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Managing People and

Organizing Teams
Himanshu Rajput
Understanding Behaviour

 People with practical experience of projects invariably identify the handling of people as an important aspect
of project management.
 The discipline of organizational behaviour has evolved theories that try to explain people’s behaviour.
Selecting the Right person for the job

 A general approach might be the following:

 Create a job specification
 Obtain applications
 Examine CV
 Interview
Instruction in best method

 When new members of the team are recruited, the team leader will need to plan their induction into the team
very carefully. Where a project is already well under way, this might not be easy. However the effort should
be made – it should pay off as the new recruit will become a fully effective member of the team more

 Maslow’s hierarchy of needs

 Physiological Needs
 Safety Needs
 Needs for Love and belonging
 Needs for Esteem
 Aesthetic Needs
Methods of improving motivation

 Set specific goals

 Provide feedback
 Consider job design
Working Groups

 A problem with major software projects is that they always involve working in groups, and many people
attracted to software development find this difficult,
 Task groups might call on people from different departments and would usually be disbanded once task was
Becoming a Team

 It is suggested that teams go through five basic stages of development:

 Forming
 Storming
 Norming
 Performing
 Adjourning

 Purposefully picking the team

 Facilitating team to identify goals
 Ensuring the team development of a shared mental model

 Act as a resource person to the team

 Develop mutual trust
 Calm the work environment
Norming and Performing

 Get feedback from staff

 Allow for the transfer of leadership
 Set aside time for planning and engaging the team

 Allow for flexibility in team roles

 Assist in the timing and selection of new member
 Create future leadership opportunities

 Position power
 Threatening punishment
 Connection power
 Legitimate power
 Reward power
 Decision making

 Personal power
 Expert power
 Information power
Thank You 

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