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A coherent paragraph or essay
needs linking expressions and
connectors for smooth transitions
between ideas and subjects
Effective connectors to elaborate
on idea already discussed
 Furthermore : I suggest you take the
course on Russian literature. The material
is interesting; Furthermore, the
professor is liked by all his students.
 Also : We feel it would be best to change
the date of the picnic. Many members said
they couldn’t change. Also, it is supposed
to rain on that date
More connectors
 For example : Other animals, it is true,
communicate with one another by means
of cries: For example, many birds utter
warning calls at the approach of danger;
apes utter different cries, such as
expression of anger, fear and pleasure
More connectors
 Moreover : I intend to vote for John in
the election next week. He is a diligent
worker with a good personality.
Moreover, he has experience in student
 In addition : The city provides many
cultural opportunities. It has an excellent
art museum. In addition, it has a fine
symphony orchestra.
Connectors to qualify, limit,
or contradict a statement
 Yet : Mr. Brown thought he had secured the
business deal. All the necessary paperwork had
been completed. Yet for some unknown reason,
the company declined the offer at the last
 Nevertheless : It look as if New York Yankees
had lost another game. The Detroit Tigers were
leading by seven runs after the fifth inning.
Nevertheless, the Yankees came back to win
the game by a score of 9-7
More connectors
 However : After I located the problem, I
thought I could fix the leak. I had to
simply replace an old pipe. However, I
didn’t have the proper tools, and a
plumber had to be called to complete the
Connectors to show a time or a
place arrangement of an idea
 Finally : After going over the problem
several times, I decided to ask my teacher
for help. After she had explained it fully, I
looked the problem over one more time.
Finally, I arrived at the correct solution.
 Eventually : We have been saving for
many years for a trip to Europe. But each
year, the plane fare increases, and we
realize we still don’t have enough money.
Eventually, we do expect to see Europe.
More connectors
 At this point : It was a hectic day.
First, I missed the bus. Then, the
subway was delayed for over an hour
When I finally reach home, it began to
rain. At this point, I was about to cry.
Connectors to conclude
a paragraph
 Therefore : The weatherman has forecast a blizzard for
tomorrow. He expects the accumulation to be very
heavy. Therefore, I decided to stock up on food items
at the supermarket today.

 Consequently : After years of unfair taxation and

abuse by England, the colonies decided to fight for their
independence. The American Revolution succeeded, and
British domination ended. Consequently, the colonists
declared their independence and drafted a constitution
to secure their rights in the future.
Connectors to conclude
a paragraph

 As a result : We were cautioned not

to move if we heard voices. Suddenly
something fell. As a result, no one
moved an inch.

For the last hundred years the climate has been growing
much warmer. This has had a number of different effects.
Since the beginning of the twentieth century, glaciers have
been melting very rapidly. For example, the Muir Glacier in
Alaska has retreated two miles in ten years. Secondly, rising
temperatures have been causing the snowline to retreat on
mountains all over the world. In Peru, for example, it has
risen as much as 2700 feet in 60 years.
As a result of this, vegetation has also been
changing. In Canada, the agricultural crops line
has shifted 50 to 100 miles northward. In the
same way cool-climate trees like birches and
spruce have been dying over large areas of
Eastern Canada. In Sweden the tree line has
moved up the mountains by as much as 65 feet
since 1930.

Finally, the sea has been rising at a rapidly

increasing rate, largely due, as was mention
above, to the melting of glaciers. In the last 18
years it has risen by about six inches, which is
about four times the average rate of rise over the
last 900 years
Now, it’s time to practice……

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