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Recognized by

High Value TLDs

Building the New Internet Received Grants

From dWeb and
Amentium Capital
Individual Identity for 5 Billion Netizens

Organic PR
in major Vernacular

Sajan Nair, Founder We Own all of

Phone: +91-9811476717 Vernacular
Email : Namespace
What’s In a Name ?

Everything !
Identity: Importance.

Human society is functional because people, places and things have

Identity: On the internet.

On Web 2.0 this is served by usernames from third party entities like:


We use them to sign into all apps and communicate with each other.

In short its pretty much our online identity

Identity: Disruption.

But the internet as we know it is being disrupted by the “new internet” or better
known as the decentralised web or web3.
Identity : New Internet.
Identity: Own it.

The Fundamental difference between Web2 and Web 3 is “identity”.

On web2 you borrow it.

On web3 you own it.

Identity : The difference.
Wallets are usually installed in the browser as plugins

Identity: The Problem.

This is not a sustainable idea since every blockchain needs its own unique wallet
and there will eventually be thousands of chains.

The user can’t be expected to install each of them on their browsers.

And off coarse the wallet addresses look like this

Identity: The Need.

Enter the need for a universal “identification” system which will serve as a user’s
Universal Identity and SSO (Single Sign On)

Web3 as a whole simply can’t scale without this.

Identity: The Solution.

Smart Names Digital identities created on Smart TLDs rooted on

Handshake, a Proof-of-Work Blockchain.
Smart Name Use-Cases.

A domain name for your Your unique wallet address

Your unique name for your
website just like your phone number is
avatar in the metaverse
for UPI

A universal log into all the An investment as a Non- Vanity email ids like
Apps on the new internet Fungible Asset hi@sajan.nair
नमस्ते@नेहा.भ or even ☺@

Smart names are your de facto social identity / Aadhar for Web3.
Smart Name Creation.

Just like domain names are created on TLDs (Top Level

Domains) like .com, .org, .in etc.

TLDs Smart names are created on Smart TLDs rooted in Handshake a

POW chain exclusively dedicated to just one thing.

Identity = Agaamin

Our Vision is to create an internet that works for everyone.

Agaamin Our Mission is to use this tech to ensure that every internet user on
the planet owns his/her identity.

Our Strategy will focus on creating namespaces in english and all

major vernaculars languages on the planet.
Identity = Agaamin

We went into beta on January 1st, 2022 with Smart Names on our first TLD in .भ/
Hindi series .भ/. (bha for Bharat) .

.ଭ/ /‫أمة‬. .ਭ/ .ഭ/ .ભ/

Since then we followed it up with TLDs in Indian vernacular languages -
Malayalam, Bengali, Urdu. .ভ/ .ಭ/ .భ/ /‫هند‬. .ப/

. /
Agaamin - TLDs in the Pipeline

Over 3000 TLDs > Relevant to all major cultures worldwide >
Now offered In 8 Buckets
Surnames First Names
.ଭ/ /‫أمة‬. .ਭ/ .ഭ/ .ભ/
.ভ/ .ಭ/ .భ/ /‫هند‬. .ப/
.भ/ Series Emojis

.bha series 👆

Industry Special Special NFT TLDs 👇

. 🛦 . . 🎵 . 🛦
Agaamin - Technology Stack


Centralized Organization Based in US Registry for TLDs Registrar for users


Decentralized permission-less DNS naming root zone

Registry + Registrar
Agaamin - Market Validation – Numbers


Unstoppable Domains ENS

4.5M names auctioned 2M names sold 1M names sold

and more every 10 mins
Agaamin - Market Validation – Industry Adoption

• Industry adoption for Handshake include major players like:

1. Opera Browser

2. Beacon Browser

3. Brave – In Pipeline

4. Next DNS –Major DNS provider

5. Sentinel – A decentralised VPN that uses Handshake to Resolve Domains.

6. IPFS – A critical web3 infrastructural protocol for storing and sharing data.
Agaamin - Market Validation - Institutional Investment

There are two major registries for Handshake

Agaamin - Market Validation - Institutional Investment

The 2nd largest registrar on the planet and a multi billion dollar corporation just acquired the other one
Agaamin - Market Size

Total Internet Users Addressable Market Our Exclusive Market

5 Billion and 5 Billion and 3.5 Billion Names

Growing Growing Renewed Annually
Agaamin - Revenue Streams Registrars General TLD holders SLD Marketplace Agaamin VPN

Agaamin Website – A b2c portal through which smart names for the 3000 TLDs will be sold.

Registrars – People who want to have their own business front end. They can carry our TLDs and their own collections as well.

General TLD holders – By Staking, people with a few high value TLDs and would just like to earn passive income by selling names via a registry

SLD Marketplace – A marketplace where users/ holders can buy and sell names. We earn 3% commission on every sale.

Agaamin VPN – A VPN service that uses Handshake to resolve domain names. Product getting reworked post GOI directive.
Agaamin - Market Plan

Aggressive SEO Public Relations Hackathons

Across Platforms Across Markets Across Colleges

Trade Partnerships Prominent Tie-ups Social Media Influencers

We will tie up with We have their TLDs. Of entities Have a large number
Registrars to carry our like IIMs, IITs, LSR, Isha Yoga, of mediums level rather than
Names in their markets. Many Companies etc. and we will few big ones.
Also interoperable with NC help them create
Registry so we can both their own eco-systems.
carry each others names
Agaamin - Competitive Advantage

Unique & First to Market Access to TLDs Media

Only one its kind for We have 3000+ leased TLDs We have been heavily
Asia and Middle East. Unlike Namecheap we don’t covered by media.
need the eco-system
to stake with us.

Market Size Registrars People like us

As a result of vernacular We can create registrars Community prefers to

TLDs our TG is 5B as who can:- work with us than NC.
compared to 2B for - Carry our TLDs
English/Latin Alphabets. - Carry their TLDs
- Carry staked TLDs
Agaamin - Press Coverage
The Roadmap
Key Milestones

Agaamin Goes live on 1st of Jan with

Hindi. Malayalam, Bengali and a
Women specific TLD launched. Registrar Integration for
Agaamin APP – Android & IOS
downstream vendors

2 May June–July 2022

1st Jan – 15th Apr. June 2022 July–Aug. 2022

On Eid – Urdu and Arabic TLD SLD marketplace

goes into Sun Rise period.
The Roadmap
The Road Ahead

I will see you again at Handycon

Rest of the Indian vernacular TLDS HIP2 Protocol - Wallet Id Implementation 2023 😁

December February

Oct. 2022 Jan. 2023 March

Flagicon TLDs and Agaamin VPN. Email App !?

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