Teacher Leader Project - Chaput 1

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FOTIP Teacher Leader Project

Skylar Chaput
Supporting Struggling Students with Interventions and
How would student achievement be affected if
interventions and accommodations were implemented
with fidelity?

OCCA is a K-8 public charter school that is expanding into the high
school grades. We have had some administrative staff transition out
recently, leaving some gaps with student accommodation and
intervention, specifically with 504 and SST plans. Some students have
outstanding plan reviews, whereas others have not had their
accommodations implemented correctly or at all. Many of these
students are struggling to keep up with our robust curriculum.
Project Summary and Goals
The project’s focus is to close any gaps our school has in the support of students with
exceptionalities and to ensure all interventions and accommodations are being
incorporated into the general education classroom with consistency and fidelity.

The goals include:

- Scheduling and holding all outstanding SST and 504 meetings with all stakeholders
- Equipping teachers to employ designated interventions and accommodations in the
- Observe and support teachers in the implementation of these plans
Leadership Standards Connection

Teacher-Leader Model Standards:

Domain IV.F - Promotes instructional strategies that address
issues of diversity and equity in the classroom and ensures that
individual student learning needs remain the central focus of
So far I have…
- Scheduled and conducted all outstanding initial SST and 504 review meetings for this
school year
- Notified and briefed teachers on students with plans during team meetings
- Developed a matrix for each teacher, including their class schedule, students with
accommodation plans in each class, and a list of their designated interventions and
accommodations. Teachers have implemented this tool in their classrooms
- Begin classroom observations to check on the implementation of the plans and
- Meet with each teacher for feedback
- Begun having 6-week SST review meetings to evaluate effectiveness of plans
Next I will…
- I am outlining a teacher rubric for what good teaching looks like at our school,
including a section for implementation of interventions and accommodations

- I will use this rubric to guide my observations and evaluations of staff starting in the
Fall of next school year with the goal of improving instruction and support for all
students and their needs
Challenges / Successes
- Our teachers in upper school are very busy and have expressed that the load of students with
accommodation plans can often feel overwhelming and like an inconvenience. They’ve shared it’s
difficult to remember who, when, and what to implement, which is why I’ve made the matrix to help
simplify and guide the implementation

- A few students who have recently had SST are benefitting from their plans; attendance and work
completion / submission has improved
- Some students no longer need their SST plan, as the interventions have supported their growth
- Teachers showing increasing support for SST and 504 plans, and collaborating with me to make the
load more manageable

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