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Presentation on

Introduction to Disaster
Management in Environmental
Sachinkumar Gupta- 65
Omkar Patil- 67
Kunal Jain- 68
Rishon Yaragal-69
Samruddhi Kamble-70

Disaster management is a crucial field

dedicated to minimizing the impact of natural or
man-made disasters on communities,
infrastructure, and the environment. It involves a
systematic approach to prepare for, respond to,
and recover from disasters, aiming to save lives,
reduce suffering, and protect property.
Environmental Disasters
1 Climate-related Disasters
Floods, droughts, storms, and wildfires are becoming
increasingly common due to climate change.

2 Geophysical Disasters
Earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, and landslides pose significant
threats, especially in vulnerable regions.

3 Biological Disasters
Outbreaks of infectious diseases, pest infestations, and
ecosystem disruptions can have far-reaching consequences.
Types of Environmental Disasters
1. Natural Disasters : Events like earthquakes, floods, and wildfires can cause widespread damage to the environment,
including loss of habitat and pollution.
2. Industrial Accidents: Mishaps in factories, refineries, or chemical plants can release harmful substances into the
environment, contaminating air, water, and soil.
3. Oil Spills : Accidental or deliberate release of oil into oceans or rivers can harm marine life, birds, and coastal
ecosystems, leading to long-term environmental damage.
4. Pollution : Continuous release of pollutants from various sources like industry, agriculture, and transportation can
degrade air, water, and soil quality, harming human health and biodiversity.
Causes and Impacts of Environmental Disasters
Causes Immediate Impacts Long-term Impacts Vulnerable Populations

Environmental disasters can Environmental disasters Beyond the initial Disasters often
be triggered by natural can have devastating destruction, environmental disproportionately impact
phenomena like severe immediate impacts, such as disasters can have long- marginalized communities,
weather, earthquakes, and loss of life, destruction of lasting effects on including the poor, elderly,
volcanic eruptions. They property and infrastructure, ecosystems, public health, and those with underlying
can also be exacerbated by and disruption of essential and economic stability, health conditions, further
human activities like services like power and requiring extensive exacerbating existing
deforestation, pollution, and water. recovery and rebuilding inequalities.
climate change. efforts.
Assessing Risks and Vulnerabilities
Risk Identification Vulnerability Assessment Prioritization

Analyze historical data, Evaluate the susceptibility of Utilize a risk matrix to prioritize
scientific models, and local communities, infrastructure, and and focus on the most critical
knowledge to determine the natural resources to the threats, ensuring the efficient
probability and potential impact identified risks, considering allocation of resources.
of various environmental social, economic, and
disasters. environmental factors.
Developing Preparedness Plans

1 Risk Mitigation
Implement structural and non-structural measures to minimize the
potential impact of environmental disasters, such as flood control
systems and early warning mechanisms.

2 Emergency Planning
Develop comprehensive emergency plans that outline roles,
responsibilities, and protocols for responding effectively to disaster

3 Training and Exercises

Conduct regular training and simulation exercises to ensure that
emergency personnel and community members are well-prepared
to execute the preparedness plan.
Implementing Mitigation Strategies

Sustainable Infrastructure Nature-based Climate Change

Development Resilience Solutions Adaptation
Promote Strengthen critical Utilize natural Implement strategies
environmentally- infrastructure, such ecosystems and to adapt to the
friendly policies and as buildings, processes to enhance changing climate and
practices to minimize transportation, and the resilience of reduce the
the impact of human utilities, to withstand communities and vulnerability of
activities on the the effects of mitigate the impacts communities to its
ecosystem. environmental of environmental effects.
disasters. disasters.
Future Considerations

Continuous Improvement Regularly review and update disaster

management plans and strategies based on
emerging threats, new technologies, and best

Interdisciplinary Approach Foster collaboration across different disciplines,

such as environmental science, urban planning,
and social welfare, to address the complex
challenges of environmental disasters.

Global Cooperation Strengthen international cooperation and

knowledge-sharing to address transboundary
environmental threats and support vulnerable
Thank You!!

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