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• Italy, officially the Italian Republic, is a unitary state, a parliamentary republic, located in Southern
Europe. It covers an area of 301,338 km² and has a temperate climate; due to the shape of its
continental part, it is internally called lo Stivale ("Boot"). With 61 million inhabitants, it is the fifth
most populous country in Europe. Italy is a developed country and has the third largest economy in
the Eurozone and the eighth in the world.
• From ancient times, the Etruscan cultures, Magna Graecia and others flourished on the current
territory of Italy, until they were finally absorbed by Rome, which for centuries remained the
political and religious center of Western civilization, the capital of the Roman Empire and then the
center of Christianity.

• The Leaning Tower of Pisa, also known as the Leaning

Tower of Pisa, is the most famous leaning building in the
world and the landmark of the city of Pisa in Italy.

• The tower was planned as a bell tower for the Dome of

Pisa. Twelve years after the laying of the foundation
stone, on August 9, 1173, when the building had reached
the third floor, due to the poor quality of the soil,
consisting of clayey mud and sand, the tower began to
lean in a south-easterly direction. The tower tilts 3.97
degrees from its vertical axis, which is about 4 meters.
The main reason for this feature is the special geology of
the area.

• The Colosseum is a historical and tourist monument located in the center of Rome visited by many
tourists from around the world. It is probably the most impressive ruined building of the Roman
Empire. The Colosseum was the largest building of its time and today is the largest ancient
amphitheater that can be visited in Italy. The Colosseum is located east of the Roman Forum.
Construction began under Emperor Vespasian in 72 and was completed in 80. under the leadership of
his successor. Other changes were made during the reign of Domitian (81-96).

• The Colosseum could have an estimated 50,000 to 80,000 spectators with an average audience of
about 65,000, and was used for gladiatorial contests and public performances, such as battles. for a
short time, when the hypogeum was soon supplemented with mechanisms to support other activities,
animal hunters, executions, renewals of famous battles and dramas based on classical mythology.

• Located on the island of Sicily in Italy, near the cities of

Messina and Catania, Mount Etna is 3357 m high, being the
highest and most active volcano in Europe. It is estimated that
the volcano erupts every 3 months, and that every about 150
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years, localities are destroyed. The destructive action area of
the volcano covers an area of 1,250 km².

• Tourism is very developed; In 1981, the region was declared a

national park. There are also alpine ski areas of European
importance. There is also a cable car that can climb up to an
altitude of 2,600 m, destroyed in 2002 by an eruption, but put
back into operation in 2004.
• In conclusion, Italy is a beautiful country with many tourist
places. Worth a visit, it is a beloved country and Europe
beasts! The history of Italy is full of stories and legends
appreciated by people everywhere
• Thanks for watching!
(Grazie per la visione)

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