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Disk Management

By:MD L.koorta
What is Disk Management?

Disk Management is a utility built

into different operating systems
which can be used to create,
delete, format partitions, assign
drive letters, and much more.
How To Access Disk Management?

There are several method to access the Disk


Method 1 - Start > Control Panel >

Administrative Tools. Double click Computer
Management and then click Disk Management
in the left hand column.

Method 2 - Click Start > Run and type

diskmgmt.msc in the Open: line and click OK.
The Disk Management nap-in will open.
How To Access Disk Management?

One of the most

fastest way to
open DM

Method 3 - Right
Click on the My
Computer and then
click Manage
How To Use Disk Management

Disk Management has two main sections -

a top and a bottom:
The bottom section of Disk Management
contains a graphical representation of the
physical drives installed in the computer.
The top section of Disk Management
contains a list of all the partitions,
formatted or not, that Windows
How To Use Disk Management
How To Use Disk Management

Here are some common things

that you can do in Disk
Partition a Drive
Format a Drive
Change a Drive's Letter
Shrink a Partition
Delete a Partition
Steps For Partition

In Disk Management’s Graphical

view, right-click an unallocated or
free area, and then click New
Simple Volume. This starts the New
Simple Volume Wizard.
Steps For Partition
Steps For Partition

Read the Welcome page and then click


The Specify Volume Size page specifies

the minimum and maximum size for the
volume in megabytes and lets you size
the volume within these limits. Size the
partition in megabytes using the Simple
Volume Size field and then click Next.
Steps For Partition
Steps For Partition

On the Assign
Drive Letter Or
Path page, specify
whether you want
to assign a drive
letter or path and
then click Next. The
available options
are as follows:
Steps For Partition

Use the Format Partition page to

determine whether and how the
volume should be formatted. If
you want to format the volume,
choose Format This Volume With
The Following Settings, and then
configure the following options:
Steps For Partition
Steps For Partition

and then
Steps For Partition

The Windows
7 Disk
tool will now
show the
configured as
a new
Shrink a Partition

Here’s an easy way to shrink a

volume to free up space so you can
create a new partition on your disk.

To shrink a basic volume follow

these steps:
Steps For Shrink

In Disk Management, right-click the volume that you

want to shrink, and then click Shrink Volume.
Steps For Shrink

In the field
provided in
the Shrink
dialog box,
enter the
amount of
space by
which to
shrink the
Steps For Shrink

Click Shrink.

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