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By Jasmine Sol A. Martinez
Negros Oriental High School
Spa 8 - Sipalay
Background of the study
• Global temperatures rose about more than 40 degrees Celsius due to El Niño in 2024, but
climate change refers to more than an increase in temperature.
• Things that we depend upon and value — water, energy, transportation, wildlife, agriculture,
ecosystems, and human health — are experiencing the effects of a changing climate.
• Our food supply depends on climate and weather conditions. Increased temperatures, drought
and water stress, diseases, and weather extremes create challenges for the farmers and
ranchers who put food on our tables.
Statement of the Problem
• The climate has been warming fast since the Industrial Revolution, because human activities
are altering the composition of our atmosphere.
• Rapidly escalating hazards, such as more intense heatwaves, heavier rainfall, and other
weather extremes that increase risks for human health and ecosystems.
• Impact people's health and well-being by altering the frequency or intensity of extreme
weather events and spread of certain pests and diseases.
• Climate change is a natural, cyclical occurrence.
• Man-made emissions of carbon dioxide are responsible for climate change.
• There will be catastrophic consequences arising from climate change if we
do not curtail greenhouse gas emissions.
Theoretical Framework

• hazard-based
• the vulnerability-based
• the urban resilience framework
Methodology 11.1%

• Survey Research Methodology

33.3% 55.6%
How would you rate the current health
and resilience of local ecosystems in the
face of climate change?

Poor Fair Good Excellent

• S U RV E Y R E S E A R C H M E T H O D O L O G Y

Have you noticed any changes 22.2%

in the distribution or
abundance of plant and animal 77.8%

species in your local area that

you believe are linked to
climate change?

Yes No
• Survey Research Methodology
• How concerned are you about the long-
term viability of local ecosystems given
the ongoing impacts of climate change? 55.6%

Not concerned Somewhat concerned Very concerned

• Survey Research Methodology

Do you believe that local government

and community efforts are effectively 33.3%
addressing the impacts of climate
change on local ecosystems?

Yes No Unsure

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