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The static characteristic of the measuring device is called the functional dependence
of the output signal on the input signal in a static mode: Y=f(X). The static characteristic
is also called the conversion function, the scale characteristic. The relationship between
the values of the values at the output and the input of the device, drawn up in the form
of a table, graph or formula, is called a calibration characteristic.
The main requirement for the static characteristic is to obtain a linear relationship
between the output and input quantities.
Range of indications - the range of scale values, limited by the final and initial values ​of the scale (yk, ynach).
Measurement range - the area of ​values ​of the measured quantity (uv, un - upper, lower limit of measurements) for which
the permissible errors of the device are normalized. The specified ranges may overlap.

For measuring instruments, an important parameter is the scale division, which is defined as the difference between the
values ​of the quantities corresponding to two adjacent scale marks.

To quantify the influence of the input signal on the output signal of the device at an arbitrary point of the static
characteristic, the concept of "sensitivity" is used. Sensitivity is defined as the ratio of the change in the signal at the
output of the device to the change in the measured value causing it:

• S=lim

Graphically, it is determined by the tangent angle α of the tangent drawn to the selected point A of the static characteristic. If
the static performance of the instrument is non-linear, its sensitivity will vary from point to point. Instruments with linear
characteristic have a uniform scale. In measuring transducers, the static characteristic is linear : Y=kX,
where k is the conversion coefficient

The set of criteria defined for the instruments, which are changes rapidly with time, is called ‘dynamic characteristics’.

The dynamic characteristic of the measuring instrument is the dependence of the output signal on the input signal in the
dynamic mode.

All measuring devices have inertial elements: mechanical units, capacitances, inductances, etc. This leads to the fact that in the
dynamic mode the instantaneous value of the output signal depends not only on the instantaneous value of the input signal, but
also on any changes in this signal, i.e. from its first, second, ... derivatives.

The dynamic characteristic is usually described by a differential equation, a transmission function or a frequency function.
The transmission function can be considered as the conversion factor in the dynamic mode. The transfer function is
determined through the transient response, which is defined as the change in time of the output signal h (τ) of the measuring
device when a intermittent signal is applied to its input. If the height of the intermittent input signal has some value X A, the
output signal can be determined from the transient characteristic using the expression Y (τ) = h (τ) X A. The figure shows the
most typical forms of transient characteristics for measuring devices.
To obtain them, the input signal changes intermittently by XA
from a certain value X1 to X2 (first graph). At the end of the
transient process, the output signal changes by UA from the
value of U1 to U2. The output signal can also changes
intermittently like the input signal (second graph). This process
is typical for electronic measuring devices. In the presence of
inertial elements in the composition of the measuring device,
the output signal with a intermittent change in the input signal
begins to change after a certain time delaying τs (third graph).
This process is typical for measuring devices based on direct
conversion. The value of T on the graph is called the time
constant. It defines the time it takes for the output signal to
reach a new steady-state value if it were changed at a constant
rate. Conducting a tangent to the curve of the transient is
associated with errors, therefore, the values of the time
constant are determined as the time interval during which the
output signal changes by 0.632 from its increment UA.
To determine the conversion coefficient K of the measuring
device, it is sufficient to calculate the ratio YA / XA.

The characteristics of the measuring devices affecting the accuracy of the measurements carried out with these devices
are called metrological.

Measuring instruments are allowed for use only if their metrological characteristics (MC) are normalized. Information
about the MC is given in the technical documentation for measuring instruments. The standardization of metrological
characteristics ensures the interchangeability of measuring instruments and the uniformity of measurements on a national
scale. The real values ​of the metrological characteristics of measuring instruments are determined during their manufacture,
and then periodically verified at calibration intervals during operation. Verification of measuring instruments is carried out
according to verification schemes. The verification scheme establishes the procedure for transferring units of measurements
from standards to exemplary ones, and from them to working measuring instruments. If there are deviations of at least one
standardized metrological characteristic from the norm, the measuring instrument is repaired or considered unusable and
withdrawn from circulation.

The general approach to the normalization of metrological characteristics is that for all normalized functions and values,
nominal functions and nominal values ​and limits of permissible deviations are established.
The basic error of the device is normalized by setting the limit of the permissible
absolute, relative or reduced error:
  a ,

  b ,
  c .
where the values of the numbers a, b, c are determined from a number of preferred
1; 1,5 1,6 ; 2; 2,5 3; 4; 5; 610 n .

Numbers 1,6 and 3 are allowed but not recommended. The value of n is assumed to
be: +1, 0, -1, -2, etc.
To normalize the variation of measuring devices, the following formulas are
V  (1,0  1,5)  ,

W  (1,0  1,5) .

Additional error is normalized in cases where the basic error exceeds the limit
established for it.
Measuring devices are usually divided into accuracy classes. The accuracy class
of a measuring instrument is a generalized
1,5 characteristic of a measuring instrument,

determined by the limits of the allowed basic and additional errors. Accuracy classes
can be expressed depending on the methods of setting the permissible error limits.
If the accuracy classes is expressed by a given or relative error, the following
notation applies, respectively: 1.5 and .
The numerical values for the accurasy classes are selected from a number of
preferred numbers.

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