Air Besores Lesson LN 6

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Lesson 6: The Impact of Belief

Systems and Filipino Value System

• Different Belief Systems

and its Impact KEY FEATURES:
– Buddhism • Business Ethics
– Islam and Filipino
– Christianity Values
– Hinduism
– Judaism
• The Filipino Values System
Topic 1: Different Belief System and its Impact
• Buddhism  “Buddhism puts high
- The founder of Buddhism is Siddhartha value on spiritual
Gautama (566-486 BCE). liberation over material
- *Siddharta Gautama became Buddha which
means “the enlightened one”
- Buddhist believe in the ff: Law of karma,
reincarnation and in the ultimate goal of attaining
liberation and nirvana.

“The goal in Buddhism is to eliminate suffering,

so allowing business to profit while exploiting people
and polluting the environment increase the amount of
suffering and is counter productive to the
overall goal”
Topic 1: Different Belief System and its Impact

• Buddhism’s Four Noble Truth:

 1. No one can deny that suffering is the condition
of all existence.
 2. Suffering and general dissatisfaction come to
human beings because they are possessive and
above all SELF CENTERED.
 3. Egocentrism, possessiveness and greed
however, can be understood, overcome and
rooted out.
 4. Rooting out, this vanquishing is brought about
by following the eightfold path of behavior in
thought, word, and deed. Change of viewpoint will
manifest itself in a new outlook and new patterns
of behavior.
Topic 1: Different Belief System and its Impact
• Buddhism’s Eight Fold Path
 1. Right View- one should understand that
the main cause of suffering is ignorance.
 2. Right intention- when one understands
the cause of
suffering he/she must intend to transform
those causes.
 3. Right speech- one must truthful and
constructive when communicating with
 4. Right Action- one must avoid violent and
destructive actions.
Topic 1: Different Belief System and its Impact
• Buddhism’s Eight Fold Path  For Buddhism, products
 5. Right Livelihood- one’s means of that are proven to be
harmful to human beings
subsistence must not be destructive to other raise moral questions.
people, other living things and environment. Furthermore, even
 6. Right Effort- one must accept that the path if your product is not
to liberation is difficult and requires effort and harmful but produced in
such a way that
compromises the
 7. Right Mindfulness- one must aspire for self environment or causes
awareness to unjust treatment of people,
fight aggression and other negative tendencies. the business activity still
raises serious moral
 8. Right Concentration- One should realize the issues..
importance of meditation in order to gain deep
Topic 1: Different Belief System and its Impact
• Islam
- It is literally means “submission” pertains to
“submission to God”
- It was founded in the year 610.
* Quran, Islam's holy book contains the
records of Allah’s (God) revelations to Muhammad
(the first Muslim).
- Islam is the world’s second largest religion
nest to Christianity and the world’s fastest growing
“The general ethical rule of Islam consists of
this: “whatever leads to welfare of the individual or
society is morally good and whatever is injurious is
morally bad.”
Topic 1: Different Belief System and its Impact
• The 5 Pillars of Islam
 Islam View on Business
 Shahaada (faith) - The first act of worship that every
Muslim performs is a confirmation of faith, known as  it does not just uphold
the shahaada. the value of business
 Salaat (prayer) - In Islam, prayer is directly to Allah and trade.
alone, directly, without any intermediary or intercessor  the concept of halal
 Zakat (charity) - In the Quran, giving in charity to the (lawful)
poor is often mentioned hand-in-hand with daily prayer. and haram (unlawful)
 Sawm (fasting) - In Islam, fasting helps us to are
empathize with those less fortunate, helps in reprioritize very considerations for
lives, and brings closer to Allah in strengthened faith. the businessperson
 Hajj (pilgrimage) - performed on a daily or annual
basis, the pilgrimage is required to be done only once in
a lifetime.
Topic 1: Different Belief System and its Impact
 Bible is one of the most
• Christianity important sources of
- Christianity is the world’s largest religion guidance for the
Christians in the conduct
- Philippines was considered as the only
of good business.
Roman Catholic nation in Asia.
- At the center of Christian Faith is the figure
of Jesus Christ.
- Christ is not surname but it is meant to
describe Jesus. It was came from the word “Christos”
which means “the anointed one”.
“A moral decision inspired by the Bible
cannot be a product of literal and strict reading of
Biblical texts. A narrow interpretation of Biblical texts
will miss the wealth and dynamism both of the Biblical
and of Christian ethics itself.”
Topic 1: Different Belief System and its Impact
 Hinduism is considered
• Hinduism as Polytheistic with 330
- Hinduism started in the Indus Valley. million Gods *according
to Swami Vivekananda
- The word ‘Hindu’ is derived from the name
- Brahman is “the
“sindhu” meaning the “people of the Indus River
Supreme Being”
region of northern India.
- Veda means “knowledge”.
- Upanishad “to sit close by devotedly”.
- Hindu people wants to achieve the eternal
bliss of god by proper practice.

