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• Are impacting, if not deciding, everyday choices in the media. The following could
represent a major legal problem in the media industry: A TV news report quoting a police
officer about a drunk driver who caused a fatal accident, a mistake that associated the
wrong name or home address with criminal wrongdoing, a record bought at a local store
that's used as background music for a commercial, publishing controversial excerpts on a
web site from a new novel, a photo from a web page used in a student newspaper,
announcing that a local businessman has contracted AIDS. Any of this could result of a
costly lawsuit. How costly? the normal expense of simply protecting yourself from a libel
suit is about $550,000. On the off chance that you happen to lose the suit, the settlement
could sum to a huge number of dollars on top of that. Although most legal constraints, for
example, shield laws, laws against defamation, libel, intrusion of privacy, and so forth., are
in general society's best interest, others are not, for example, a large corporation threatens
a costly lawsuit if a true story about their wrong doing is printed or broadcast. The best
that we can do is to recommend some broad rules that ought not be viewed as legal rules.
This is primarily on the grounds that the law changes from state to state and after some
time. Even legal guidance that has been assumed valid for a considerable length of time
can be all of a sudden turned around by a court choice.
• Copyright is a big issue the media industry faces. Legal protection is advised so that
their original material can't be used in somebody elses name.
1. Health and Safety
Health and Safety Advisors in the TV and film industry give advice on health and safety
management systems within each film or production, reviewing each companys Health
and Safety policy, and ensuring that health and safety arrangements and the appropriate
personnel are in place.
2. Copyright and Trademarks
Copyright applies to work that is recorded in some way; rights exists in items such as
literary, artistic, musical and dramatic work as well as films, sound recordings and typo-
specific rights in relation to the work, prohibits unauthorised actions, and allows the
author to take legal action against instances of infringement or plagiarism. Trademarks
are registered at a national or territory levelwith an appointed government body and may
take anywhere between 6 and 18 months to be processed. Registered trademarks may be
identified by the abbreviation TM, or the symbol.
3. Equal Opportunities

Equal opportunities is an act where people should be treated as an equal and not be
looked down upon because of their age, disability, sex, religion or ethnic origin. The
Equal Opportunities act took effect in August 2011. This new act replaced the 1995
equal opportunity act, with some changes to discrimination laws and changed key

4. Exclusivity and Confidentiality

parties wish A non-disclosure agreement is a legal contract between at least two

parties that outlines confidential material, knowledge, or information that 1 to share
with one another for certain purposes, but wish non-disclosure agreement creates to
restrict access to or by third parties. A a confidential relationship between the
parties to protect any type of confidential and proprietary information or secrets of
production. A non-disclosure agreement in a contract may also include exclusivity
between the parties involved, more likely the person signing the contract to a
company makes that person limited and exclusive to working for the production
company, the production or any other details the contract states.
Morality issues such as right and wrong have to be taken into account.
Exploitation and sensationalism also have to be considered and taken into account.
Offensive material such as privacy and copyright are not usually enforced by law.
Regulatory bodies and codes of practise exist often within the industry.
Representational issues have to do with the re-presentation of people, facts,
opinions and events.
1. Representation and Ethics
Representation refers to the construction in any medium of aspects of reality such
as people, places, objects, events, cultural identities and other abstract concepts.
Such representations may be in speech or writing as well as still or moving pictures.
A reporter when working on a certain story will have to make sure that he/she isn't
bias or one sided towards that story. He/she must also gather both sides of the
argument, for and against that story in order to gain a fair sided report.
2. Accuracy

All information output, as appropriate to its subject and nature, must be well sourced, based on sound
evidence, thoroughly tested and presented in clear, precise language. The information should be honest
and open about what they don't know and avoid unfounded speculation. Claims, allegations, material
facts and other content that cannot be corroborated should normally be attributed.

3. Harm and Offense

The media information must apply generally accepted standards so as to provide adequate protection
for members of the public from the inclusion of offensive and harmful material. They must observe the
9pm television watershed to ensure material that might be unsuitable for bhildren is appropriately
scheduled and must balance responsibility or protect children and young people from unsuitable
content withtheir rights to freedom of expression and freedom to receive information. This includes,
violence, strong language, nudity, sex, portrayal of alcohol, smoking, drugs, etc.

