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Guided by: Presented by: HARISANKER P

DR. VINILA M L Register No: ASI20RA026
Associate Professor Batch:2020-2024
Dept of Robotics & Automation

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• Introduction
• Motivation
• Major research areas in the chosen domain
• Literature review
• Content of the presentation
• Conclusion and Future scope
• Reference

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● The automotive industry is evolving rapidly, with technology and transportation merging to
transform our interaction with vehicles.
● Advanced Driver Assistance Systems (ADAS) are at the forefront of this change. They combine
cutting-edge tech like sensors, AI, and real-time data processing to enhance road safety and
driving enjoyment.
● ADAS includes features like adaptive cruise control, lane-keeping assistance, collision
avoidance, and parking assistance, reshaping the driving experience and hinting at the future of
autonomous vehicles.
● We'll explore the technology behind ADAS, covering sensors and algorithms for perceiving and
responding to traffic. We'll also look at ethical and regulatory aspects.
● Additionally, we'll discuss ADAS benefits like safety improvements and reduced emissions,
along with the challenges and ongoing research efforts to advance the technology.

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● ADAS is a dynamic and multifaceted topic that offers a wide range of research and discussion
opportunities. Its relevance, potential for societal impact, and the ever-evolving technological
landscape make it an excellent choice for a seminar topic.
● ADAS technologies are at the forefront of the automotive industry. They are being rapidly
integrated into modern vehicles to improve safety, convenience, and efficiency. This topic is
highly relevant in today's world.

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Major Research areas

• Sensor Technologies:Research into improving sensor

technologies like LiDAR, radar, cameras, ultrasonics, and
infrared sensors for better environmental perception

• Object Detection and Recognition:Developing

algorithms for the accurate detection and recognition of
2 objects such as pedestrians, vehicles, traffic signs, and

• Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence:Applying

machine learning and AI techniques for data analysis,
3 decision-making, and predictive modeling in ADAS,
including neural networks and deep learning.

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Major Research areas

• Localization and Mapping:Research in creating high-

definition maps and precise localization methods for
4 autonomous driving, such as SLAM (Simultaneous
Localization and Mapping).

• Human-Machine Interaction:Investigating how drivers

interact with ADAS systems, including user interfaces,
5 driver monitoring, and attention management.

• Autonomous Driving:Researching the development of

6 fully autonomous vehicles, including perception, decision-
making, and control algorithms.

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Literature Review

S no Literature Author Remark

1. A Survey of Advanced Ayub, Latiff, and

Driver Assistance Systems Zulkifli (2012) This survey examines various ADAS
(ADAS) for Safety and technologies, focusing on their
Comfort potential to improve driver safety and
comfort. It covers components like
adaptive cruise control, lane-keeping
systems, and automatic emergency

2. Challenges in the Gungor,

Adoption of Advanced Pateromichelakis, and This survey delves into ADAS
Driver Assistance Systems Goger (2018) adoption challenges and opportunities,
(ADAS) – A Review addressing regulatory compliance,
driver acceptance, and the importance
of standardization, emphasizing the
complexity of ADAS implementation .

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Literature Review

S no Literature Author Remark

3. An Overview of Advanced Rashid, Hafeez, and This study emphasizes the role of
Driver Assistance Systems Hussain (2020) ADAS as a stepping stone to self-
(ADAS) towards driving cars, emphasizing the need for
Evolutionary Autonomous AI and machine learning integration
Vehicles for achieving higher levels of

4. Future Vehicle Simpson (2016) This paper highlights the rapid

Technologies: Advanced development of ADAS and its impact
Driver Assistance Systems on vehicle safety. It offers valuable
(ADAS) insights into the technological
advancements and their potential for
improving road safety

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Literature Review

S no Literature Author Remark

5. The State of Autonomous Antoniou, This paper discuss issues such as

Vehicles: A Kamarianakis, and Ma regulatory compliance, driver
Comprehensive Review of (2021) acceptance, and the need for
Autonomy Levels standardization. This study highlights
the multifaceted nature of ADAS

6. Cyber-Physical Attacks Saad, Noura, and Agha The paper discusses the vulnerabilities
and Defenses in (2019) of autonomous systems and the
Autonomous Vehicles: A countermeasures needed to protect
Survey them from cyber-physical attacks, an
increasingly important aspect of
ADAS research.

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1. Topic 1 2. Topic 2 3. Topic 3


• Automobiles are the foundation of the next generation of mobile-connected devices, with rapid
advances being made in autonomous vehicles.
• Autonomous application solutions are partitioned into various chips, called system on a
chip(SoCs). These chips connect sensors to actuators through interfaces and high-performance
electronic controller units (ECUs).
• Self-driving cars use a variety of these applications and technologies to gain 360-degree vision,
both near (in the vehicle's immediate vicinity) and far. That means hardware designs are using
more advanced process nodes to meet ever-higher performance targets while simultaneously
reducing demands on power and footprint.

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1. Topic 1 2. Topic 2 3. Topic 3

● Significant automotive safety improvements in the past (e.g., shatter-resistant glass, three-point
seatbelts, airbags) were passive safety measures designed to minimize injury during an
accident. Today, ADAS systems actively improve safety with the help of embedded vision by
reducing the occurrence of accidents and injury to occupants.
● The implementation of cameras in the vehicle involves a new AI function that uses sensor
fusion to identify and process objects. Sensor fusion, similar to how the human brain process
information, combines large amounts of data with the help of image recognition software,
ultrasound sensors, lidar, and radar.
● This technology can physically respond faster than a human driver ever could. It can analyze
streaming video in real time, recognize what the video shows, and determine how to react to it.

