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Sambhram Institute of Technology

Bangalore - 560097
Dept. of Computer Science & Engineering
Project on
Land Registration System Using Blockchain
Submitted by:

Aakash Shrestha(1st19cs700) John Saud(1st19cs714)

Niraj Kumar Rauniyar(1st19cs722)
Under the Guidance of:

Mrs. Sindhu K.
 A blockchain is a data structure, which is growing list of data blocks.
 The data blocks are linked together, such that old blocks cannot be removed or
 Blockchain technology makes middlemen(so called third parties) obsolete in many
applications. Bitcoin can serve as an example here. Bitcoins are not routed via a
central instance, e.g. bank but can be transferred directly between parties.
 A blockchain based land registration system which provides a transparent secured
and decentralized method for execution of transaction between the participants by
employing the concept of Hyperledger.
 In this system, users would register on the portal and take up the role of a buyer or
seller accordingly.
 Users can get deeds digitally which will be uploaded as a new block in the chain
Literature Survey
 Case studies like bitfury, comaway, consenSys have set proper examples of platforms for implementation
of blockchain in property and registry
 This,come to realize that implementation of blockchain and thus modifying the traditional system makes
the system easier and efficient and thus the process of digitization of land records using blockchain
technology to overcome the drawbacks of existing land registration systems was introduced.
 The existing problems such as delayed ownership verification, slowdown of legitimate transactions and
the worst-case scenario of frauds which may happen during purchase process.
 According to case studies and research conducted in the cities of Honduras and Georgia, use of proof of
existence, proof of audit and proof of process for establishing permanent timestamped digital records is
introduced to avoid visual manual verification and thus the first step towards replacement of their existing
land registration system with a transparent, faster, secure, convenient, efficient system was take
Literature Survey
 An agile framework for blockchain is adopted here by proposing levels of blockchain recording, smart
workflow, blockchain registry and peer to peer transaction to avoid middleman and interoperability
 The characteristics of blockchain include decentralization, persistency, anonymity and audibility that help
overcome the drawbacks of traditional system with a major focus on eliminating the necessity of third party
for validation transactions..
 Hyperledger Fabric blockchain technology is introduced. It lays down various features of a hyperledger
fabric environment. This fabric provides a permissioned network that runs a blockchain among a group of
known, identified participants and the way this helps overcome the drawbacks of permissionless networks is
discussed elaborately.
 Blockchain is a mechanism to bring everyone to the highest degree of accountability. Using blockchain can
help business to improve operational efficiency and speed up the process with reducing cost.
 Hence, there is a huge potential in the business of developing new cryptocurrencies coding, transactions,
storages, exchange rates, standardization, and security mechanisms to adopt these disrupting financial
 To secure the land transaction from attacker and to easily maintain records.
 To keep a track of double spending which deals with scenarios related to the same land being
sold multiple times to other clients.
 Sellers and buyers sign the property ownership transfer document in front of the land inspector
on the land registry platform.
 The signed document gets saved in the database and transaction corresponding to it is recorded
on the blockchain. Which is difficult to break.
 Users having multiple lands in multiple states are also kept track off in the
chain who are also linked with their respective land.
 Forms a chain of users with basic transaction related details like the previous and present
owner of the property, actual price and selling price of the property along with property size.
As our implemented system is currently subjected to deployment of transactions where we directly
make use of all the documents which are already verified manually by the authority, in future our scope
could be expanded by integrating our system with government API. By doing so we can verify the
users and their deeds automatically in a simple manner. Also, incorporation of a language translation
tool can be done to users who speak their native languages. Lastly, we can also keep a track of the
entire history of a piece of land and add various dimensions to our system and thus making it more
reliable and user friendly.
Problem Statement
 The people have least knowledge about blockchain that how it is beneficial and useful than the current

 Transactions is complex multi-step process.

 Costly and difficult UI, further we will remove any intermediaries and make it simple as possible and make

confidentiality of transactions.
System Architecture

 A network is created and all the required entities like the certificate authority the orderer, the database (couchdb)
and the peer of the organization are created that are required initially to set up the hyperledger environment. Then
the first network admin card called the PeerAdmin card is generated. A peer admin business network card must be
created in order to deploy a Hyperledger Composer business network to a Hyperledger Fabric instance.
System Architecture
 The yeoman generator is used to create a skeleton of a business network structure. The main feature of a hyperledger
composer is to have a business network definition(BND) that defines the data model, the transaction logic(chaincode)
and the access control rules that manages the business altogether. This will create a directory containing all of the
components of a business network.

 The .bna file is an archive of the above 3 files created by the yeoman generator. The business is now in a deployable
state on the hyperledger fabric by installing the business network onto the peers. The network is deployed and started
where the specifications like network name, version, admin and the network card on which the admin is deployed is

 Then the network administrator identity as a usable business network card has to be imported. Checking of the
business network card created above is done by pinging it. It returns the participant and gives it a system identity. The
hyperledger composer rest server is started using the network card to give it a test interface. Using this Rest Server
contains all the elements of our business network and the hyperledger fabric contacts the angular front end using the

 The yeoman generator is used again for the purpose of building the front-end for the existing business network using
Angular. This will create a basic angular interface that is ready to communicate with the rest server.

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