The use of social media has exploded in the last several years, so much so that it now touches almost
every facet of our lives. Friendster, the first social media site, was launched in 2003. Myspace, Face
book, LinkedIn, and Twitter soon followed. Facebook, the most popular of the social media sites,
currently has over 500 million users. It is the second most popular website behind Google.

Social media is about community and relationships. You probably already realize how important it is to
increase your businesses exposure in your local community. Perhaps you belong to the local Chamber of
Commerce, Rotary club or serve on the board of a charitable organization. Think of social media as an
online extension of the many networking activities you may already participate in as part of the "real
world." Some of the more commonly known professional sites are LinkedIn, FastPitch and Plaxo. These
sites are used for business networking and job hunting. Many people consider them to be customer lead
generation vehicles as well. These sites share the common objective of building an online business
community. They can support your business by strengthening and expanding its network of contacts.
Based on specific trade and business information, LinkedIn, Fastpitch and Plaxo enable you to connect
with individuals who may have mutually beneficial opportunities to offer.
Media Issues In 2016
1. Drama without Drama- The Late Rise of Scripted TV Formats.
--Jean K. Chalaby.

This article revisits the history of television (TV) formats-concepts of TV shows that are
licensed for local adaptations-focusing on scripted entertainment. While the TV format
revolution of the 1990s bypassed scripted formats, they have been catching up in recent
years. This article analyzes both the reasons for this late rise and the factors behind the
recent growth. It argues that the adaptation of scripted formats are more complex, and
risks remain higher than for other genres. The underlying economics of their production
and distribution also differ from non scripted formats. The stars aligned when demand
for drama Increased worldwide, Hollywood studios began to mine their catalogues, new
exporters and scripted genres emerged, and knowledge transfer techniquesimproved.
Finally, this paper analyzes the significance of the rise of scripted entertainment in the
global TV format trading system.
2. Rearticulating Audience Engagement Social Media and Television
- Thomas Poell, University of Amsterdam.

This introduction to the special issue on social media and television

audience engagement sketches the key dimensions that affect how audiences
are transformed through the development of social platforms. Building on
the five contributions to the special issue, we identify three dimensions that
deserve further attention: (1) the character of national media cultures, (2)
whether social platforms are employed by public or commercial
broadcasters, and (3) the specific techno-commercial strategies of television
producers and social media companies. By exploring these three dimensions,
the article presents a basic analytical model to systematically compare and
contextualize empirical findings on the relationship between social media
and audience engagement.
3. Twitter Time. A Temporal Analysis of Tweet Streams During Televised
Political Debate
- Philip Pond, Department of Media & Communication, RMIT University.

This article examines the role that the micro blogging service Twitter plays in
engaging audiences with televised political debate. Analysis focuses on Q&A, a
political discussion show hosted by the Australian Broadcasting Corporation, and
the #QandA hashtag used to discuss the broadcast. Analysis suggests that rather
than enabling user-to-user communication, the #QandA stream is characterized by
the struggle to signify and complex nonlinear temporalities.

These contributions to ongoing language wars imply an emergent type of

audience engagement, which may not be compatible with a normative framing
of deliberative discourse.
4. The Turn to "Bad Koreans" Transforming Televisual Ethnicity
- Timothy K. August, Department of Cultural Analysis and Theory.

This article examines the production and negotiation of Korean American

televisual images in U.S. reality and travel food programs. We explore two
different representations of Korean Americans, the first in CNN's Parts Unknown
and the second in Bravo TV's Top Chef, to identify the demand for ethnic
transformation that Korean Americans face and examine how these trials
reasimate the role of Korean Americans on television. We argue that the
iconoclastic figure of the "Bad Korean" highlighted in Parts Unknown challenges
stereotypical portrayals of Korean Americans by positioning cast members as
active and disruptive cultural producers. In our analysis of Top Chef, we focus
on the emergence of the "Shifting Korean" to highlight the transformative
process demanded by the reality television genre. We conclude by querying the
representational possibilities for Korean Americans, asking what claims the "Bad
Korean" and "Shifting Korean" can make on cultural authenticity
Opportunities of Media and Information
Working members of the media, including print, broadcast and online
media. Each organization is limited to three media representatives,
except newsletters and blogs, which are limited to one. Below are
some of the Opportunities in Media and Information:

1. Print publications
2. Journals
3. News wire services
4. Broadcasts
5. Online media
6. Newsletters
7. Freelancers
Challenges of Media and Information
Many of the media industry appears to be more concerned in deciding what is
the best agency / sales team / advertiser, but the industry still faces many
challenges and issues driven by the economy, technology and the increased
difficulty of the category.

