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What is a natural hazard

 A natural hazard is anything dangerous to

humans that is generated by the earth all
natural disasters are natural hazards because
they are generated from the earth for
example avalanches are a natural hazard but
something like guns aren’t because they are
made by humans other natural hazards
include volcanic gas even though it is not a
natural disaster it still is a natural hazard as
it is dangerous to inhale and is made by
 There for the definition of a natural hazard
would be: anything that is dangerous to life
which is created by nature
What is an avalanche

 An avalanche is similar to a landslide but with a few crucial differences

 An avalanche is only snow and ice
 An avalanche doesn’t break the land but instead the snow slides of the land
 Its is also known as a snow slide because the snow slides off of a hill
How does an avalanche form

 An avalanche forms in many different ways but

the main reason is that when a lot of snow pile up
on a slightly steep cliff with a weak crust layer
when wind blows on this the plate tectonics move
or human interactions make this slide off the hill
at high speeds this is an avalanche as shown on
the left
Types of
1: loose snow
 These are very common on
slopes and often seen just
after fresh snowfall
 These avalanches kill barely
anyone as they usually
happens on very low levels
and people can easily step
over an average sized
 These are sometimes referred
to as harmless sluffs because
they do barely any damage
Types of avanlanches
2: slab avalanche

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