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Expression and
Chapter 18
Learning Objectives
Explain masturbation and describe how to deal with it;

Define homosexuality

Discuss sexual expression and orientation; and

State the difference between heterosexual, homosexual, bisexual,

and transgender

Table of contents

01 Reyalyn Dacquel &
02 Roselyn Jallorina &
Althea Faith Acosta Kaycee Abalos

Sex Orientation &

Expression Heterosexuals
03 Wilshen Domingo
04 Elica Simon &
Omarie Balignasay
Table of contents

Homosexuals Bisexual
05 Joyce Nicolas &
06 Kevin Pescasio &
Rozle Manuel Jeremy Pacle

Transgender or
07 Kristine Joy Furuc &
Carlyn Gabatin
Reyalyn Dacquel &
Althea Faith Acosta
Sexual Behavior
It refers to a broad spectrum of behavior in which humans display their sexuality.

➤These behavioral expressions contains both biological elements and cultural

influences and involves sexual arousal.

➤Sexual behavior can also involve behavior that is aimed at arousing desire in
potential partners (courtship displays or rituals) or behavior aimed at enhancing
sexual experiences
Sexual Orientation
is the emotional and erotic attraction towards another
individual. While the majority of people identify as

- Scientific study of all aspect of sexuality
are sexual feelings or behavior that may involve sexual
partners who are not human, without permission, or
that involve suffering or torture by one or both
10 Types of Sexual Behavior

1. Exhibitionism- is a gay or lesbian who like

showing sex organs to others who do not want to see
10 Types of Sexual Behavior
2. Fetishism- people with this disorder achieve sexual satisfaction by using
non-human objects.
3. Frotteurism- people with this order often rub his genital organs to others
who do not want it.
4. Pedophilia- involves sexual activity with young children, generally
under the age of 13.
5. Sexual Masochism- is a term used for certain sexual disorders, that
which also has a wider usage applying pain to oneself to obtain pleasure.
10 Types of Sexual Behavior
6. Sexual Sadism- an individual sadism achieve sexual gratification
by hurting other people.
7. Transvestic Fetishism- these orders are characterized by
heterosexual men who wear women's clothes in order to achieve
sexual response.
8. Voyeurism- is a paraphilia in which a person finds sexual pleasure
by watching or peeping men naked, undressing or having sex.
10 Types of Sexual Behavior
9. Zoophilia- is a term that describes sexual feelings
or behaviors involving animals.
10. Necrophilia- is a term that describes sexual
feelings or behaviors involving the body of the dead.
Roselyn Jallorina &
Kaycee Abalos

Is a way to complete sexual satisfaction (orgasm) obtained

either by some form of self-stimulation or by erotic actions
with others, exclusive of sexual intercourse. It is frequent
among adolescents and those deprived of sexual contact
with persons of the opposite sex

Masturbation does not lead to blindness, insanity, decreased

sperm count, increased penile size, or flexibility.

•Stress Relief

•Improved Mood

•Better Sleep

•Guilt or shame- Societal taboos or personal beliefs may lead to feelings of guilt
or shame associated with masturbation

•Psychological dependence - in some cases, excessive masturbation can lead to

psychological dependence or addiction, impacting overall well being and

•Physical Side effects- Over aggressive masturbation can lead to irritation,

soreness or even injury to the genitals.
Sex Orientation &
Wilshen Domingo
Sexual Orientation

Sexual orientation is a person's physical, emotional, romantic

or sexual attraction to others.

It is not a choice and is formed over time.

Masculine, feminine, and androgynous are all forms of

It involves things like clothing, hairstyle, mannerisms, and


There are no rules!

Elica Simon &
Omarie Balignasay

Heterosexual people are sexually or romantically

attracted to people of the opposite sex. Heterosexual
men are sexually or romantically attracted to women,
and heterosexual women are sexually or romantically
attracted to men.

It is the most common sexual orientation among

humans and is often considered the societal norm in
many cultures. This attraction can be emotional,
physical, or sexual and often leads to the formation
of romantic relationship
7 Boundaries and Preferences of Heterosexuality:

a.) Physical intimacy- Hugging, Kissing, Holding hands, cuddling, sexual


b.) Communication- Healthy communication is key to any relationships.

c.)Emotional support- Understanding each others emotional needs and

being there for support.

d.) Personal space and independence- Balancing time together.

7 Boundaries and Preferences of Heterosexuality:

e.) Financial Matters- Discussing financial responsibilities, joint accounts

and spending habits.

f.) Social Interactions- Boundaries around socializing with friends,

family and others.

g.) Future plans- Discussing long term goals such as marriage, children,
career aspirations and living arrangements.
Joyce Nicolas &
Rozle Manuel
Homosexuality is when people of the same
gender are romantically or sexually attracted to
each other. It's a natural part of human diversity,
just like being straight.
Myths and Misconceptions about Homosexuality
Unfortunately, there is a lot of homophobia in the United States and
around the world. In many countries, it’s illegal to be gay. People
who are anti-gay have spread several harmful myths demonizing

Myth 1. LGBTQ members make bad parents

Myth 2. Being gay is a choice and it can be fixed Helping your

Love one's understand homosexuality.
Kevin Pescasio &
Jeremy Pacle
Bisexuality is a sexual orientation characterized by a romantic
or sexual attraction to both males and females. People who
identify as bisexual may have equal or varying degrees of
attraction to each gender. Bisexuality challenges the gender
binary, as it does not require individuals to identify strictly as
either heterosexual or homosexual.

Bisexuality is a romantic or sexual attraction

or behavior toward both males and females
(gender binary),to more than one gender,or to
both people of the same gender and different
Transgender or Transsexual

Kristine Joy Furuc &

Carlyn Gabatin

•SEX- Sex refers to the biological characteristics that define

a person as male or female.
• GENDER - Gender is the societal expectations, roles,
behaviors, and identities associated with being male,
female, or other genders.

--------------> GENDER TRANSITION

Transgender or Transsexual
Transgender and transsexual are the terms
used to describe individuals whose gender
identity does not align with their assigned
sex at birth.
How do they transform?

Transwoman- HRT (Hormone Replacement Therapy) is a

medication that contains female hormones.

Transmen- MHT ( Mascunalizing Hormone Therapy)

produces physical changes in the body that are caused by male
hormones during puberty.
How can I be supportive of transgender family members,
friends, or significant others?
● Educate yourself
● Advocate for transgender rights
● There is not one universal way to look or be
transgender. (eg. Race social class religion age
To summarize, it is critical to remember that sexual
behaviors vary greatly among cultures and individuals,
and they must always be treated with respect, consent,
and understanding. Open discussion, education, and
acceptance of varied sexual expressions help society as a
whole, creating a more inclusive and caring
Thank You!

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