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Family Structure

 Who is the head of the family?

 Who is the next in command?
Organizational Structure
What we need to do:

• Discuss the important areas in an organizational

• Create an organizational plan for your business
Organizational Plan
• Form of business organization in terms of ownership
• Holdings and liability of owners
• Organizational structure
• Roles and responsibilities
• Salary requirements
Organizational Plan
It includes organizational structure for proper
communication, delegation, and
accomplishment of tasks. This process entails
grouping jobs and ensuring that these are
performed by qualified and competent
personnel. In that sense, the authority and
responsibility will be well-defined and
coordinated within the business.
• It is the product of an organizational structure
that clarifies the line of authority of top-level,
middle-level, and low- level management.
• Avoids confusion among employees as to who
their immediate superiors are.
• Moreover, the organization will increase its
efficiency when it comes to decision-making.
Franco Morales (Co-owner and Manager)

Necessary Qualifications
• Excellent communication skills both in written and oral form
• Has extensive experience in business management
• Effective interpersonal skills
• Computer literate
Mario Puyat (Co-owner and HR Manager)
Duties and Responsibilities
• He will be responsible for the management of issues related to the
acquisition of raw materials, supplies, and general maintenance.
• Perform human resource duties such as recruitment, interview,
selection, hiring, and employ an appropriate number of employees.
• Provide oversight and direction to the business in accordance to its
mission and vision.
• Provide the needed customer services.
• Manage the overall operational, budgetary, and financial
responsibilities and activities of the department.

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