Faith Based Movements

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 Faith-based movements are social or
political initiatives grounded in religious
beliefs, seeking to influence change or
promote specific values. They often draw
inspiration from religious teachings to
address societal issues, ranging from
charity work to advocacy for particular
policies. Examples include the Civil Rights
Movement and various religiously motivated
charitable organizations.

Civil Rights Movement (1950s-

1960s): Many leaders of the Civil
Rights Movement, such as Martin
Luther King Jr., were driven by their
faith, particularly Christian beliefs, in
their fight against racial segregation
and discrimination.
Islamic Social Movements: Various
movements within the Islamic world,
such as the Arab Spring movements,
have been influenced by Islamic
principles, seeking political and social
change in accordance with Islamic
Liberation Movements
 Liberation movements are organized efforts
by a group of people seeking freedom,
independence, or autonomy from perceived
oppression or domination. These movements
can take various forms, including political,
social, or armed struggle, and often arise in
response to historical injustices or inequalities.
The goals of liberation movements may include
achieving self-determination, cultural
preservation, or political sovereignty for the
affected group.
The concept of liberation in the
context of the Philippines often refers
to historical movements and
struggles aimed at gaining
independence and freedom from
foreign rule or oppressive regimen

 Spanish Colonial Period (1565-1898): The

Philippines was under Spanish colonial rule
for over three centuries. The desire for
liberation from Spanish oppression played a
significant role in the Philippine Revolution
(1896-1898), led by figures like Andres
Bonifacio and Emilio Aguinaldo.

 American Colonial Period (1898-1946):

After the Spanish-American War, the
Philippines came under American rule. The
struggle for liberation continued, leading to
the Philippine-American War (1899-1902).
The Philippines eventually gained
independence in 1946.

Japanese Occupation (1942-1945):

During World War II, the Philippines
experienced Japanese occupation.
The resistance movement, including
groups like Hukbalahap, fought for
liberation from Japanese forces.

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