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A+ 220-1102 TTT Session 5:

Managing Linux and macOS

May 31, 2022

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Instructor: Host:
Allen Stubblefield Stephen Schneiter
Teacher Instructor Network Program Manager
Troy High School CompTIA

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 Review Lesson 5
 Lesson 6: Managing Linux
and macOS
 Identify features of Linux
 Identify features of macOS

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A+ Core 1 220-1101 TTT Session Outline
Date Topic

5/17/2022 Supporting Operating Systems
5/19/2022 Managing Windows
5/24/2022 Identifying OS Types and Features & Supporting Windows
5/26/2022 Managing Windows Networking
5/31/2022 Managing Linux and macOS
6/02/2022 Configuring SOHO Network Security*
6/07/2022 Managing Security Settings
6/09/2022 Supporting Mobile Software
6/14/2022 Using Support and Scripting Tools
6/16/2022 Implementing Operational Procedures
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The CompTIA Instructor Network (CIN) is a worldwide community for
instructors who provide CompTIA certification training.

 Communicate and collaborate with CompTIA staff and other instructors.

 Access resources for students to understand the value of getting certified.
 Receive complimentary training and tools from CompTIA to enrich your
 Become proficient at teaching CompTIA standards.
 Share best practices and resources with each other.
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Keys to the Kingdom: Foundational knowledge for teaching today’s tech
 Dates: Week 3 June 20 – 24, 2022
 Time: Monday – Thursday: 9 AM to Noon and 1 PM to 4; Friday: morning 9 AM to Noon
(all times PDT)
Join CompTIA’s Dr. James Stanger and guests to focus on an epic quest to discover critical
teaching “keys to the kingdom” to students of all ages. This week-long course will focus on
providing critical keys to the kingdom to help unlock the potential in today’s workforce.
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 Wednesday, August 3rd & Thursday, August 4th
 Sheraton Grand Chicago Riverwalk
 ​ ou hold the key to inspiring action, motivating change and opening equitable access to
learning and opportunity. Because of you, minds are open, confidence builds, dreams become
reality and success is made. With every person you encounter, you open doors to promise and
possibility. You hold the key to unlocking potential!​
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Chat Question

 What is your opinion on price

This photo is for
vs. quality vs. being a tech snob placement only
for Apple products?

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Poll 1

1. Have you ever had a MAC or Linux computer (if more than one, pick your
1. Personal MAC
2. Work MAC
3. Personal Linux
4. Work Linux

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Lesson 6: Mapping Content
Common Linux commands: macOS Installation and uninstallation of
Is pwd applications
mv File types
cp rm .dmg
chmod .pkg
chown su/sudo apt-get .app
yum ip App Store
df Uninstallation process
grep ps Apple ID and corporate restrictions
Best practices
top find
cat nano
Linux Best practices
Updates/patches 11
Lesson 6: Mapping Content
macOS System Preferences macOS Disk Utility
Displays macOS FileVault
Networks macOS Terminal
Printers macOS Force Quit
Time Machine
macOS Features
Multiple desktops
Mission Control
Remote Disc 12
Lesson 6: 1100 series (new) vs. 1000 series (old)
1. Operating Systems 1. Operating Systems
1.10 Identify common features and tools 1.9 Given a scenario, use features and
of the macOS/desktop OS. tools of the Mac OS and Linux
1.11 Identify common features and tools client/desktop operating systems.
of the Linux client/desktop OS.

Lesson 6: Omitted Subobjectives/Bullet List Items
220-1002 Exam Objectives Content Examples That Do Not
Appear in 1102
1.9 Given a scenario, use features and • Firmware updates, Time Machine,
tools of the Mac OS and Linux Restore/snapshot, Image recovery,
client/desktop operating systems. Screen sharing, Boot Camp, shutdown,
passwd, iwconfig/ifconfig, vi, dd, kill

