.5 Digital learning tools and resources.

RSS or Social Readers , Google+ Communities, YouTube Channels,

Evernote, Zotero MagicBox

Video conferencing software ( TrueConf, Zoom, Cisco Webex, Microsoft Teams)

Cloud-based Word Processors ( Google Drive), File-sharing platforms ( Dropbox),


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