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Influences of Religion to

Culture and Society

Week 3
At the end of the discussion,
you should be able to:
1. Analyze the influences of
religion to culture and society.
Activity 1: K-W-L
Directions: In Chart
a ½ sheet of paper create a
KWL Chart. In the 1st column write at least 3
Positive and Negative Effects of Religion that
you know. And in the 2nd column write want
you want to know more about the topic. At the
back of your paper answer the following
Activity 1: K-W-L
1. Is there an effect of religion in your
life? What are these effects?
2. In what circumstances in your life
were these effects felt or seen?
01 02
Influence of Positive and
Religion to Negative Effect of
Culture and Religion
Influence of Religion
to Culture and Society
Influence of Religion to Culture and
1. Religion affects culture and society in a
2. Norms in a religion becomes part of
culture and society.
3. Religion becomes an identifying mark of
culture and society.
According to Dr. James L. Griffith, there are three related
purpose served by religion:
1. Religion helps ensure security.
2. Religion helps build and strengthen the indivdual sense of
self as being worthy and competent.
3. Religion helps reduce personal suffering, for self or others.
Positive and Negative
Effect of Religion
Positive Effect of Religion

1. Religion promotes harmony.

2. Religion provides moral values.
3. Religion provides social change.
4. Religion explains the unknown.
5. Religion gives positive goals in life.
6. Religion gives people a sense of belongingness.
Negative Effect of Religion

1. Religion fills people with hatred.

2. Religion causes discrimination among people.
3. Religion triggers fights and conflicts.
4. Religion may exploits people.
5. Religion is keeping people ignorant.

Each group will bring the

Group 1: Web-based articles
Group 2: Photographs
Group 3: Editorials

Directions: The students will

consolidate their gathered data.
In a 1 whole sheet of paper,
they will make a table and fill
it out.

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