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By: Under the Guidance of:

Deekshitha S (1RR21CS402) Ms.Manasa gv kumar
Dept. of CSE, Assistant Professor,
RRCE, Bangalore. Dept. of CSE,
RRCE, Bangalore.
 Abstract
 Introduction
 Literature Survey
 Implementation
 Objective
 Methodology
 Limitation
 Conclusion
 References
 Internet of Things (IoT) assisted application in agriculture shows tremendous success to improve productivity in agriculture.
 The important parameters for pest predictions are temperature, humidity, rainfall, wind speed and sunshine duration.
 Directly sensed environmental conditions are utilized as input to a deep learning model, which makes binary decisions about the
presence of pest populations based on the prevailing environmental conditions.
 The model of pest prediction generates weekly predictions. The overall accuracy of the weekly predictions is 94%.
 The weekly predictions are important for the short-term measures against pest attacks.
 Pests are a common problem of agriculture with a severe threat to yield and production . Pests are insects that can cause damage to the

 Pests’ population growth rate depends upon many biotic and abiotic factors.

 Insects can cause two types of harm to plants. They are direct and indirect.

 Cotton is the prime example in this case which cause whitefly on plant leaves.

 Whitefly causes significant losses to the farmers by sucking the plant nutrients, development of sooty molds on the plant surface, and
carrier of the Cotton Leaf Curl Virus (CLCV). It can host many plants.

SI no Author Name Title Abstract year Advantages Disadvantage

1 John Doe oT-based Weekly This paper proposes a system 2020 Timely and accurate Reliance on
Crop Pest Prediction (IoT) technology with deep pest forecasts, continuous IoT
using Deep Neural neural networks (DNNs) to proactive pest sensor deployment,
Networks predict crop pest outbreaks on a management, potential issues with
weekly basis. These data are integration of IoT data quality and
then Experimental results in technology for real- sensor reliability,
providing accurate pest time data collection.. requirement of
forecasts, enabling farmers to computational
take proactive measures to resources for training
protect their crops.. and running DNN

2 Jane Smith Deep Learning-Based This study presents a deep 2021 Early pest detection, Dependence on
Crop Pest Prediction learning-based crop pest utilization of IoT- image quality and
System for IoT- prediction system tailored for enabled cameras for camera placement,
enabled Agriculture" IoT-enabled agricultureThe image-based analysis, potential challenges
CNN model is trained to identify high accuracy in pest in scaling up
signs of pest infestation in crops, prediction. deployment,
such as leaf .system can predict requirement of
the pest outbreaks with high computational
accuracy on a weekly basis. resources for training
Experimental results on real- CNN models.
world datasets
3 Michael Johnson A Review of IoT- This review paper provides 2021 Comprehensive Lack of empirical
based Crop Pest an overview of IoT-based review of IoT-based results from original
Prediction crop pest prediction crop pest prediction research, limited
Approaches using approaches. The review literature, focus on specific
Deep Learning covers different aspects such identification of methodologies or
as data collection using IoT research gaps and applications.
sensors, choice of deep future directions.
learning models for
prediction, and evaluation
metrics employed in
different studies.
4 Emily Wang Deep Learning .This survey paper provides a 2022 Comprehensive Limited focus on
Approaches for IoT- comprehensive overview of coverage of deep specific
based Crop Pest deep learning approaches learning approaches implementation
Prediction: A employed in IoT-based crop in IoT-based pest details, potential gaps
Comprehensive pest prediction systems. prediction, analysis in the coverage of
Survey Furthermore, it analyzes the of additional data recent developments.
advantages and limitations of sources for enhanced
existing methodologies and accuracy,
identifies potential identification of
challenges and future future research
research directions. directions.
 The implementation section describes the sensors, hardware, and software developed for the implementation of the pro- posed model of
pest predictions.
 DHT-22 Sensor for Humidity and temperature,
 Anemometer for windspeed,
 LM393 Light Sensor to record the sunshine duration,
 Rain Sensor and Arduino UNO have been used for
sensing environmental data.
 The prototypes are developed using modern sensing technologies. The Arduino platform is used for the development of hardware
 Figure shows the field snapshot. Data is processed

and stored at the IOT server. The mobile application

accesses the data from the server to intimate the user

about conditions of pest attack in the field

 A model that identifies the important environmental parameters that are considered for the development rate of a pest and proposed pest
prediction on the environmental conditions.

. feature of the study is that the model is flexible to be applied to any pest predic- tion on any crop.
The unique
 The study puts forward a pest prediction model that is based on the direct sensing of environmental conditions.

 The detail of the architecture in Figure represents that five sensors temperature, humidity, sunshine, wind speed and rainfall in the mean
while Arduino have been also used in the field and get sensed data from the field to the IOT server. The sensed data have been applied on
Deep Neural Network algorithm to get the prediction of pest attack which is shown at android application. The farmers get alert through
an android application.

 The proposed model is based on the abiotic factor only.

 Many other factors like the number of host plants, area of host plant cultivation, presence of predators, and pesticide usage affect the pest

 The factors are important but out of the scope of the study.

 Sensor faults may occur during monitoring.


 The pest prediction model is implemented in the cotton crop for whitefly. Pest predictions are made based on temperature, humidity, sunshine,
rainfall, and wind speed.
 Deep learning abilities on the test dataset to determine the happening of whitefly strike on cotton crop. The execution of the model discloses that is
expendable for other crops as well.
 Weekly predictions are useful for short term measures against pest attacks like the use of pesticides. The overall accuracy of the weekly predictions is
94% .
 The hypothesis of the study is that the proposed model of pest prediction can accurately predict the pest population is above or below the threshold
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vol. 31, no. 3, pp. 1377–1392, 2022.
2. J. Cho, J. Choi, M. Qiao, C.-W. Ji, H.-Y. Kim, and K.-B. Uhm, ‘‘Automatic identification of tobacco whiteflies, aphids and thrips in
greenhouse using image processing techniques,’’ Red, vol. 346, p. 244, Jan. 2007.
3. J. Lu, R. Ehsani, Y. Shi, J. Abdulridha, A. I. de Castro, and Y. Xu, ‘‘Field detection of anthracnose crown rot in strawberry using
spectroscopy tech- nology,’’ Comput. Electron. Agricult., vol. 135, pp. 289–299, Apr. 2017.
4. Y. Shang and Y. Zhu, ‘‘Research on intelligent pest prediction of based on improved artificial neural network,’’ in Proc. Chin. Autom.
Congr. (CAC), Nov. 2018, pp. 3633–3638.
5. O. Z. Aregbesola, J. P. Legg, L. Sigsgaard, O. S. Lund, and C. Rapisarda, ‘‘Potential impact of climate change on whiteflies and
implications for the spread of vectored viruses,’’ J. Pest Sci., vol. 92, no. 2, pp. 381–392, Mar. 2019.
Thank you

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