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Sprint Health: Summary of the most important Sprint Burndown: Team’s track record for the current sprint.

t. For this
metrics in a sprint chart to be accurate, estimation in the beginning of the sprint is critical.
High Priority Issues: Summary of the most important Team’s Advancement: Summary of how much does each
metrics in a sprint team member have on their plate, and what are the relative
sprint in (openSprints(), futureSprints()) AND project priorities of work distributed throughout the team?
in (TIS) AND (Flagged is not EMPTY OR priority = sprint in (openSprints(), futureSprints()) AND project in (TIS)

Assigned to me: Each team member gets a gadget

listing their work
JIRA Road Map: Clarifies progress Activity Stream: Stay up-to-date with
toward milestones by displaying which what’s happening in the project.
versions are due and the progress on
issue resolution for each version.

Created Vs. Resolved Chart: Displays Resolution Time: Shows the average
the rate at which issues are logged time between an issue’s creation and
and fixed. resolution over the period you select.

Two Dimensional Filter Statistics:

Track different metrics, such as bugs
resolved by each team member or
number of issues for each priority
level for a sprint.
Heat Map: Shows the frequency of
the field of your choice, such as
assignees, issue types, or labels.
Average Age Chart: Shows average
number of days issues were
unresolved for a given period.

Pie Chart: Shows the number of

issues handled by each team member.

Average Number of Times in Status:

Shows the average number of times
an issue has been in a status for all
resolved issues over the past 10 days.
Issues Calendar: Shows due dates
and when items are logged and fixed.

Statistics: Helps surface bottlenecks,

especially when Show Resolved Issue
Statistics is set to No so that only
unresolved items appear. Issue
Statistics can also show workloads for
each assignee.

Watched Issues: Allows keeping an

eye on issues we want to track,
including items assigned to others,
and you can seeeinge how many
people are watching the same items.

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