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Let’s meet them!
Sumatran tiger

Esta Foto de Autor Desconhecido está licenciado em C

Amur leopard
Javan Rhino
Mountain Gorilla

Esta Foto de Autor Desconhecido está licenciado em CC

Now it is your turn! Choose one and
good job!
Sumatran Tiger

• Habitat: Dense forests of the Indonesian island of Sumatra.

• Situation: Habitat loss due to deforestation, fragmentation, and human-wildlife conflict.

• Consequences: Decline in prey populations, genetic isolation, and increased human-tiger conflicts.

• Reasons: Illegal logging, agricultural expansion, and poaching for their body parts.
• Habitat: Northern part of the Gulf of California.

• Situation: Bycatch in illegal gillnets used for fishing of another endangered species, the totoaba fish.

• Consequences: Drastic decline in population size, with only a few dozen individuals remaining.

• Reasons: Demand for the swim bladder of the totoaba fish in traditional Chinese medicine, leading to illegal
fishing practices.

Amur leopard
• Habitat: Temperate forests of the Russian Far East and parts of China.

• Situation: Habitat loss, poaching for their beautiful fur, and declining prey populations.

• Consequences: Reduced genetic diversity, increased vulnerability to diseases, and habitat fragmentation.

• Reasons: Illegal logging, agricultural expansion, and poaching driven by the demand for their pelts.
Javan rhino
• Habitat: Tropical forests and grasslands of Java, Indonesia.

• Situation: Habitat loss due to agricultural expansion, volcanic activity, and poaching.

• Consequences: Fragmentation of habitat, decreased population size, and reduced genetic diversity.

• Reasons: Illegal logging, conversion of forests for agriculture, and poaching for their horns, believed to have
medicinal properties.
Mountain gorilla
• Habitat: Dense forests of the Virunga Mountains in East Africa.

• Situation: Habitat loss, poaching, and human-wildlife conflict.

• Consequences: Decline in population size, fragmentation of habitat, and susceptibility to diseases.

• Reasons: Illegal logging, land encroachment for agriculture, and poaching for bushmeat and the illegal
wildlife trade.

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