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Life and Works of Rizal

Chapter 1- Chapter 4
Effectivity date of RA 1425
Author of the Rizal Law
Created a compromised version of the the Rizal
Created a wide-scale propaganda to educate the youth
and student on the evils of communism during the 1950s
As Rizal once said, “ The youth is the hope of
Who are obliged to keep in their libraries an adequate number of
copies of the original editions of Noli Me Tangere and El
On the debate regarding the Rizal law, whose argument won
during the debate on the reading of the unexpurgated version of
the two novels?
One of the reasons why we need to study the
Rizal subject.
What political ideology was prevailing in the 1950s
that weakened the democratic stability of most nations?
2 Novels that were greatly opposed by the
Church to be read on their unexpurgated version.
The Rizal Law is also known as---------
It is a waterway that connects Europe to Asia by creating a
direct shipping route without having to circumnavigate the
African continent
What was the name accorded to Spain during
the peak of its influence as an imperialist?
The status that given to middle-class Filipinos who were
educated in Spain and were exposed to nationalistic ideas.
What are the evils of colonization according to
A term that refers to a middle-class family.
The three priests who was executed by the Spaniards for being
forefronts of the Secularization Movements.
It refers to the payment given by wealthy
Filipinos to be exempted from forced labor.
It means “ government ruled by friars”.
Who are exempted from forced labor?
Spanish term for forced labor.
A system of taxation wherein the natives have
to pay 8 reales annually.
A period of rapid economic growth that resulted to the
invention of the steam engine in the 19th Century.
A period of massive changes in Europe.
In what year did Manila become a free port?
Birthplace of Rizal
Birthdate of Rizal
Full name of Rizal
Father of Rizal
Mother of Rizal
Why is Jose Rizal named “Jose”
Date of Rizal’s christening
Godfather of Rizal
Who baptized Rizal?
Adage of Rizal’s parents in disciplining
their children
Races of Rizal
First teacher of Rizal
Jose Rizal had a big black dog named
The one who bullied Rizal in Elementary
Date of execution of Gomburza
Accompanied Jose to pay homage to the
Virgin of Antipolo.
Age difference between Jose and Paciano
Sister-in-law of Rizal’s mother who
accused her of poisoning
Age of Rizal’s mother’s imprisonment
The diary that Rizal wrote about his birth and the
difficulties his mother faced while giving birth to him.
A poem written by Rizal that expresses
his love for his hometown.
His mother’s ancestors can be traced back
Predicted that Rizal would become great
someday because of his unusual head
The famous mountain in Calamba Laguna
Jose’s chronological order among the children
of Dona Teodora and Don Francisco Mercado
Rizal’s younger sister who died when she
was three years old
The name of the saint from whom Pepe
got his first name.
The story that touched him so deeply
among all the stories his mother told him.
Nickname of Rizal.
Rizal regarded him as his second father.
Traits of Rizal’s father that he inherited.
Rizal’s last name definition.
Rizal’s pet which he used to ride around his
hometown’s beautiful scenery.
Rizal’s private tutors.
He was a former classmate of the
father of Rizal that became a tutor
of Rizal but died after five months
of tutoring due to his old age.
Where did Rizal first formally
Rizal’s Binan teacher who was a strict
The reason why did Maestro Justiano scold Rizal that
result for the classmates of Rizal in Biñan to mocked him.
She was the one who changed the marble
marker of Rizal’s grave to mislead authorities.
She was the youngest of the Rizal
Her husband denied a Christian burial.
She was the one who received from Jose an alcohol
lamp in which she secretly hid the “ Last Farewell”.
Donya Teodora’s great grandfather.
The governor general who issued a decree changing
the last name of each family on Rizal’s time.
Jose’s grandfather.
Jose’s great-great grandfather on
patrilineal side.
A classmate who challenged him for an
arm-wrestling match.
What is the reason of the imprisonment of
Doña Teodora
At what age did Doña Teodora arrested?
How many kilometers did Donya Teodora walked around
Laguna when the Spaniards arrested her?
It was Rizal’s and his father’s first choice of school for secondary
education but later on his father change his mind.
Ateneo de Municipal was later
named to
Jose was initially denied
admission to the Ateneo de
Municipal because of these
Because of his intervention,
Jose was finally admitted to the
Ateneo de Municipal school.
Ateneo de Municipal first
opened its doors in the
When Jose enrolled in Ateneo,
he took the surname-----
Jose was reluctant to stay here
because of its cheerless
He boarded a house on----
In Ateneo, the classes were
divided into----
Which title is given to the
group of Ateneo’s externos or
Internos represents----
Externos represents----
These are the five dignitaries of
each Empire (in order)
Individual competitions were
used to win honours, in which
one had to catch one’s
opponent in error-----times.
Only those who distinguished
themselves in the class for their
piety and diligence could join
these two fraternities.
Jose took private Spanish
lessons at----------to improve
his knowledge and fluency.
Rizal’s first teacher in Ateneo.
What was the cruel joke played
by Rizal’s mother’s prosecutor
in charge that made her
In the second year, Rizal
resided at----
This is Rizal’s favorite novel
by Alexandre Dumas.
The book that had greatest
influence upon Rizal’s career.
Rizal’s professor in his 4 year

