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Loot Goblins 2

Scenario Outline Objectives

A troupe of Loot Goblins have stolen ancient artifacts, and Once one force has been Broken, the game might suddenly
two opposing forces seek to capture them in hopes of end. At the end of each turn, after this condition has been
finding their hidden stash. met, roll a D6. On a 1-2, the game ends – otherwise, the
The Loot Goblins will need to be taken alive to force them to battle continues for another turn.
lead the way to their hideout, but neither army will want to
share the prize with the other. At the end of the game, the force that has scored the most
Perhaps the power of the loot currently held by the Victory Points wins the game. If both players have the same
captured Goblins will swing the tide of battle, but will you number of Victory Points, the game is a draw.
risk your prize to prevent the enemy from claiming their
Scoring Victory Points
Layout • You score 1 Victory Point for every Loot Goblin your
Before rolling for deployment zones, one loot goblin is army controls.
placed directly in the centre of the board. Players then take • If you control more Loot Goblins than your opponent,
turns placing down the remaining four Loot Goblins. To you score 3 Victory Point. If you control the same
place the Loot Goblins, both players roll a D6. The player number of Loot Goblins as your opponent, you instead
with the highest score places one loot goblin anywhere on score 2 Victory Points.
the battlefield at least 12” away from an existing loot goblin • You score 1 Victory Point for causing one or more
and 6” away from any board edge. Loot Goblins must be wounds on the enemy leader (wounds prevented by a
placed at ground level. The players then alternate placing successful Fate roll do not count). If you kill the enemy
the remaining Loot Goblins according to the restrictions leader, you instead score 2 Victory Points.
noted earlier. • You score 1 Victory Point if the enemy force is broken at
the end of the game. If the enemy force is broken and
your force is unbroken, you score 2 Victory Points.
Starting Positions
Both players roll a D6 – the player with the highest result
chooses one of the deployment zones. They then select a Special Rules
warband in their force and roll a D6. Loot Goblins
Loot Goblins are treated as light objects, with a model
Players then take it in turns (starting with the player who moving into base contact treated as ‘picking up’ the loot
rolled the highest) to select a warband in their force and roll goblin.
a D6. Each turn, before players roll for priority, all Loot Goblins
that have not currently being carried by a model will move.
On a 1-3, all models in that warband must be deployed in Roll the provided scatter dice. All unclaimed Loot Goblins
the deployment zone and within 12” of the centre line of will move 5” in the rolled direction. If a ‘Hit’ is rolled, all
the board. On a 4-6, the models can be deployed anywhere unclaimed Loot Goblins will instead remain stationary. Loot
in the deployment zone. Models may not be deployed Goblins will never make a movement that requires a test
within 1” of an enemy model. Regardless of the dice roll, (climbing/swimming etc) but can move through difficult
models may not be deployed further than 6” from the terrain as normal. Loot goblins that cannot move their full
captain of their warband. movement because of something blocking their way will
end their movement having moved as far as possible. Loot
When this has been done, the opposing player chooses one Goblins can never enter a model’s control zone.
of their warbands and rolls to place it as described above.
Players alternate until all warbands have been placed. Despite being Light Objects rather then models, unclaimed
Loot Goblin may be targeted by magic that does not cause
harm to it. Magic can not be used to force the Loot Goblin
Initial Priority into an action that will cause it harm. A model with special
Both players roll a D6. The player with the highest score has rules that target enemy models may use them on an
Priority for the first turn. Unclaimed Loot Goblin, provided that special rule does not
cause harm to it, nor cause it to harm itself.
Loot Goblins
Looting the Loot Goblins The Loot Table
At any point in its movement phase, a model may opt to The model that makes the killing strike on a Loot Goblin
charge a try and kill a Loot Goblin they are in possession of. may roll on this table to determine what loot they find from
Players must declare they are planning to kill the goblin the defeated goblin. If the model has might, it may be used
when they move the model carrying the Loot Goblin. The on this roll to add to, or subtract from the dice roll. With the
Loot Goblin now counts as a model and must be placed in exception of the D3 M/W/F points, models in your army
base contact with the model carrying it at the end of its may pass the loot they receive to one another as if they
move. You may not use throwing weapons on the Loot were light objects. Note that players will be provided with
Goblin when charging them. Other models may only charge special tokens to represent the different wargear granted by
the Loot Goblin if they are moving after the model initiating the loot table.
the combat does.
D6 Loot
Any model that is counter charged by an enemy model will 1 D3 point of Might, Will or Fate (players choice)
be split off from combat with the Loot Goblin using normal
2 Ancient Mithril Shield
rules for splitting fights. The one exception is that if it is
possible to leave the Loot Goblin with no opponent, it must 3 Pouch of Athelas
be left with no opponent, in which case it will not fight and 4 Bow of the Wainriders
immediately revert to being an unclaimed Loot Goblin.
5 Numenorean Great Sword
In the fight phase, complete the combat as if the Loot 6 Your choice of any of the above
Goblin were an enemy model. They use the following
profile: Ancient Mithril Shield
Mv F S D A W C Within the Loot Goblin's satchel is an ancient dwarven
5” 1 2 3 1 1 2 shield of unimaginable quality. Place a shield token next to
the miniature that claims this loot. That model receives +2
The Loot Goblin is armed with a dagger defence and will roll 1 extra dice when they shield. Note
Keywords: Goblin, Infantry that this shield cannot be used alongside another shield.
You don’t have to discard your existing shield, you just wont
The Loot Goblin will fight back, but will not make special get the +1 defence from it anymore.
strikes. If the Loot Goblin wins the fight, they will strike to
wound one model in the combat selected by the opposing Pouch of Athelas
player and immediately revert to being an unclaimed Loot This bag of herbs has powerful healing properties. Place a
Goblin. If the Loot Goblin is killed, the model that delivered pouch token next to the miniature that claims this loot.
the killing strike will roll on the loot table to determine what Once in the game, the model bearing the Pouch of Athelas
what they find in the Loot Goblin’s stash. If multiple models may ignore a wound, exactly as if it has passed a fate save.
are striking to wound, roll each model one at a time to
ensure it is clear who actually claims the Loot Goblin’s Bow of the Wainriders
treasure. A mysterious bow of the East, with an advanced design
befitting of the skirmishing nature of the Wainriders. Place a
If the Loot Goblin was killed in the movement phase by bow token next to the miniature that claims this loot. The
impact hits, the model causing the impact hits rolls on the Bow of the Wainriders is an elven blow. The bow of the
Loot table. If this model is a War Beast, the War Beast Wainriders may be fired even if the model makes a full
Commander rolls on the table. movement.

A Loot Goblin slain in this manner is removed from the Numenorean Great Sword
board. No side can claim Victory Points by controlling a An ancient sword, crafted with the expertise and quality
dead Loot Goblin. They do not count towards the long lost to the men of middle earth. Place a sword token
controlling players break point. next to the miniature that claims this loot. The Numenorean
Great Sword is a Master-Crafted Hand and a Half Sword. The
If a Loot Goblin is killed as the result of indirect damage bearer of the Numenorean Great Sword receives +1 to
(siege weapon blast radius, killed by a hurled miniature etc) wound when they charge into combat.
no model may claim its loot. It is lost in the chaos.

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