Lesson 6: New Content Example Items
220-1102 Exam Objectives New Content Examples
1.10 Identify common features and File types (dmg, pkg, app), Uninstallation
tools of the macOS/desktop OS. process, Apple ID and corporate restrictions,
System Preferences (Displays, Networks,
Printers, Scanners, Privacy, Accessibility,
Time Machine), FileVault

1.11 Identify common features and yum, ip, df, man, top, find, dig, cat, nano,
tools of the Linux client/desktop OS. Samba


Review Activity: Lesson 5
1. You are assisting a user with configuring a static IP address.
The user has entered the following configuration values and
now cannot access the Internet. What is the problem?
 IP:
 Mask:
 Gateway:
 DNS:
a. All static IP addresses must be IPv6
b. The DNS server can not be on the same network
c. DHCP is turned off
d. The IP address is a private IP address
Review Activity: Lesson 5
2. You are supporting a user who has just replaced a wireless
router. The user has joined the new wireless network
successfully but can no longer find other computers on the
network. What should you check first?
a. Check the network profile type to ensure that the device is
discoverable and type is Private
b. You joined the 5 Ghz wireless network instead of the 2.4 Ghz
c. The wireless SSID is not being broadcasted
d. The wrong 802.11 standard was selected

Review Activity: Lesson 5
3. You are pinging a host at from a host at The response is “Reply from
Destination host unreachable.” The hosts use the subnet mask Does the ping output indicate a problem with the
default gateway?
a. No problem with the default gateway since both devices are on
the same network
b. The wrong IP address has been set for the default gateway
c. The default gateway is okay, but ping only works with public
IPv4 addresses
d. The default gateway is not enabled, causing the ping to fail
Review Activity: Lesson 5
4. Which three principal user security groups are created when
Windows is installed?
a. Standard, Administrators, Guests
b. Users, Administrators, Guests
c. Standard, Admin, Guests
d. Users, Admin, Guests

Review Activity: Lesson 5
5. Angel brought in the new tablet he just purchased and tried to
connect to the corporate network. He knows the SSID and
the password used to access the wireless network. He was
denied access, and a warning message was displayed that
he must contact the IT Department immediately. Which
security application did its job?
a. MDM
b. Windows Defender Firewall
c. MAM
d. OU
Review Activity: Lesson 5
6. How can you access the contents of a share name with a $
symbol at the end of a share name?
a. Type the share’s Universal Naming Convention (UNC)
b. This is a shared drive; double click on the share name in File
c. Open the Shares folder on the Desktop and double click on the
share name


CompTIA A+ Core 2 Exam 220-1102

Lesson 6
Managing Linux and macOS

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 Identify features of Linux
 Identify features of macOS

Lesson 6

Topic 6A
Identify Features of Linux
1.11 Identify common features and tools of the Linux
client/desktop OS.

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3 streams of terminal data:
1. stdin(0) from
Shells, Terminals, and Consoles keyboard
2. stdout(1) to display
 Shells and terminals 3. stderr(2) errors
– Shell is command interpreter
– Terminal is a user interface for a shell,
can use keyboard/scripts
 Desktop environments (not required)
– Xorg display server
– Gnome, KDE, Cinammon, and Xfce
shells/window manager program
– Most WS distros have desktops; most
servers do NOT
 Switching between consoles
(CTRL+ALT+Fx), own login & shell Copyright (c) 2021 CompTIA Properties, LLC. All Rights Reserved. |
Command Interface
 Syntax
– Command word, options as letters (-) or words (--), arguments
– Pipe (|) separates commands or redirects results to another command
 Case sensitivity for Commands, parameters, and file and directory names
 Getting help
– --help following a command
– man
– TAB completion, UP/DOWN arrows to see command history and browse through output
 File editors
– Nano - CTRL+O writes changes to the file and CTRL+X quits the editor.
– vi/vim – used by admins, “i” insert, “a” or “A” append, “o” insert line after current line,
ESC switch from insert to command mode, :w save file, :wq save & quit; :q quit w/o save
Navigation Commands - all items shown as files
 Unified file system and file system Hierarchy Standard
– No drive letters, /
– /home has all user files
– /etc has config files
– Also folders for shared and log files & executables
 pwd command
– List current directory
 cd command
– Change directory
– / used for absolute directories, cd .. for parent
 ls command
– List directory contents, like Windows dir
 cat command
– Output file contents; cat > file (overwrites); cat >> file
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(appends) 29
Search Commands
 find command
– File search tool
– find path expression
 grep command
– File contents search tool
– Also filter any data piped as input
 Metacharacters are interpreted by shell in a special way
 Escaping metacharacters to search for them
– \ escapes next character
– ‘ ‘ escapes all within single quotes
– “ “ is a weaker escape and allows command substitution
File Management Commands
 cp command
– Copy files (cp old new) and can include directories
 mv (old new) command
– Move (and rename) files
 rm command (no confirmation prompts – be careful!)
– Delete files
– -r deleted directories
 df and du commands
– df checks free space, file system, total size, space used, mount point
– du checks disk usage, size of directory trees & files within it

