Science Technology in Nation Building 1

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S c i e n c e , Te c h n o l o g y,

and Nation-building
Abner C. Villar
Evolution of Present
Philippine Science and
Te c h n o l o g y
Science deals with the systematic understanding and
explanation of natural laws. Research centers on
s c i e n t i f i c a c t i v i t y, t h e e n d r e s u l t o f w h i c h i s d i s c o v e r y o r
production of new information. This new knowledge may or
may not have any direct or immediate application. In
comparison, technology has often been understood as the
"systematic knowledge of the industrial arts." As this
knowledge was implemented by means of techniques,
technology has become commonly taken to mean both the
knowledge and the means of its utilization, that is, "a
b o d y, o f k n o w l e d g e a b o u t t e c h n i q u e s . "
Modern technology also involves systematic research but its
outcome is more concrete than science, i.e. the production of "a
thing, a chemical, a process, something to be bought and sold."
In the past, science and technology developed separately, with
the latter being largely a product of trial and error in response to
a particular human need. In modern times, however, the progress
of science and technology have become intimately linked
together. Many scientific discoveries have been facilitated by the
development of new technology. New scientific knowledge in turn
has often led to further refinement of existing technology or the
invention of entirely new ones.
Pre-colonial Science and
Te c h n o l o g y a n d t h e S o c i e t y
Scientific and technological development in the
Philippines began in the pre-colonial period. Even
before the Spaniards came to the Philippine island,
early Filipino settlers were already using certain
plants and herbs as medicine. Systems of farming
and animal raising were also implemented.
Moreover, early Filipinos had also developed
different modes of transportation, whether terrestial
or maritime.
A complicated engineering feat was achieved by the
native of the Cordilleras when they built rice terraces
by hand. Through this terraces, the people were able
to cultivate crops on the mountainsides in cold
temperature. They incorporated an irrigation system
that uses water from the forest and mountain tops to
achieve an ellaborate farming system.The rice
terraces of the cordilleras which are still functional,
show the innovative and ingenious way of the natives
to survive in an otherwise unfriendly environment.
Science and Technology and the Society
During Spanish Regime
Spaniards came in 1565 to colonize the Philippines, many
dispersed, independent village groups (called barangays) were
located all over the archipelago. Essentially, they were subsistence
economies that produced
what they needed most. These communities exhibited uneven
technological development. Settlements along the coastal areas
which had been exposed to foreign trade and cultural contacts
such as Manila, Mindoro, Cebu Southern Mindanao and Sulu,
seem to have attained a more sophisticated technology.
Developments in Science and Technology
During the Spanish Regime
In the Philippines the beginnings of modern science and
technology can be traced back to the Spanish regime. The
Spaniards established schools, hospitals and started scientific
research, which had significant consequences for the rise of
professions in the country. But the direction and pace of
development of science and technology were greatly shaped
by the role of the religious orders in the conquest and
colonization of the archipelago and by economic and trade
adopted by the colonial government.
Science and Technology During First republic

By a decree of 19 October 1898, the government took steps to

establish a secular education system, creating the Universidad
Literaria de Filipinas as a secular, state-sponsored institution of
higher learning. By a decree of 19 October
1898, the government took steps to establish a secular education
system , creating the Universidad Lieraria de Filipinas as a secular,
state-sponsored institution of higher learning. It offered courses in
law, medicine, surgery, pharmacy and notary public. During its short
life, the University was able to hold graduation exercises in Tarlac
on 29 September 1899 when degrees in medicine and law were
Developments in Science and Technology
During the American Regime

It has been made possible by the ongoing government encouragement and funding for a large
public education system; the awarding of science and engineering higher education
scholarships; the creation of science research agencies and the development of technology-
based public services. The Americans introduced a system of secularized public-school
education as soon as civil government was set up in the islands.

On 21 January 1901, the Philippine Commission, which acted as the executive and legislative
body for the Philippines until 1907, promulgated Act No. 74 creating a Department of Public
Instruction in the Philippines. It provided for the establishment of schools that would give free
primary education, with English as the medium of instruction.
Occupation of the Philippines by the Japanese

The Pacific War began in 1941, and Japanese forces invaded the
Philippines. The Japanese invasion of the Philippines during the war
put virtually a stop to educational and scientific efforts as competent
civilians joined the resistance movement. Worse still, much of the
country was reduced to ruins during the battles fought for the liberation
in 1944-45. Manila, which was the center of all educational and
scientific activities, was razed to the ground, destroying everything that
had been built up before. It was in this condition that the Philippines
became an independent state. The government had to contend with
economic reconstruction, normalization of operations as well as the
task of planning the direction of economic development.
Science and Technology Since Independence

Since independence in 1946, the fundamental pattern of

education and training of scientists, engineers, and physicists
developed during the American period, as well as the direction
of government
· funding for scientific research and
development, has remained basically unchanged. State
support for education continues to be concentrated at the
elementary school level; private colleges and universities
provide education for the majority of the collegiate population.
The number of state universities and colleges has been
increasing since 1946.
Instrumentalities/Agencies of the Philippines
f o r S c i e n c e a n d Te c h n o l o g y D e v e l o p m e n t

The Philippine government delegated the task of spearheading the

development of Science and Technology in the country to several
national instrumentalities/agencies to ensure that technologies
generated are responsive to the needs of the society and at par with
the developments in the international scientific community.
The Department of Science and Technology (DOST) is the premiere
science and technology body in the country charged with the twin
mandate of providing central direction, leadership and coordination of
all scientific and technological activities, and of formulating policies,
programs and projects to support national development. It has three

1. Knowledge of the scientific revolution
a. How well does the student understand
the intellectual revolution and its key 50
b. How well does the essay reflect this
1. creativity
a. How is the student able to inject
creativity and innovation in their essay? 30
b. How well does the mode of presentation
of the essay entice the reader?

1. Critical Thinking
a. How well does the student made clear
connections to real-life situations? 20
b. How is the student show evidence of

1.How would you contribute in your own way in the

development of the society where you belong?
2. Draw a picture of a society which is in harmony with
the developments in science and technology.

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