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Sari Famularsih
Passive Voice (Kalimat Pasif) adalah
kalimat yang subyeknya dikenai suatu
tindakan atau pekerjaan (bermakna di-) dan
secara tata bahasa Inggris diawali oleh kata
depan (preposition) by yang artinya ‘oleh’.
Secara singkat, passive voive dapat
dimaknai sebagai lawan dari Kalimat Aktif.

Kalimat Aktif : Rio reads a book. (Rio membaca sebuah buku.)
Kalimat Pasif : A book is read by Rio. (Sebuah buku dibaca oleh Rio.)
Tata Cara Penulisan Passive
Kalimat aktif yang akan diubah harus berkata kerja transitif atau
1 yang memerlukan obyek.

Subyek dalam kalimat aktif menjadi obyek dalam kalimat pasif dan
2 sebaliknya.

Kata kerja kalimat pasif harus berbentuk past participle (V.3) yang
didahului oleh to be (is, am, are, was, were, being, been) yang diikuti
3 oleh by (oleh) menyesuaikan dengan jamak dan tunggal subyeknya dan
jenis tense kalimatnya. Penggunaan to be disesuaikan dengan tense
Tata Cara Penulisan Passive
Kalimat Positif Conto
● Kal aktif:
● Kal pasif:
Nika wrote the book last year. h
The book was written (by Nika) last year.

2 ● Kal aktif: Nika is writing the book.

● Kal pasif: The book is being written (by Nika).

● Kal aktif: Nika has written the book.

3 ● Kal pasif: The book has been written (by Nika).

4 ● Kal aktif: Nika has to send the book.

● Kal pasif: The book has to be sent (by Nika). .
Kalimat Negatif Conto
● Kal aktif:
● Kal pasif:
Nika is not writing the book. h
The book is not being written (by Nika).

2 ● Kal aktif: Nika doesn’t write the book.

● Kal pasif: The book is not written (by Nika).

● Kal aktif: Nika will not write the book next month.
3 ● Kal pasif: The book will not be written (by Nika) next month.

4 ● Kal aktif: Nika has not written the book.

● Kal pasif: The book has not been written (by Nika).
Kalimat Tanya Conto
● Kal aktif:
● Kal pasif:
Nika writes the book. h
Is the book written (by Nika)?

2 ● Kal aktif: Nika will write the book next month.

● Kal pasif: Will the book be written (by Nika) next month?

● Kal aktif: Nika has written the book.

3 ● Kal pasif: Has the book been written (by Nika)?

4 ● Kal aktif: Nika has to send the book.

● Kal pasif: Has the book to be sent (by Nika)?
Ubahlah ke dalam kalimat pasif bentuk positif, negatif dan kalimat
Contoh : The factory will promote the new product in national TV
station (where).
Positif : The new product will be promoted by the factory in
national TV station.
Negatif : The new product will not be promoted by the factory in
national TV station
Tanya : (Where will the new product be promoted by the
a. The winds can push the ball until ten meters long (how far).

b. The coach motivated the football player in the regular exercise two days ago (when).

c. The bricklayers have been breaking the stones and gravels since morning (what).

d. One of the servants had stolen jewelry in the Diamond Extra Shop (where).

e. The fisherman is navigating his boat to the north (where, to).

f. Clara might use her money with asking to her mom beforehand (how).

g. Leonardo would have visited Scotland with his wife (who, with).

h. French arcithects will have been designing the Big Towers (what).

i. The travel agency postpones the departure because of unfriendly weather (why).

j. Anas must own that red car and not that yellow car (which).

Students’ worksheet is compulsory to be done.

Name your file of worksheet in a format name:
Name_NIM_Individu_Topic’s name
e.g.: John_12345678_Individu_Phrase

Submit your work to your class leader. The class leader has to
gather all the files of each topic in one Google Drive and send to
my email:
Do you have any questions?
+62 819 0285 1431

CREDITS: This presentation template was created by

Slidesgo, including icons by Flaticon, and
infographics & images by Freepik.



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