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Learning activities in curriculum process

Teaching strategies in learning process

Presented By: Muhammad Zohaib M.Phil Eduction 2023-


Presented To: Sir Gulap


Department IER
Learning activities in curriculum process.

In the curriculum process, learning activities are a crucial

component that supports the overall goals of education. These
activities are designed to engage students in meaningful
experiences that help them acquire, retain, and apply
knowledge and skills.
Some key considerations of learning activities in the curriculum process:

 Alignment with Learning Objectives:

Learning activities should be closely aligned with the learning objectives and outcomes
specified in the curriculum. They should provide opportunities for students to demonstrate
their understanding and mastery of the content and skills that are being taught.

 Variety of Learning Experiences

Effective learning activities encompass a variety of experiences to cater to diverse

learning styles and preferences. These may include individual work, group projects,
hands-on activities, discussions, and real-world applications.
 Authentic and Real-World Relevance

Learning activities should provide opportunities for students to apply their learning in
real-world contexts, fostering connections between classroom learning and practical,
everyday applications.

 Formative Assessment Opportunities

Learning activities serve as opportunities for formative assessment, allowing educators

to gauge student understanding and provide feedback to support ongoing learning and

 Integration of Technology

Incorporating technology in learning activities can enhance engagement, provide access

to a wide range of resources, and develop digital literacy skills.
Teaching strategies in learning process:
What is Teaching?
 Traditional teaching:
It is an act of imparting instructions to the learner in the classroom situation.
 Modern concept:
It is to cause the pupil to learn and acquire the desired knowledge, skill and
also desirable ways of living in the society.
 Thomas F. Green’s concept:
“Teaching is the task of teacher which is performed for the
development of a child.”
 Ryburn:
“Teaching is a relationship which keeps the child to develop all his power.”
What is learning?

Learning is said to be equivalent to change, modification, development,

improvement and adjustment.
 Gates:
“Learning is modification of behavior through experience”.
 Woodworth view:
“The process of acquiring new knowledge and new responses is the
process of learning.”
Teaching learning strategies

 Strategies which maximize opportunities for interaction.

 According to Strasser: “Teaching strategy is generalized plan for a
lesson or lessons which includes structure, desired learner behavior,
in terms of goals of instruction and an outline of tactics necessary to
implement the strategy”
 According to B.O smith: “Teaching strategy refers to a pattern of
teaching acts that serves to attain certain outcomes”.
There are many strategies which enhance teaching and learning
processes. Some of the following are

 Lecture method
 Discussion method
 Question answer method
 Cooperative learning
 Project method
Lecture Method

 According to Perrott (1982):

In almost all lessons or learning sequences, the teacher has to present
information and ideas. He has to introduce topics, summarize the main points
of the learning activity and stimulate further learning. All these activities
require the use of lecture-explanation techniques.
 They are efficient; planning time is devoted to organizing the context.
Less attention has to be devoted to teaching strategy.
 They are flexible and can be adapted to a wide range of subjects.
 Most people can learn to lecture well enough to survive in a classroom.
Lectures are easier to learn than most other instructional strategies.
 They are easier for teacher due to simply “telling” students about the
The Discussion Method

Discussion Methods is an organized teaching/learning process. By this

method, the class may be arranged in groups or panels. The class may
remain together to exchange views, opinions or ideas on pre-determined
topics. This is a method in which the students are actively involved if the
groups are in small numbers and heterogeneous.
Types of Discussion Method

 Panel Discussion: This is a discussion in which a few persons carry

on a conversation in front of audience.
 Formal Discussion: In this type of discussion class is divided into
small groups. A topic is given to all groups. Each group selects its
leader and divide responsibilities in all group members. Students
participate in the discussion in form of groups.
 Informal Discussion: In this type of discussion a topic is given by
the teacher to students. All the class participates in discussion.
Grouping is not done in the class. Every student has a chance to speech.
 Parliamentary Discussion: In this type of discussion the whole class
is divided into two groups. One group is in the favor of the topic and
other is in the opposite. Teacher guide the students whenever
Question Answer Method

Question answer teaching strategy is an old strategy also known as

“Socratic Method of teaching”. It was developed by the famous
philosopher Socrates.
 According to Parke, “the question is the key to all educative activity
above the habit-skill level. It strategy is focused on to achieve the
cognitive objectives and bringing knowledge to the conscious level.
 It has the following principle:
 Theory of unfoldment, all knowledge is within the child, teacher cannot
teach any ting from outside.
 The knowledge can be emitted by linking the questions with his
Cooperative Method.

In cooperative learning students will:

 Gain from each other's efforts.
 Your success benefits me and my success benefits you.
 Understand that all group members share in the outcome.
 We all sink or swim together.
 Know that how well you do is the result of both individual and team
 We cannot do it without you.
Project method

 It is one of the modern methods of teaching in which the students’

point of view is given importance in designing the curricula and
content of studies.
This method is based on the philosophy of Pragmatism and the
principle of Learning by Doing. In this strategy students perform
constructive activities in natural condition. It demands work from
the pupils.
 According to W.H.Kilpatrick: “A project is a whole-hearted
purposeful activity proceeding in a social environment”.
 This teaching strategy focus on
 To socialize a child.
 To achieve cognitive, affective and psychomotor objectives.
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