Cryonics Sey Hangg

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Seyhan Guneser Gocmen

A tank.

What’s in it?

Dead bodies!


In hope that these dead bodies can be revived in the future!

to revive: to bring something back after it has not been used or has not existed for a
period of time

The process is called : ‘CRYONICS’.

Cryonics is a procedure
that preserves the human body at low
temperatures after death in hope that
it can be revived in the future.
A 14-year-old dying girl has won the right to have her
body cryonically preserved immediately after she
died, according to a recent UK High Court decision.

The girl hoped that sometime in the future, when

doctors found a cure for her cancer, she might be
brought back to life.

She had spent several months researching the science

of cryonics and the judge had no doubt that she had
sound capacity when making her decision.

The judge noted that under the UK's Human Tissue

Act cryonics is not illegal. However, it is unregulated.

This case has received a huge amount of public

Vocabulary for Video

• solace: a feeling of emotional comfort at a time of great sadness or

seek/find solace in something
solace in her final days
• articulate verb:
1. to express your ideas or feelings in words
Many people are unable to articulate the unhappiness they feel.

2. to pronounce what you are saying in a clear and careful way

He was so drunk that he could barely articulate his words.

• articulate adj:
1. able to talk easily and effectively about things, especially difficult
subjects OPP inarticulate
a highly articulate speaker
an articulate 14-year-old girl

2. writing or speech that is articulate is very clear and easy to understand

even if the subject is difficult
• resuscitate:
to make someone breathe again or become conscious after
they have almost died → revive
Doctors managed to resuscitate him.

• terminal(ly)2 adj/adv:
a terminal illness cannot be cured, and causes death →
a terminally ill patient

• flip side (noun):

1 the bad effects of something that also has good effects
The flip side of the treatment is that it can make
patients feel very tired.
This is the flip side of what you’re asking
2 old-fashioned the side of a record that does not have the main song on
Video (Her own words):

Why do you think one of the parents disagreed?

Which would you prefer?
The Process

to preserve: -to save something or someone from being harmed or destroyed

-to make something continue without changing

to revive: -to bring something back after it has not been used or has not existed for a period of
-to become healthy and strong

to resuscitate: to make someone breathe again or become conscious after they have almost died

to stabilize: to become firm, steady or unchanging, or make something firm or steady

to clot: if a liquid such as blood or milk clots, or if something clots it, it becomes more thicker and
more solid

to immerse: to put someone or something deep into a liquid so that they are completely covered

to leak: if a container, pipe or roof, etc. leaks, or if it leaks gas, liquid, etc. , there is a small hole or
crack in it that lets gas or liquid flow through
The Process
The Process
Cryonics is a procedure that preserves the human body at low
temperatures after death in the hope that it can be revived in
the future. The process must begin within 2 minutes of the
person being declared legally dead. Although the heart has
stopped beating, there is still some brain function during this
period so a heart-lung resuscitator is used to stabilize the body
and keep the brain supplied with blood and oxygen. In the next
step of the process, an anticolagunt is injected into the body to
stop the blood clotting during transit. The body is then packed
in ice and transported to a cryonics facility. Once there, a
process called vitrification begins where the blood is replaced
with cryo-protectant anti-freeze fluid. This is done to prevent
the cells from freezing, and to stop ice crystals from forming
around the organs at extremely low temperatures. The body is
then placed on a dry ice until it cools to -130*C. Once cooled
sufficiently, the body is transferred to an individual container
which is then turned, lowered into a large metal tank tha is
filled with nitrogen to keep the temperature at -196*C.
Between 4 and 6 bodies are held in the tanks. They are stored
with heads facing down to ensure the brains would stay
immersed in the liquid, even if there’s a leak in the container.
Back from the dead (2006) - Frozen humans brought back to life | 60 Minutes Australia
graphically: adverb
1 if you describe something graphically, you describe it very clearly with a lot
of detail SYN vividly
2 formal using a graph
statistics represented graphically

resurrection: noun
a situation in which something old or forgotten returns or becomes
important again
a resurrection of old jealousies
Extra vocabulary cont’d
to bug (verb):
informal to annoy someone
bugs my mind
It just bugs me that I have to work so many extra hours for no extra money.
The baby’s crying is really bugging him.

upbeat (adjective):
positive and making you feel that good things will happen OPP downbeat
an upbeat message
She is upbeat about her product.
Extra vocabulary cont’d
to clamp (verb):
to put or hold something in a position so that it cannot move
These are clamped into her head.
She clamped her hands over her ears.

to dupe verb
to trick or deceive someone
be duped into doing something
Consumers are being duped into buying faulty electronic goods.
dupe noun:
someone who is tricked, especially into becoming involved in something illegal
Investigators believe Dailey was a dupe for international drug smugglers.
Vocabulary cont’d
cemetery (noun):
• a piece of land in which dead people are buried → graveyard
Vocabulary cont’d

dubious (adj):
1. probably not honest, true, right etc
The assumption that growth in one country benefits the whole world is
highly dubious.
2. not sure whether something is good or true SYN doubtful

wacko (adj) informal :

a crazy or strange person
That guy is completely wacko!
Vocabulary cont’d
perpetuity noun:
in perpetuity for all future time
The contract allows them to use the photographs in perpetuity.

intact (adj):
not broken, damaged, or spoiled
Only the medieval tower had remained intact.
His reputation survived intact.
Back from the dead (2006) - Frozen humans brought back to life | 60 Minutes
Cryonics: hype or hope?

hype noun:
attempts to make people think something is good or important by talking about it a lot on
television, the radio, etc. – used to show disapproval → exaggeration
Some experts are concerned that the new drug won’t live up to all the hype.
Despite the media hype, I found the film very disappointing.

hype (also hype up) verb: to try to make people think something is good or important by
talking about it a lot on television, the radio etc → promote
The director is just using the controversy to hype his movie.
→ hype somebody up
Is Cryonics hype or hope?

How realistic is cryonics' chance of success?

Is it a nonsensical waste of money and resources, selling snake oil for hope in dying patients or is it the
new frontier of modern medical science, the path to post-humanism?

Is cryonics ethical? Are they taking advantage of people’s bereavement?

Is cryonics a fantasy or a bridge to the future?

the frontiers of knowledge/physics, etc.
the limits of what is known about something
push back the frontiers (=discover new things)

posthuman or post-human is a concept originating in the fields of science fiction, futurology, contemporary art, and philosophy that means a person or entity that exists in a state beyond being human.

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