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Topic 8: Morh method to detect

the end point in precipitation


Vũ Huyền Thương
Nguyễn Thị Nguyệt
Nguyễn Thị Hương
Precipitation: titration of analyte with a standard solution
of a precipitating agent.
Morh’s method
The principle of Morh titration is to add precipitated ion
titration solution with Ag+ to give a darker colored
precipitate at the same point.
This method utilizes chromate as an indicator (AgCrO4:
precipitation have red- brow)
The method is applicable to the determination of Cl- and
Br-, but not for I- or SCN-
The pH of the sample solutions should be between
6.5 and 10.
In a lower pH (acid solution)
CrO(aq) + (aq) →H2CrO4
H2CrO4 ↔ 2H+(aq) + CrO (aq)
In a higher pH (basic solution)
Ag+(aq) + OH-(aq) → AgOH(s)
The titration of the halide ion titration by the Morh
method is as follows:

Ag+ initially reacts with halide ions( Cl-, Br-) to form a

A(aq) + (aq) → AgX(s)
After the halide ions precipitate all the first extra silver
droplets will react with CrO ions to create AgCrO4
Ag+ + CrO → AgCrO4(s)
The moment the precipitate begins to change color is the end
Titration: Ag+ (aq) + X- (aq) →AgX (s)
End point: Ag+ (aq) + CrO(aq) → Ag2CrO4 (s)
Application of the Morh titration
This method can be used to determine the
chloride ion concentration of water samples
from many sources such as seawater, stream
water, river water and estuary water.
Seawater is used as the example here.
Determination of Chloride Ion
Concentration by Titration (Morh’s Method)
Determines the chloride ion concentration of
a solution by titration with silver nitrate. As
the silver nitrate(AgNO3) solution is slowly
added, a precipitate of silver chloride forms.
Ag+(aq) + Cl-(aq) → AgCl(s)
The end point of the titration occurs when all
chloride ions are precipitated. Then additional
silverions react with the chromate ions of the
indicator,potassium chromate, to form a red-
brown precipitate ofsilver chromate.
Ag+ + CrO →AgCrO4 ( red – brow)
Before end point:Addition of sliver
Formation of AgCl( whiteprecipate)
Chromate indicator : faint yellow
colour Clear yellow
colour of chromate
At the end point: All Cl- has been indicator before
comsumed addition sliver
Excess Ag+ reaction with chromate
ion ->
Slight redish-colour
After the end point( excessAg+)
Increase formation of sliver
chromate (stronger redish
AgCl: Ksp = 1,7.10^-10
AgCrO4: Ksp = 9.10^-12
 AgCl is less soluble than Ag2CrO4 so it
will precipitate first
 Ag2CrO4 is brick red in color so a color
change is observed at the endpoint

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