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Unity in the

Body of

Ephesians 4:1-25
1 - Paul is writing to Christians about the good news of the (spiritual)
blessings we have received from Christ (KW)
2 - Paul prays asking God to give the church greater understanding of
Himself so that they may enjoy God (AT)
3 - We were once dead in our transgressions (cut off from God) but
through the grace of God expressed through Jesus’ death on the cross, we
have been made alive. (TK)
4 - God’s plan is that through Christ, both Gentiles and Jews can have
peace with God and with each other, as His united household (RW)
5 - Praise be to God, the perfecter of our faith! (AT)
01. Unity Through Christ (v.1-6)
How believers fit together as a wider community
02. Christ’s Gift to the Body (v.7-
What Christ has given to the body for their building up

03. A New Life (v.17-24)

How believers have a new life in Christ

04. Application
Unity Through
Christ (v.1-6)
Unity Through Christ (v.1-
Remembering what Paul has been talking about
(spiritual blessings, grace, unity of Jews and
Gentiles through Christ, what is Paul’s instruction in
verse 1?

I therefore, a prisoner for the Lord, urge you to walk in a

manner worthy of the calling to which you have been called…
Unity Through Christ (v.1-
Remembering what Paul has been talking about
(spiritual blessings, grace, unity of Jews and
Gentiles through Christ, what is Paul’s instruction in
verse 1?

I therefore, a prisoner for the Lord, urge you to walk in a

manner worthy of the calling to which you have
been called…
Unity Through Christ (v.1-
How is unity described in this section?

How is this unity made possible?

Unity Through Christ (v.1-
How is unity described in this section?
• Body
• Spirit
• Hope All believers are made
• Lord into one
• Faith
• Baptism
• God and Father
Unity Through Christ (v.1-
How is this unity made possible?

Through Christ and the Holy Spirit’s work on our lives

Christ’s Gift to
the Body
Christ’s Gift to the Body (v.7-16)

● Where does grace come from?

● What is the purpose of the apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors, and

● Why is Christ portrayed as the ‘head’?

● What is the effect of Christ being the head?

Christ’s Gift to the Body (v.7-16)
Where does grace come from?
- God (Ephesians 2: 4-5, 8)
But God being rich in mercy…even when we were dead
in our trespasses, made us alive together with Christ—by
grace you have been saved
For by grace you have been saved through faith. And
this is not your own doing; it is the gift of God
Christ’s Gift to the Body (v.7-16)
What is the purpose of apostles, prophets, evangelists,
pastors, and teachers?

- For the building up (edification) of the body for the ministry of


- To mature us in the FULLNESS of Christ

Christ’s Gift to the Body (v.7-16)
Why is Christ portrayed as the ‘head’?

- Jesus leads, directs, and leads the body.

What is the effect of Christ being the ‘head’?

- The body works together FROM CHRIST (v.16)
resulting in growth / maturity of believers in love.
A New Life
A New Life (v.17-24)

What is the “old self” and how is it described?

What is the “new self” and how is it described?

A New Life (v.17-24)
What is the “old self” and how is it described?
- The old self is pre-Christ.
- Corrupted with deceitful desires.
What is the new self and how is it described?
- It is our new identity before God.
- Righteous and holy.
What does unity look like in Youth Group / Church?

How are you being equipped for ministry?

What might ‘building up’ one another look like?

In summary, from Ephesians 4:1-24 we learn that we are
unified as one body under Jesus, who is the head. Jesus also
provides gifts in the sense of teachers, pastors, evangelists,
for the building up (or edification) of the body so that we
may be able to be encouraged in our faith. All of which,
leads us to resemble Christ more.

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