Unit 2

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SampleSchool of Business

Recorded Lecture - I
Course Name: Introduction to Buisness Analytics

School of Business

Program Name: MBA

Course Name: UNIT 2

Name of the Faculty: Dr. PRIYANKA MALIK

Introduction:Descriptive Analytics: An Introduction

• Meaning: Descriptive Analytics involves examining historical data to understand

and describe what has happened in the past within a business or organization. It
focuses on summarizing, organizing, and visualizing data to provide insights into
patterns, trends, and key performance indicators (KPIs).
• Objectives:
1.Data Summarization: Condense large datasets into meaningful and manageable
2.Pattern Recognition: Identify trends, relationships, and patterns within the data.
3.Performance Measurement: Evaluate and measure key metrics and indicators.
4.Data Exploration: Gain a foundational understanding of the data for further

Name of the Faculty: Dr. PRIYANKA MALIK


• Functions:
1.Data Aggregation: Combine and summarize data to create meaningful
2.Data Profiling: Examine the structure and content of datasets to identify
anomalies or patterns.
3.Exploratory Data Analysis (EDA): Analyze data to uncover hidden
insights and relationships.
4.Visualization: Present data in visual formats to enhance understanding.

Name of the Faculty: Dr. PRIYANKA MALIK


• Exploring Business Data Using Various Techniques and Tools:

1.SQL Queries:
1. Extracting and summarizing data using SQL to explore databases.
2.Data Exploration Tools:
1. Using tools like Pandas in Python or dplyr in R for data manipulation and
3.Data Visualization Tools:
1. Tools such as Tableau, Power BI, and Google Data Studio for creating interactive
4.Excel for Data Exploration:
1. Leveraging Excel's features for sorting, filtering, and creating pivot tables.

Name of the Faculty: Dr. PRIYANKA MALIK


• Describing Data Using Visualization Techniques:

1.Bar Charts:
1. Representing categorical data using bars of different lengths.
2.Line Charts:
1. Displaying trends over time or sequential categories.
3.Pie Charts:
1. Illustrating the proportion of different categories in a whole.
4.Scatter Plots:
1. Displaying relationships between two continuous variables.
1. Visualizing data in a matrix format using colors to represent values.

Name of the Faculty: Dr. PRIYANKA MALIK


• Visualization Techniques Using MS Excel:

1.Pivot Tables:
1. Summarizing and aggregating data for easy analysis.
2.Charts and Graphs:
1. Creating various visualizations like bar charts, line charts, and pie charts.
3.Conditional Formatting:
1. Highlighting data points based on specified conditions.
4.Data Bars and Icon Sets:
1. Visualizing data using graphical elements within cells.

Name of the Faculty: Dr. PRIYANKA MALIK


• Resources for Business Analytics:

1.Online Courses:
1. Platforms like Coursera, Udacity, and edX offer courses in analytics.
1. "Data Science for Business" by Foster Provost and Tom Fawcett.
3.Online Communities:
1. Engaging in forums like Stack Overflow and Kaggle for problem-solving and

Name of the Faculty: Dr. PRIYANKA MALIK


• Categories of Data:
1.Structured Data:
1. Organized data with a defined schema, commonly found in relational databases.
2.Unstructured Data:
1. Data without a predefined data model, including text, images, and multimedia.
3.Semi-Structured Data:
1. Data that is partially organized, often with some level of structure.

Name of the Faculty: Dr. PRIYANKA MALIK


• ECM Framework (Enterprise Content Management):

• ECM is a set of strategies, methods, and tools to manage the entire lifecycle
of information within an organization. It includes capturing, storing,
managing, preserving, and delivering content.

Enterprise Content Management (ECM) is a comprehensive framework that
involves the strategies, processes, and tools used by organizations to
manage the creation, capture, storage, retrieval, distribution, and
preservation of information. ECM aims to streamline content-related
processes and enhance collaboration within an organization. Here are key
components and considerations within the ECM framework:

Name of the Faculty: Dr. PRIYANKA MALIK


• Key Components of ECM Framework:

1. Involves the collection of content from various sources, including documents,
emails, images, and multimedia.
2.Document Management:
1. Organizes, categorizes, and manages documents throughout their lifecycle. This
includes version control, access control, and metadata management.
3.Records Management:
1. Ensures compliance with regulatory requirements by managing the retention,
storage, and disposal of records in a systematic manner.

Name of the Faculty: Dr. PRIYANKA MALIK


4.Workflow Automation:
1. Automates and streamlines business processes related to content, ensuring efficient
routing, approval, and collaboration.
5.Search and Retrieval:
2. Provides robust search capabilities to retrieve relevant content quickly. This
includes full-text search, metadata search, and advanced search functionalities.
3. Connects with other enterprise systems, such as Customer Relationship
Management (CRM), Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP), and Business
Intelligence (BI) systems, for seamless information exchange.

Name of the Faculty: Dr. PRIYANKA MALIK


7.Security and Access Control:

1. Implements security measures to protect sensitive information and controls access rights
based on user roles and permissions.
2. Facilitates collaboration by enabling users to work on shared documents, track changes,
and engage in real-time collaboration.
9.Version Control:
3. Manages and tracks different versions of documents, ensuring that users are working
with the latest and most accurate information.
10.Audit Trails:
4. Records and monitors user activities within the ECM system for compliance and security

Name of the Faculty: Dr. PRIYANKA MALIK


• Personnel Resources:
1.Data Analysts:
1. Analyzing and interpreting complex data sets to inform business decision-making.
2.Data Scientists:
1. Applying statistical models and machine learning algorithms to analyze data.
3.Business Intelligence Analysts:
1. Focusing on creating reports and dashboards for business performance monitoring.

Name of the Faculty: Dr. PRIYANKA MALIK

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