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Pakistan & GeoPolitical Studies

Muhammad Tariq
How the Globe is Disposed Off
22 Conflicts around the Globe
7 Conflict Zones
Geopolitics-US Military Bases around the Globe
Geopolitics-US Military Bases around the Globe
US Bases
 Defining Geopolitics
 Geopolitics (derived from Greek word "earth, land" and "politics") is the
study of the effects of Earth's geography (human and physical) on politics
and International Relations
 Classical Geo-politics; focus on the interrelationship between territories,
interests, and strategic accesses
 Critical Geopolitics; tend to focus more on role of discourse and ideology
 Geopolitics is the study of the relationship between geography, power, and international


 It explores how geographical factors, such as location, resources, and physical features,

influence the behaviour of states, international organizations, and other actors at the global


 At its core, geopolitics seeks to answer questions like: How does a nation's geographic

position affect its foreign policy? How do geographical factors contribute to conflicts and

alliances? How does power projection shape the world?

 Geopolitics is the lens through which we analyze the complex interplay between

space and politics on a global scale

 At its core, geopolitics seeks to answer questions like: How does a nation's

geographic position affect its foreign policy? How do geographical factors

contribute to conflicts and alliances? How does power projection shape the world?

 Geopolitics is the lens through which we analyze the complex interplay between

space and politics on a global scale

Key Contituents of Geopolitics

 Geography encompasses a nation's location on the map, its physical features

(mountains, rivers, oceans), climate, and access to resources.

 These geographical factors significantly impact a country's strategic position, economic

potential, and vulnerability to external influences
Key Contituents of Geopolitics

 Power, in geopolitics, refers to a nation's ability to influence and shape events on the
international stage.

 It comes in various forms, including military power (defense capabilities), economic

power (GDP, trade), political influence (alliances, diplomacy), and cultural power (soft
power, global influence)
Key Contituents of Geopolitics
International Affairs

 International affairs encompass the diplomatic, economic, and political

interactions among nations

 Geopolitics seeks to understand how geography and power dynamics

affect a country's role in international affairs, its foreign policy
decisions, and its relationships with other states
 Realism emphasizes power as the central feature of international
 It argues that states primarily act in their self-interest and seek to
maximize their power and security
 Realists believe that conflicts and competition among nations are
inevitable in a world driven by power dynamics
 Liberalism stresses the importance of international institutions,
cooperation, and diplomacy
 It suggests that countries can achieve peace and prosperity through
diplomacy, economic interdependence, and adherence to international
 Liberalism sees a path to reducing conflict through diplomacy and
shared values
 Constructivism focuses on the role of ideas, beliefs, and norms in
shaping international relations
 It argues that states' behaviour is influenced by their identities and the
prevailing ideas in their societies
 Constructivists believe that international norms and perceptions can
change over time, leading to shifts in state behaviour
Theories of Geopolitics
Theories of Geopolitics
Theories of Geopolitics
Theories of Geopolitics
Geopolitical Players
 United States
 China
 Russia
 Europe
 India
 Japan
 Germany
 Others as relevant
Geopolitical Hot Spots
 Middle East
 South China Sea
 Ukraine
 Kashmir
 Palestine
 North Korea
Geopolitical Tools
❖ Diplomacy
❖ Economic Sanctions
❖ Military Actions
❖ Alliances
Geopolitics and the Future
➢ Climate Change & Global


➢ Impact of Emerging


➢ Shifts in Global Power Game

Geopolitics Defined: We've defined geopolitics as the study of the
interplay between geography, power, and international affairs. It's the lens
through which we understand the complexities of global interactions

Components of Geopolitics: We've examined the three key

components: Geography, Power, and International Affairs, which form the
foundation of this field
Geopolitical Theories: We've explored prominent theories like Realism, Liberalism,
and Constructivism, providing different perspectives on international relations

Current Dynamics: We've touched upon current geopolitical players, hotspots, and
tools shaping the world today

Looking Ahead: We've considered emerging factors like technology, climate

change, and shifts in global power that will influence the future of geopolitics

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