in Ateneo.
At the end of the year, Rizal
In his 4 year, Rizal’s major

subjects were:
In drawing and painting, he
was under the guidance and
direction of the Ateneo
In sculpture, his instructor
When he was in the Ateneo, ha
had carved the image of -----
with such grace and beauty
The Jesuit Father had intended
to take this image, carved by
Rizal But in some way it was
left behind.
Poems of Rizal under the
guidance Professor Father
Francisco Paula de Sanchez
Rizal’s first love
Rizal was ---at that time when
he met Segunda Katigbak who
Rizal enrolled in University of
Sto. Tomas when he was nearly
---years old.
He enrolled in Philosophy and
Letters for two reasons:
He studied ---------during his
first year in the UST.
In the next school year in UST,
he began studying-------for 2
What is the reason why Rizal
shifted to Medicine after a year
of studying Philosophy and
He paid court to a young
woman in Calamba named----
after losing his first love.
In his stay at Dona Concha
Leyva’s house, he courted----,
a tall girl with a regal bearing
who was almost as tall as Jose.
Rizal’s next relationship after
Leonor Valenzuela, who
happened to be his cousin.
They were secretly married and
Leonor Rivera used the
name,----as she signed her
letters to Rizal.
Who knew Rizal’s departure to
Rizal boarded the Spanish
steamer---------bound for
Singapore on----
How many people onboarded
the steamer SS Salvadora?
Who is the ship’s captain of SS
Salvadora who befriended
After arrival in Singapore,
where did he stay?
Rizal boarded the ship----, a
French steamer, and set sail for
When did Rizal arrive in
Barcelona, Spain?
Where did the welcome party
of Rizal hold?
Rizal wrote his first written
article on Spanish soil, a
nationalistic essay
Rizal sent his article, El Amor
Patrio to Diaryong Tagalog
Rizal sent his article, El Amor
Patrio to Diaryong Tagalog
Paciano advised Rizal to
continue medical studies
What school did Rizal enroll to
pursue higher education in
When did Rizal finish his
medical studies?
What award did the school give
him upon graduation of his
course, medical studies, in
Why did Rizal unable to
receive his diploma?
He was drawn to this girl’s
beauty and vivacity but their
love did not blossom because
he was still engaged to Leonor
Rivera and his friend was also
in love with her.
What is the name of the mason
organization that Rizal became
a member to
What movement is form in
Europe which aims to awaken
the sleeping intellect of the
Spaniards to the needs of our
Give 3 persons who are
important in Propaganda
In 1882, this new organization
was founded whose aim is to
push for government
Rizal was involved in student
demonstration and they were fighting
for an ideology of this person who
declared that “ the freedom of science
and the teacher should be protected.
What masterpiece did Felix Resureccio
Hidalgo win as second place in the
National Exposition of Fine Arts in
What masterpiece did Juan
Luna win as first place?
Where did Rizal study
ophthalmology specialization
after Spain
At what age did Rizal study
ophthalmology in Paris.
Who is a leading French
Who are Rizal’s friends that he
visited when not working?
When did Rizal scheduled to
travel to Germany
What is a historic city in
Germany known for its old
university and romantic
What is Rizal’s favorite flower?
When did Rizal left Heidelberg?
For how many months did he
stay in Leipzig?
Who did Rizal meet in Dresden
Germany, the director of the
Anthropological and
Ethnological Museum in
Who did Rizal meet in Berlin
Germany, the author of Travels
in the Philippines?
Who did Dr. Jagor introduce to
Rizal, a well-known
Who hired Rizal to work on his
When did Noli Me Tangere
What is the English Translation
of Noli Me Tangere?
To where did the Noli Me
Tangere taken from?
What book inspired Rizal to
write the Novel, Noli Me
Due to financial constraints,
what chapter is deleted in his
novel, Noli Me Tangere?
What publishing house did the
Noli Me Tangere printed?
How many copies and how
much was the first publication
of Noli Me Tangere?
The Savior of Noli Me Tangere?
After the novel was published,
how much did Rizal receive
from his brother Paciano as his
When did Rizal arrive in Manila
as his first homecoming?
Who was Rizal’s first patient in
his medical clinin in Calamba?
Who was Rizal’s first patient in
his medical clinic in Calamba?
As Rizal opened his medical
clinic in Calamaba, how much
did he able to earn?
To whom did Rizal receive a
letter requesting him to come to
Malacanang Palace?
Who sent a copy of the novel
Noli Me Tangere for further
examination by a faculty
Who among supporters of Rizal
had the best defense about his
novel when it was about to
banned in the Philippines?
Give at least 3 unfounded rumor
that were spread by Rizal’s
What year did Rizal left
What year did Rizal left

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