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Learning Objectives:

After Studying this section, you will be able to:

• Finalize event concept;

• Identify important committees for the event execution;
• Select appropriate venue layout.

Assuming that the event proposal was approved by

the client, the next thing to consider is finalizing the
event concept. It is very important that all details are
clear and all aspect are considered before the actual
event execution.
Going Back to the Drawing Board

Once the proposal is approved, go back to the drawing board. Make sure that
everything is already taken into consideration.
Review the following:
1. Timeline
2. Event attendees profile
3. Event site
4. Event theme and décor
5. Event layout
6. Event team
7. Event Budget
8. Event team
When everything seems to be okay, then next will be breaking of task to the event
team members.
Filling-up of Event Committee

The Event Concept

Event head

Event Head

Finance Program, marketing Registration Venue Food/Refreshment Support

Group and invitation Group Group Group Group Group
1. Finance Group - This group is responsible for managing the budget
of the team, sponsorship, and expenses. They ensure that
everything is properly accounted for.
2. Program, Marketing, and Invitation Group - This group is
responsible for ensuring that the sequence of the program is okay,
has no dull moments, and is properly coordinated with all members
of the committees. They make sure that all speakers, talents, and
audio-visual presentations are intact. They are also responsible for
preparing the invitation as well as its distribution. Marketing is
another task of the team ensuring that all tickets are sold and the
event is properly communicated with the prospective audiences.
Technical aspects of the event are also the responsibility of this
3. Registration Group - This group is responsible for the pre-
registration, transportation, and on-site registration of the event.
They will see to it that all guests are registered without any hassle
and are accompanied to the event area until they were seated.
3. Registration Group - This group is responsible for the pre-
registration, transportation, and on-site registration of the event.
They will see to it that all guests are registered without any hassle
and are accompanied to the event area until they were seated.

4. Venue Group – This is very important group since they will be

visiting the venue from time to time to check its completeness,
décor the area, and make sure that the atmosphere is good enough
to hold an event. Contract, set up, and styling are their main duties,
which may create pressure on the members since the ambiance of
the venue will be dependent on their creative ideas, basing still on
the requirement of the client and the theme. The venue should be
assigned based on the agreed with the clients. The following are
sample event layouts that the venue group should be knowledgeable
a. Banquet/Dining Setup (Round Tables)
b. Classroom Setup
c. Runway Setup
d. Auditorium Setup
e. U-shape Setup
5. Food/ Refreshment Group – The group see it that the menu as
required by the client is properly coordinated with the catering
service provider. They make sure that all aspects of food set up are
well-panned and food will be served to the attendees on the time
specified in the program.

6. Support Group – This group will support the whole team in all
aspects. They are responsible for crowd control, guest parking area/
spaces, and guest safety and security.

Depending on how big the event is, the composition of the

event team will vary. What is important is that all aspects of the
event execution will be manned by skilled and trained individuals.
Screening Manpower Requirement

Based on the chart above, manpower requirement will be the next

step to be considered ( should there be no enough people to man
the event). All members must have the skills matched to their task
assignment to ensure that all details will be properly executed. All
members shat be available to render work before, during, and after
the event as the assignment may require. Sub-committees may be
required depending on the complexity of the event. Some
committees may also be combined to lessen the number of sub-
committees; however, quality shall not be compromised.
Leading the Team

As a manager, it would be expected that you exercise good

leadership skills. This means that you show motivation to your team
to get them into the act. Because the leader is at the helm of the
event, it is imperative to direct people to work on their respective
assignments and getting them done effectively and efficiently.
1. Gather the team before the event execution.
2. Clearly communicate their responsibilities.
3. Clearly emphasize the event and its objectives.
4. Enumerate expected outcomes by the client and discuss the
responsibilities the team has on their shoulder.
5. Guide them along the way.
6. Allow them to ask questions even during execution proper.
7. Most importantly, never forget that COMMUNICATION is very vital
to the event’s success.

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