“Hinduism aims to maintain an individual to

realize his inner self, and to dwell the God in his soul,
by performing Vedic rituals and meditation”.
Topic 1: Different Belief System and its Impact
• Four Common Hindu Assumptions
 1. The Universe has no Beginning and will
never ends.
 2. All livings things undergo cycles of Birth,
Death, and Rebirth. Each living being’s
karma is instrumental for their liberation.
 3. The practice of asceticism is helpful in the
goal of liberation from the cycle of rebirth.
 4. Privilege members of the Hindu are
authorized to interpret the revealed truths of
Vedic scriptures.
Topic 1: Different Belief System and its Impact
 Caste System
• Hindu’s Positive Outlook in Business

 For the Hindus, the goals of life concern not

only moksha (spiritual) but also artha
(material well being)

 Hindu Business person must treat

stakeholders with honesty and fairness.

 Hinduism’s belief in and tolerance of Caste

system may also shape the conduct of
Topic 1: Different Belief System and its Impact
• Judaism
- Judaism is the oldest among the major
monotheistic religions.
- It is founded on two main sources:
The Jewish Bible (Written Torrah) and the
Talmud (Oral Torrah).
- The Jewish relationship with God is a
covenant relationship. They believe that God
continues to work in the world, affecting everything
that people do. The Jewish relationship with God is a
covenant relationship.
Jews believe that there is a single God who
not only created the universe, but with whom every
Jew can have an individual and personal relationship
Topic 1: Different Belief System and its Impact
• Five Prominent Themes in Jewish Ethics
 Right Action  Dialogue
The notion of corporate social responsibility is To legitimately justify an
organization’s decisions and
compatible with the principle of right action.
actions, corporate
 Free Choice accountability is now viewed
Each person is free to engage in business if and describe by many as a
he/she deems it beneficial for his/ her well being. dialogue between corporation
 Balance and its stakeholders and not
as a monologue on the part of
In Jewish thought, neither selfless love nor selfish management. This means that
love is seen as ideal. corporate accountability
 Covenant requires listening to a
It may be defined formally as a voluntary company’s diverse
agreement among independent but equal agents stakeholders as well as
to create a shared community. responding to them.
Topic 2: The Filipino Values System

Philippine Values is defined by the way of

people live their life as an influence of one’s
culture. Philippines being an archipelago, has
not become a hindrance towards having a
single values system throughout the country.

The values of Filipinos have been looked upon

by foreigners as a weakness instead of strength
due to the nature of how they may be abused
and manipulated due to these values. But
values are what make up a certain nation both
in growth and unity.
Topic 2: The Filipino Values System
• Different Filipino Values
 Family Centered
 The Filipinos recognize their family as an important
social structure and they give importance to the
safety and unity of one’s family.
 Politeness
 The use of ‘’po’’ and ‘’’opo’’’ when in conversation
with an elder or someone who is older is a
manifestation of how Filipinos respect their elders.
 Hospitality
 The Filipinos are very hospitable when it comes to
their fellowmen. They will invite their visitors to
come into their homes and offer them treats such
as snacks and drinks after a long journey.
Topic 2: The Filipino Values System

• Different Filipino Values

 Gratitude
 Gratitude or ‘’’utang na loob’’’ is a very popular
Filipino characteristic. One does not forget the
good deeds that others may have done to him or
her especially at times of great need.
 Shame
 Is a very common Filipino value. It is said that
Filipinos would go to great lengths in order for one
not to be ashamed. “Hiya” has a great influence on
one’s behavior for one will do everything, even if it
is beyond his means just to save his reputation as
well as the families.
Topic 2: The Filipino Values System
• Different Filipino Values
 Flexibility and Adaptability
 Filipino's sense of joy and humor is evident in
their optimistic approach to life and its travails.
The ability to laugh at themselves and their
predicament is an important coping mechanism
that contributes to emotional balance and a
capacity to survive.
 Loyalty
 Filipinos are said to be loyal to their friends and
fellowmen in order to ensure the peace in the
group. This is manifested in their basic sense of
justice and fairness and concern for other's well.
Topic 2: The Filipino Values System
• Different Filipino Values
 Handwork and Industry
 Filipinos are universally regarded as excellent
workers who perform well whether the job
involves physical labor and tasks or highly
sophisticated technical functions.
 Resignation – “Bahala Na”
 This ideal is used when a person does not know
what to do or is to lazy to do anything at all.
 Amor Propio
 is Spanish word which means self –love; a sense
of self-esteem or self respect that prevents a
person from swallowing his pride. It includes
sensitivity to personal insult or affront.
Topic 2: The Filipino Values System