Some of these challenges were:

1. Audience Measurement
2. Tracking Return on Investment & Attribution across media channels.
3. Recruitment & Retention
4. Keeping Up to Date
5. Business costs
6. Managing an increasingly diverse & siloed agency roster.
7. Fragmenting Market & Increased Competition.
8. Procurement & Agency Margins
9. Disconnect & Miscommunication
10. Limited Scope

Power of Media and Information

In order to make the best use of the different mass media

channels, keep it media in the society has been growing over the
past centuries towards the following responsibilities:
1. The media inform people in general, gives information, creates politica
ideas, organize social action groups, and helps to shape the public policy
agendas and priorities.
2. The media play a role of political accountability, watching public officials
and institutions and challenge them via reports, interviews, debates, etc.
3. The media sometimes play the role of a direct political actor, the press
reveals the government's plans that impact on the political scene.
4. The media also play an accountability role concerning the private sector
and the non-governmental organizations, reporting their every actions the
news and making sure that they do not harm the public.
Media and Information in:
1. Economy
Hembodies economic theoretical and practical economic questions spei to media of all
types. Of particuland practical comicconomics are the economic polices and practices
of media companies and disciplines including journalism and the news industry, film
production, entertainment programs, print, broadcast, mobile communication, internet
advertising and public relations.

2. Education
Mass media are the educational medium for the mass education Regardless of
class, color, geographical, sociological, economical diversities mass media
prove as an important means for the education to all. Mankind gets a great deal
of information from the widespread mass media like newspaper, TV, radio,
magazines, journals, films, etc. It is estimated that mass media may substitute
the real classroom teaching in the future.
3. Social
Social media in general include all the means of mass communication that are
used by the public in general to interact with the rest of the society, may it be
the some of the popular social medias such as Twitter, Instagram, Face book,
Youtube and Google + or may it be fora wherein people with a common
concern can interact with other people, social media are playing a great role in
integrating the world as we know it.

4. Politics
Social media have rapidly increased in importance as a forum for political
activism in its different forms. Social media platforms provide new ways to
encourage citizen's engagement in political life where elections and
electoral campaigns have a central role.
Threats of Media and Information
Social networking sites links us together in a digital society where we can
make the most out of our social rights. Businesses are also starting to
reallocate funds towards social media in place of traditional advertising.
While there are numerous benefits to sharing and communicating through
social media, it also has its share of threats, here are some:

1. Customer Scams
2. Watering Hole Phishing &
3. Information Leakage
4. Hashtag/Traffic hijacking
5. Account Takeover
Risks of Media and Information

Just like anything in life, there are benefits as well as risks in

using social media. And, just like with anything in life, when
it comes to social media, recognizing the risks is the first step
in managing them, here are some of them:

1. Anything you do can be seen by other people.

2. Keep the negativity to yourself.
3. Don't post sexual, religious, political and graphic
4. Never fight with anyone on social networking
Abuses of Media and Information

There is nothing too technical about how people go about

abusing others on social networks. There are more complex
ways such as hacking other's accounts, accessing someone's
e-mail, and finding and posting fake pictures so the abuser
appears as someone he or she is actually not. Some examples
of the abuses of media are Cyber Bullying, Creating a Fake
Misuse of Media and Information

Nowadays, the media is being misused, not only by the

staff of the office, but almost all of the people in the
world. Social media is a great communication tool to help
businesses connect with their customers all over the
world. However, if social media are misused, one's
business could be at risk of losing customers, gaining a
bad reputation, losing sales, getting your account banned
or even legal action.

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