Analysing An Image

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Analysing Images and

L.I. Students will understand the skills used to analyse
images and graphics and add this to their essay.

Starter: How could images and graphics add to an

argument being made in a text? Can you think of
an example?
Images and Graphics

• Images and graphics are included to support particular

points or ideas the author is making.
• Your task is to work out which point or idea the image
is supporting and analyse the ways in which it does.
Analysing an Image
• The analysis of an image works in the same way as
analysing language.
• Instead of a quote, you will use details from the image.
• You will consider how it positions the reader to view a
certain person, idea or thing.
• Looking at the image is the last step.
Begin with the following:

1. See – What do I see in this image? What details

are relevant to the argument?
2. Explore – How does the image support and
develop the way the argument is positioning the
3. Analyse – How do these details influence the
way the audience see the person, idea or thing?
A tip!

• More often than not, an image is located in the right place, close
to the point being made.
• Check where the image is placed and see if it supports the
argument being made in the section of the text.
• Sometimes this is not the case, so it important not to just assume
the image supports the text closest to it.
Complete the following for the article:

1. See – What do I see in this image? What details

are relevant to the argument?
2. Explore – How does the image support and
develop the way the argument is positioning the
3. Analyse – How do these details influence the
way the audience see the person, idea or thing?
• Sometimes the texts you are analysing will not only contain
images but graphics as well – diagrams, charts and graphs.
• You have to analyse them the same way that you would an
• You use See, Explore, Analyse
• Choose one graphic and complete a SEA
• Turn it into a paragraph.
Example pg. 175

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