User Account Management
 root/superuser account – admin account with every available permission
– Better to log in as regular user and temporarily elevate your priviledges
 su command
– Switch user (su Msmith, su)
– Will prompt for password to access new account
 sudo: Superuser do
– allows any account listed in the /etc/sudoers file user to run specified commands with superuser privilege
– root password does not have to be shared between multiple administrators
 User management commands
– useradd, usermod, userdel add, modify, and delete user information. passwd changes user password
 Group management commands
– groupadd, groupmod, groupdel manage group memberships
– newgrp to set effective group ID that is stored in the user account in /etc/passwd
File Permissions Commands
 Read, Write, eXecute for user, group,
– - rwx r-x r--
 Octal permissions
– Read=4, Write=2, and Execute=1
– 0754 (leading 0 is for octal)
 Chmod used to secure files and
directories by owner only
 Chown - Superuser to change the owner of
a file or directory
 Chgrp - file owner can change the group
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Package Management Commands
• Package management
• Advanced Packaging Tool (APT) for Debian
• Yellowdog Updater, Modified (YUM) for Red
• Distributions contain any precompiled software
packages the vendor/sponsor considers appropriate
• Repositories have distributions
• Several types (beta, testing, supported)
• Package integrity verification via cryptographic
• apt-get - command interface for APT
• update, upgrade, install
• Yum - command interface for YUM
• check-update, update, install
• Antivirus – Linux is not risk free but…
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Process Monitoring Commands (Slide 1 of 2)
 Unique Process ID (PID) assigned to every process
 ps Command invokes process table
– PID, terminal/pseudoterminal, CPU time, command
– ? means no controlling terminal
 top Command (next slide)
– ENTER refresh the status of all processes
– SHIFT+N sort processes in decreasing PID order
– M sort processes by memory usage
– P sort processes by CPU usage
– u display processes belonging to user specified at
– q exit the process list
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Process Monitoring Commands (Slide 2 of 2)

Network Management Commands
 Adapter naming: eth0, eth1, eth2, and so on
 Network configuration managers work with iproute2 package tools to
management networks on Linux
 ip Command
– Manages routes as well as local interface configuration
– Report configuration and apply non-persistent changes
 dig Command
– Troubleshoot name resolution and DNS
 Samba
– Server Message Block (SMB)–compatible file sharing protocol
– File sharing with Windows
Backup and Scheduling Commands
 Backup utilities and file copy tools
– No “official” backup tool
– Can create a custom backup solution using the crontask scheduler and file copy
– Compression (tar, gzip)
– Backup products include Amanda, Bacula, Fwbackups, and Rsync
 Task scheduler (cron)
– crontab editor to add or delete a scheduled job
– -r to remove
– --e to enter editor
– -l to list schedule jobs
– Can schedule by time, date, day of week, or day of month
Review Activity: Features of Linux
 Shells, Terminals, and Consoles • File Permissions Commands
 Command Interface
• Package Management
 Navigation Commands Commands
 Search Commands
• Process Monitoring
 File Management Commands Commands
 User Account Management
• Network Management
• Backup and Scheduling
Commands 39
Lab Activity
 Assisted Lab: Manage Linux Using Command-line Tools
– Use the Samba file sharing software to create a shared folder on a Linux host and
access it from Windows
 Assisted Lab: Manage Files Using Linux Command-line Tools
– Work at a Linux command-line to manage directories and files