• Different Filipino Values

 Delicadeza
 Delicadeza is a Spanish term which when
translated in English means daintiness. It is
defined as an act of being refined or delicate in
tastes or manners.
 Filipino Time
 Filipino Time, which means things get done
whenever they get done.
 Ningas Cogon
 The popular Filipino phrase "Ningas Cogon" refers
to the unnerving attitude of starting an initiative
but fails to continue it, or the lack of a follow-up
Topic 2: The Filipino Values System
• Different Filipino Values
 Mañana Habit
 the word "Mañana" means ‘tomorrow’ or ‘specified future
time’ also known as “procrastination” in plain English,
“mamaya na” in Filipino.
 You need to do something now but then you decide to
do it later.
 As a result of the delay, you end up doing nothing.
 Now, you tell yourself or somebody that you will do it
tomorrow. Tomorrow comes. The same cycle happens.
 Palabra De Honor
 Filipino lacks of “Palabra de Honor” which means a
verbal commitment by one person to another agreeing
to do (or not to do) something in the future.
Topic 2: The Filipino Values System
• Different Filipino Values
 Crab Mentality
 The analogy in human behavior is that
members of a group will attempt to "pull
down" (negate or diminish the importance of)
any member who achieves success beyond
others, out of envy, conspiracy or
competitive feelings.
 Colonial Mentality
 is the thinking that foreign talents and
products are always the good, the better,
and the best, and that the local ones are of
poor or no quality at all.
Business Ethics and Filipino Values
Filipinos have a peculiar understanding of business
ethics. There are four reasons why this is so
prominent in the country:
 Plurality of languages and ethnicities
 Geographic Fragmentation
 Predominant Catholic Religion
 Short Experience of Nationhood
Filipino values entrepreneurs can apply on Decision
 Pakikipagkapwa – all people is a fellowman.
 Pakikisama – subordinating one’s interest in favor
of others.
 Damdamin – in different circumstances, Filipinos
always check how they feel about particulat thing.
Business Ethics and Filipino Values
• Filipino Value System and Its Effect on
 Utang Na Loob - Obligation and responsibility are
being viewed in terms of reciprocity (utang na loob)
comprised of debts (utang) and inner-self free will (na-
loob). The process begins with unsolicited gift and
continues going often into the next generation.
 IN BUSINESS: Utang na loob may be a good or bad
depending on multiple occasions, but it affects the way
business is conducted especially when the business
person is confronted with ethical issue.
 Filial Piety - Respect for elders, parents and
 IN BUSINESS: The Filipino family is so intact that it is
common for members of the same family to work in one
Business Ethics and Filipino Values

• Filipino Value System and Its Effect on

 Padrino System – patronage in the Filipino
culture and politics is the value system where one
gains favor, promotion or political appointment
through family affiliation (nepotism) or friendship
(cronyism) as opposed to one’s merit.

NEPOTISM – hiring of family members
regardless of qualifications;
CRONYISM – hiring friends regardless of
Business Ethics and Filipino Values

• Filipino Value System and Its Effect on

 Suki System – “Suki” is a Filipino term which
means “loyal customers”. It is primarily rooted in
personal alliance systems based on commercial

 IN BUSINESS: Though a suki relationship takes

time and many business transactions to be
solidifies, suggesting a suki like relationship and
backing it up with concessions could be used as a
measure to build trust and at the expense of
mutually beneficial partnership.
Summary and Conclusion
• Different Belief Systems provides insights on how
we should live and grow as a human being. And
on business field, it set up boundaries towards
unnecessary actions.
• The Filipino Values System of Filipino Values
refers to set of values that majority of Filipinos
have a historical value and impact that is held
important in their lives.
• Filipino Value System should be based on
different positive position to avoid ethical issues
concerning Consumer Relations, Employer-
Employee Relations, Marketing/Advertising
Activities etc.
Provide an answer for the following questions:
1. How can Filipino values affects the attitudes

a. Answer must stated in your own words.
b. Minimum of 5 and Maximum of 10 sentences.
c. Answers should be base in business
d. Use any word document application (MS
Word, WPS etc.) for your file or provide a picture (JPEG file
format) of your answer sheet.
e. Make sure to TURNED IN properly on selected
GCR activity.

• Business Ethics and the Pragmatic Pursuit of the Good,

2016; Francis J. Schweigert, Metropolitan State University,
Minneapolis and St. Paul, Minnesota, United States of
• Business Ethics – A Philosophical and Behavioral Approach,
2018; Christian A. Conrad, University of Applied Science,
Hochschule fur Technik und Wirtschaft des Saarlandes,
Saarbrucken, Germany
• Proud to be Pinoy: Filipino Values (
• The Filipino Value System and Its Effects on Business | Valu
e (Ethics) | Business (
• www.economicsdiscussion.netbusiness/business-ethics/
• All photos included is credited to and
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• Corporate Social


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