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1. Topic 1 2. Topic 2 3. Topic 3
• Adaptive cruise control:
Adaptive cruise control is a highway aid, automatically adjusting speed based on surrounding
traffic, simplifying long-distance driving.
• Glare-Free High Beam and Pixel Light:
Glare-free high beam and pixel light adjust to darkness and surroundings, preventing blinding of
oncoming traffic by redirecting the headlights based on detected vehicle lights.
• Adaptive Light Control:
Adaptive light control tailors headlights to external conditions. Automatic parking systems use
sensors and cameras to assist or even fully automate parking.
• Autonomous Valet Parking:
Autonomous valet parking utilizes sensors, 5G, and cloud services for safe, automated parking.
Sensors provide location data for precise control of the vehicle's movements.

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• Navigation System:
Car navigation systems offer on-screen and voice-guided directions, with real-time traffic updates
and possible route changes to avoid traffic jams. Advanced systems may include heads-up
displays for reduced distraction.
• Night vision: Night vision systems improve visibility at night through active (infrared) or passive
(thermal) technology.
• Unseen area:
Detection systems use sensors to provide essential information and issue alerts for objects in a
driver's blind spots, enhancing safety.
• Automatic Emergency Braking:
Automatic emergency braking, using sensors, detects potential collisions and can warn the driver.
Some systems also take actions like tightening seat belts, slowing down, and using adaptive
steering to prevent accidents.
• Driver Drowsiness Detection:
Driver monitoring systems use cameras to track the driver's attention and can alert them with
sounds, vibrations, or flashing lights, and in extreme cases, stop the vehicle.

• 5G and V2X:
The 5G ADAS feature, V2X, enables reliable communication between vehicles and pedestrians,
improving navigation, traffic control, and over-the-air software updates for in-car systems.

2. Topic 2 3. Topic 3 4. Topic 4


The technical aspects of an ADAS (Advanced Driver Assistance Systems) system encompass various
components and technologies, including:
• Sensors: ADAS systems rely on sensors such as radar, lidar, cameras, ultrasonic sensors, and
GPS to collect data about the vehicle's surroundings.
• Processing Unit: A central processing unit analyzes sensor data and runs algorithms to make
real-time decisions and provide assistance to the driver.
• Algorithms and Software: Complex algorithms and software are used for tasks like object
detection, lane keeping, adaptive cruise control, and collision avoidance.
• Communication: Some ADAS systems use wireless communication (e.g., V2X or cellular
networks) to exchange data with other vehicles and infrastructure.
• Displays and HMI (Human-Machine Interface): Information is presented to the driver through
displays, warnings, alerts, and even heads-up displays.

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• Control Systems: ADAS may control various vehicle functions, such as steering, acceleration,
and braking.
• Calibration: Sensors and cameras need calibration to ensure accuracy and reliability.
• Redundancy and Fail-Safe Systems: Multiple sensors and redundancy are employed to enhance
system safety.
• Machine Learning and AI: Machine learning and artificial intelligence play a role in improving
the system's ability to adapt and learn from different driving situations.
• Integration: ADAS components must be integrated into the vehicle's design and architecture.

• In summary, Advanced Driver Assistance Systems (ADAS) are transforming the automotive
industry with their potential to enhance safety, convenience, and environmental
sustainability. They offer benefits like accident prevention, improved driving comfort, and
reduced fuel consumption. However, challenges such as standardization, regulations, and
over-reliance must be addressed. Education and training for users and technicians are
crucial, and the ongoing evolution of ADAS promises even greater advancements in the
future. To maximize their potential, it's essential to ensure responsible and ethical usage.

Future Scope

The future scope of Advanced Driver Assistance Systems (ADAS) is highly promising and is
expected to bring about several key developments and trends:
1. Autonomous Driving: ADAS is a crucial stepping stone towards fully autonomous vehicles. In the
future, we can expect ADAS to evolve into more advanced self-driving systems, reducing the
need for human intervention and making autonomous driving more accessible.
2. AI and Machine Learning Integration: ADAS will become even smarter with more advanced
artificial intelligence and machine learning algorithms. These technologies will enable vehicles to
better understand their surroundings, predict and respond to potential hazards, and adapt to
various driving conditions.
3. Enhanced Sensor Technology: Sensor technology, including LiDAR, radar, and cameras, will
continue to advance. This will improve the accuracy and range of data collection, allowing
vehicles to detect and respond to obstacles and road conditions more effectively.

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[1] Autonomous Vehicle Navigation and Mapping System” Dhanasingaraja R, Kalaimagal S, Muralidharan G

International Journal of Innovative Research in Science, Engineering and Technology Volume 3, Special Issue 3,

March 2014 – 2014 International Conference on Innovations in Engineering and Technology (ICIET’14)

[2]R. Spicer, A. Vahabaghaie, G. Bahouth, L. Drees, R. Martinez von Bülow, P. Baur, Field effectiveness

evaluation of advanced driver assistance systems. Traffic Inj Prev. 19(sup2), S91–S95 (2018)

[3]R. Kala, On-Road Intelligent Vehicles (Elsevier, Amsterdam, 2016)

[4]. K. Bengler, K. Dietmayer, B. Farber, M. Maurer, C. Stiller, and H. Winner, ‘Three Decades of Driver

Assistance Systems: Review and Future Perspectives’, IEEE Intelligent Transportation Systems Magazine, vol.

6, no. 4, pp. 6–22, 2014.

[5]. M. Lu, K. Wevers, and R. V. D. Heijden, ‘Technical Feasibility of Advanced Driver Assistance Systems

(ADAS) for Road Traffic Safety’, Transportation Planning and Technology, vol. 28, no. 3, pp. 167–187, Jun.


[6]. T.S. Combs et al. Automated vehicles and pedestrian safety: Exploring the promise and limits of pedestrian


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