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Research and

Prof. Swati Agrawal
Dean R&C
 Research Publications by Faculty: In the calendar year 2023, the total number of publications is 514.
Compared to 2022, 2023 has seen an increase in publications.
 Ongoing Research Projects (External Funded): There are a total of 17 ongoing externally funded
 Ongoing Research Projects (Internal Funded): The total number of ongoing seed grant is 32. In the
Academic Year 2023-24, 10 Seed grant letters have been sanctioned, with a total sanctioned amount of
61.77 Lakhs.
 Patents: Since the last AC Meeting on 31st May 2023, 11 patents are currently in the process of filling, 5
patents have been Filed (Design patent-4 and Utility patent-1) and 2 patents have been published (Utility
 Ph.D. Awarded and Defended: A total of 24 PhD scholars have been awarded and defended since the last
AC meeting on 31st May 2023.
 Ph.D. New Joiners: Total 96 Ph.D. New Joined students since the last AC Meeting on 31st May 2023.
Compared to AY 2022-23, 2023-24 has seen an increase in the new PhD students.
 Consultancy and Outreach Activities: Only one consultancy project has come with a total sanctioned
amount of 1.40 Lakhs.
 Proposed amendment of PhD ordinance, rules and regulations:
 Oral Comprehensive Examination: include the RAC and OCE should be conducted during the Semester 3.
 Research Plan: Research plan should be submitted by the end of the 3rd Semester.
 Claim Conference Amount: conference amount claim after they attain the status of a scholar, not before.
 In Minimum/Maximum Registration Duration Requirement, As per the UGC norms, the duration of program has
Annexure 1: Research Publications by Faculty
 In the calendar year 2023, the total number of publications is 514. Compared to
2022, 2023 has seen an increase in publications as per the provided percentage
% Difference
Publications 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 Grand Total (from 2023
to 2022)
Book 2 1 3 2 12 20 5.0
Book Chapter 1 10 17 26 45 33 85 217 1.6
Case Study 2 1 3 -0.5
Conference Paper 3 16 47 57 59 112 147 148 589 0.0
1 1 4 1 4
Proceeding 11 3.0
Edited Book 1 1 2 4 3 11 -0.3
Editorial 1 1 2 0
Journal Article 9 48 86 58 125 202 291 257 1076 -0.1
Papers in arXiv
1 1
Repository 2 0
Preface 4 1 3 8 2.0
Working Paper 1 2 3 0
Grand Total 12 69 148 133 213 372 481 514 1942 0.1
Annexure 2: Ongoing Research Projects
External Funded
 Total 17 ongoing external funded projects details are provided below.

Department Name Count of Department

Biotechnology 4
Physics 3
Grand Total 17
Annexure 3: Ongoing Research Projects -
Internal Funded
 In the Academic Year 2023-24, 10 Seed grant letters have been sanctioned,
with a total sanctioned amount of 61.77 Lakhs.

Seed Grant Total Count of Status 2023-24

Completed 15 0
Ongoing 32 10
Grand Total 47 10
Annexure 4: Patents Filed, Published and
 Since the last AC Meeting on 31st May 2023, 11 patents are currently in the
process of filling, 5 patents have been Filed (Design patent-4 and Utility patent-
1) and 2 patents have been published (Utility patent-2).
Australian Design German Indian Tradema Grand
All Patent Status Utility patent (blank)
Patent patent Patent Patent rk Total
Filed 5 3 8
Granted 2 8 2 2 14
In the process of
9 2 11
1 1
application filed
Published 6 1 1 61 69
Under examination 16 16
Complete application
1 1
Grand Total 2 20 2 1 1 92 2 120
Annexure 5: Ph.D. Awarded and Defended

 A total of 24 PhD scholars have been awarded and defended since the last AC
meeting on 31st May 2023.

No. of PhD students graduated 2023-24 2022-23 2021-22 2020-21 2019-20

Full time 3 15 9 0 1
Part time 0 6 2 1 0
Annexure 6: Ph.D. New Joiners
 Total 96 Ph.D. New Joined students since the last AC Meeting on 31 st May 2023.
Since Last AC Meeting Bio CSE ECE Law Mathematics ME Physics SoLA SoM TSoM
Full Time 8 8 3 21 6 4 6 4 7 2 69
FULL TIME (Without
1 1
Part Time 14 5 1 2 22
Sponsored 4 4
Grand Total 8 26 3 26 7 4 6 4 8 4 96

 Compared to AY 2022-23, 2023-24 has seen an increase in the new PhD students as per
the provided percentage difference.
Grand Total of Grand Total of
School/ Department Name % Difference
2022-23 2023-24
Biotechnology 5 8 0.6
CSE 37 26 -0.3
ECE 4 3 -0.3
Mathematics 1 7 6.0
ME 2 4 1.0
Physics 9 6 -0.3
SoLA 1 4 3.0
TSoM 2 4 1.0
SoM 3 8 1.7
Law 13 26 1.0
Grand Total 77 96 0.2
Annexure 7: Proposed amendment of PhD
ordinance, rules and regulations
 ORAL COMPREHENSIVE EXAMINATION: The supervisors should be included as
part of the committee. It has been observed that previously supervisors were
not part of the committee, which may have led to oversight or lack of input
from key stakeholders in the research process.
 FINALIZATION OF RESEARCH PLAN: Previously, the submission of the Research
Plan timeline was not mentioned in the PhD ordinances. We will need to add this
requirement to ensure clarity and consistency in the PhD program guidelines.
 Claim Conference Amount: PhD students may submit conference claims through
the form after they attain the status of a scholar, not before.
norms, the duration of program has been increased from 7 years to 8 years.
Additionally, added the Maternity leave norms.
Annexure 8: Consultancy and Outreach
 Only one consultancy project has come with a total sanctioned amount of 1.40 Lakhs.

AY Sum of Revenue Generated Count of Project No.

2016-17 6,30,000 1
2017-18 8,60,000 3
2018-19 3,68,25,322 9
2019-20 10,28,085 5
2020-21 55,56,441 7
2021-22 3,50,000 1
2022-23 58,800 4
2023-24 1,40,000 1
Grand Total 4,54,48,648 31

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