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Workforce, Jobs,
Job Analysis

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Learning Objectives
 Explain how the workforce is changing in unpredicted
 Identify components of work flow analysis
 Definejob design and identify common approaches to
job design

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Learning Objectives
 Discusshow flexible work arrangements are linked to
work–life balancing efforts
 Describe job analysis and the stages in the process
 List the components of job descriptions

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The Workforce Profile
 Labor force participation rate: Percentage of the
population working or seeking work
 Important elements:
 Age/Generational Groups
 Skill Gaps
 Improving Readiness to Work
 Skill Shortages

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Figure 4-3: Education Profile
of Workforce

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Figure 4-3: Education Profile
of Workforce

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Figure 4-3:
Profile of

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Nature of Work and Jobs
 Work: Effort directed toward accomplishing results
 Job:Grouping of tasks, duties, and responsibilities that
constitutes the total work assignment for an employee
 Workflow analysis: Study of the way work (inputs,
activities, and outputs) moves through an organization

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Figure 4-4: Workflow Analysis

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Job Design and Job Redesign
 Jobdesign: Organizing tasks, duties, responsibilities,
and other elements into a productive unit of work
 Influences performance
 Affects job satisfaction
 Impacts both physical and mental satisfaction
 Job
redesign: Changing existing jobs in different
ways to improve them

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Figure 4-5: Some Characteristics
of Jobs and People

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Types of Employees
 Full-Time Employees
 Part-Time Employees
 Independent Contractors
 Temporary Workers
 Contingent workers: Not a full-time employee, but a
temporary or part-time worker for a specific period of
time and type of work

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Person–Job Fit
 Person–job fit: Matching the characteristics of people
with the characteristics of jobs
 Based on the match between individual characteristics
and the unchangeable components of a job, people will
differ on what they consider a good or bad job

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Common Approaches to
Job Design
 Job Enlargement
 Broadening the scope of a job by expanding the number of
different tasks that are performed
 Job Enrichment
 Increasing the depth of a job by adding responsibility for
planning, organizing, controlling, and/or evaluating the job
 Job Rotation
 Process of shifting a person from job to job

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Characteristics of Jobs to Consider in
Skill Variety
 Work requires several activities for successful completion

Task Identity
 Job includes a whole identifiable unit of work that is
carried out from start to finish
Task Significance
 Impact the job has on other people

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Characteristics of Jobs to Consider in
 Individual freedom and discretion in the work and its
 Amount of information employees receive about how well
or how poorly they have performed

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Figure 4-6: Job Characteristics Model

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Special Types of Teams
 Special-purpose team: Formed to address specific
problems, improve work processes, and enhance
the overall quality of products and services
 Self-directed team: Composed of individuals who
are assigned a cluster of tasks, duties, and
responsibilities to be accomplished

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Special Types of Teams
 Virtualteam: Composed of individuals who are
separated geographically but linked by
communications technology
 Global teams
 Global operations have increased the use of virtual teams
 Members may seldom or never meet
 Managers and HR should address task and responsibility

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Benefits of Work Teams
 Improved productivity
 Increased employee involvement
 Greater coworker trust
 Widespread individual learning
 Greaterindividual diversity in knowledge, skills,
and abilities

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 Telework: Employees complete work through
electronic interactions, telecommunications, and
Internet technology.
 24%of Americans work at least some hours at
home each week

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Advantages Disadvantages
  Possibility of working more
Fewer expenditure for
employees (gas, hours
 Social isolation
lunches, dry cleaning,
 Electronic media limits
employee interaction
 Saves commuting time  Role conflict between work and
 Improved productivity, family
higher morale, less  Teams may allow poor
stress performance
 Employees more  Lack of work/home boundaries
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Work Scheduling Flexibility
 Shift work
 Compressed workweek: Full week’s work
is accomplished in fewer than five 8-hour days
 Part-time schedules
 Jobsharing: Two employees perform the work of
one full-time job
 Flextime

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Time Flexibility: Work Scheduling
 Relaxes
the traditional time clock control of
employees, while still covering workloads
 Work–life balance: Employer-sponsored programs
designed to help employees balance work and personal
 Reduces conflicts between work and family
 Improves recruiting and retention by attracting and
keeping people who want the flexibility

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Job Analysis
 Jobanalysis: Gathering and analyzing information
about the content, context, and the human
requirements of jobs
 Purpose

 Aids in HR planning, recruiting, and hiring

 Provides accurate information for equal employment
opportunity matters
 Is the basis for compensation, training, and employee
performance appraisals

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Figure 4-8:
Job Analysis
in Perspective

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Figure 4-9: Typical Division of HR
Responsibilities: Job Analysis

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Task-Based Job Analysis
 Task
 Distinct, identifiable work activity comprised of motions
that employees perform
 Duty
 Work segment comprised of several tasks that are performed by
 Responsibilities
 Obligations to perform certain tasks and duties
within a job

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Job Analysis
 Competencies: Individual capabilities that can be
linked to enhanced performance
by individuals or teams
 Technical competencies
 Behavioral competencies
 Identifiescharacteristics that make employees
successful on the job
 Strives to influences future job performance

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Figure 4-10:
Stages in the Job Analysis Process

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Job Analysis Methods
 Observation
 Work Sampling
 Employee Diary/Log
 Interviewing

 Questionnaire
 Job Analysis Questionnaire
 Managerial Job Analysis Questionnaire

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Figure 4-11: Typical Areas Covered
in a Job Analysis Questionnaire

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Job Analysis and O*Net
 U.S.
Department of Labor (DOL) resources helps
employers with job analysis
 O*Net database contains data on 800+ occupations,
classified by industry, and includes:
 Task statements of importance, relevance, and frequency
 Abilities, training, work experiences, and education
 Interests, work values, work styles, and job zones

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Behavioral Aspects
of Job Analysis
 Current Incumbent Emphasis
 Focus on core duties and necessary knowledge,
skills, and abilities
 Inflation of Jobs and Job Titles
 Employee and Managerial Concerns
 Employee Fears
 Job Incumbent Influence
 Managerial Straitjacket

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Legal Aspects of
Job Analysis
 Job Analysis and the Americans with Disabilities Act
 Employers must identify essential job junctions,
not marginal functions
 Job Analysis and Wage/Hour Regulations
 Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA)

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Job Analysis and the Americans with
Disabilities Act (ADA)
 Essential job functions: Fundamental duties of the job
 Marginal job functions: Duties that are part of a job
but are incidental or ancillary to the purpose and nature
of the job
 Considerations used in determining essential functions
and marginal functions are:
 Percentage of time spent on tasks
 Frequency of tasks performed
 Importance of tasks performed

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Job Description and
Job Specifications
 Job Description
 Identification of a job’s tasks, duties, and responsibilities
 Job Specification
 Knowledge, skills, and abilities (KSAs) an individual needs to
perform a job satisfactorily
 Performance Standards
 Indicators of what the job accomplishes and how performance is
measured in key areas of the job description

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Job Description Components
 Identification
 Job title and department
 Reporting relationships
 Location and date of analysis
 General Summary
 Job’s general responsibilities and components
 Acts as a complete overview
 Essential Job Functions and Duties
 Functions and duties listed in order of importance
 List tasks, duties, and responsibilities
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Job Description Components
 Job Specifications
 Knowledge, skills, and abilities
 Education and experience
 Physical requirement and/or working conditions
 Disclaimers and Approvals
 Many job descriptions include approval signatures and a legal
 Allows employers to change job descriptions

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