Caste System

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The Caste System

Exploring differences in society

The Caste System
• (Varnas and Jatis) => Social Classes
Brought by the Aryans in 1500 B.C.
• Forced the Indians (Dravidians) to become
their servants
• As a result, the caste system originated based
on ethnic, social and economic distinctions
• Today there are hundreds of sub-castes and
four main castes.
• There is also a fifth group.
Aryan Movements
The Main Castes
People divided by birth and hereditary occupation.

• Brahmins: Priestly class and

cultured elite.
• Kshatriyas: Warrior class
and ruling aristocracy
• Vaishyas: Farmers,
merchants, and professional
• Shudras: Low status
laborers and artisans. Known
as the servant class.

• Considered to be so lowly that

– they do not have a caste.
• Perform the despicable tasks like killing
animals, tanning hides, sweeping and cleaning.
• Gandhi called them “the children of God’
• 1950 Indian Constitution abolished
untouchability…but still exists
Imagine the caste system in our country.
• Place the following occupations in order 1-10
• (1 being the highest or most pure, 10 being the lowest)
– Doctor
– Web designer
– Politician
– Movie Star
– Fast Food worker
– Teacher
– Homemaker (domestic issues: cooking, child rearing)
– Professional athlete
– Farmer
– Newspaper delivery
• Be able to explain and defend your choices
Caste Facts
• Once born into a caste, you stay in
the caste
• Usually marry within caste, but that Wedding
is changing
• Each caste has its own rules and
duties (dharma)
• Differences in class exists in each
– Ex. poor Brahmin and a rich
What effects did the caste system
have on India? (+ & -)
(+) Created order, stability and
(-) Yet harsh life & segregation for
lower groups
Weakening of the
Caste System
• Education
• Move to cities Cities
• Constitutional changes:
– right to vote.
• Gandhi
• Industry and Technology

Continuing Caste Strength
• Still strong in the villages (change
is slow)
• Hard to separate from the Hindu
tradition…it is entrenched!
What connection is the between
the Caste System and Hinduism?

Your place in the Caste

System is linked to
Karma (actions) and
Dharma (duty)
• Graphic Film Clip

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