Lesson 6

Topic 6B
Identify Features of macOS

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Interface Features
 Menu bar and Dock
– Launch, switch, and manage apps
– Like Taskbar
 Spotlight
– Search feature for anything on MAC
– Magnifying glass or COMMAND+SPACE
 Terminal
– Zsh or Bash command-line environment
 Mission Control and multiple desktops
– F3 key to launch
– CONTROL-RIGHT / LEFT to switch screens
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System Preferences
• System Preferences – like Windows Settings
• Apple keyboards
(ctrl), OPTION (alt), and CONTROL keys.
• Apple Magic Mouse and Trackpad
• No touchscreen support
• Gesture support via Trackpad
• Displays can be scaled, adjusted for
brightness & color and given a night
• Accessibility for vision and hearing impared

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Security and User Management
 Apple ID
– Access app store and iCloud
– Sign in via System Preferences to
associate with local account
– May have from iTunes or iOS device
 Security & Privacy settings
 Internet Accounts and Keychain
– Secure password storage
– Cloud or local keychain storage
 FileVault
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– Disk encryption (not for files)
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Finder and iCloud
• Finder
• File management interface
• Like file explorer
• Always in Dock
• iCloud
• Online storage and backup
• Central, shared location for
mail, contacts, calendar,
photos, notes, reminders,
and so on across macOS and
iOS devices
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App Installation and Management
 Installation from the App Store
– Apple ID
– central portal for Apple and developers to
distribute free and paid-for software
 Installation from download
– Package format (DMG, PKG)
 DMG – disk image, just copied
 PKG – needs to do other actions
– .APP installation directory
– Microsoft Office, Adobe Creative Cloud, and
Skype are examples
 App uninstallation
– Finder and delete or from APP directory Screenshot reprinted with permission from Apple Inc.

 Antivirus – macOS are not virus proof

 Corporate restrictions via MDM app
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OS and App Updates
 App Store updates
– Daily updates for store apps
– Updates and version upgrades for
 Download apps updates

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Device and Network Settings
 Network
– Via Status menu at top right or
System Preferences
– Join Wi-Fi network
– Use Advanced button for TCP/IP
and proxy settings
 Printers & Scanners
 Disk Utility to verify or repair a disk
or file system
 Optical drives and Remote Disc Screenshot reprinted with permission from Apple Inc.

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Time Machine Backup
• Time Machine - Automated backup to
an external drive or partition
• APFS-formatted
• By default:
• hourly backups for past 24 hrs
• daily backups for past month
• weekly backups for all
previous months
• Deletes older backups if backup drive is
• To restore, use finder in Time Machine
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Troubleshooting Crashes and Boot Issues

• Spinning wait cursor

• App crashes
• To stop an app use Force Quit
vice restarting
to Apple menu
• Recovery menu
• To restore MAC to previous OS
• COMMAND+R upon startup

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Review Activity: Features of macOS
 Interface Features
 System Preferences
 Security and User Management
 Finder and iCloud
 App Installation and Management
 OS and App Updates
 Network and Device Settings
 Time Machine Backup
 Troubleshoot Crashes and Boot Issues
Lab Activity
 APPLIED Lab: Support and Troubleshoot Network Hosts
– Work independently to diagnose and remediate a network connectivity issue

CompTIA A+ Core 2 Exam 220-1102

Lesson 6

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Thur, June 2: Core 2 Session 6
• Review Session 5
• Lesson 7: Configuring SOHO
Network Security
• Explain attacks, threats, and
• Compare wireless security protocols
• Configure SOHO router security
• Summarize security measures

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Discussion time: Please type your questions in chat
 Questions over content.
 Share you experience.
 What would you like to see
different moving forward?

Let’s keep the conversation going in the CompTIA Instructor


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